
Evo 2013 in Photos

Polygon: "The spectacle of Evo cannot be easily instilled in words and photos. The emotion of the players, the energy of the crowd, and the one-of-a-kind controlled chaos that are the Grand Finals on Sunday are as much a physical sensation as it is mental.

But we'll try our best."

CaptainYesterday3986d ago (Edited 3986d ago )

Evo looks like it would be really fun to go to :)


'Super Smash Bros. is a dangerous brand'

Super Smash Bros. was almost cut from the Evolution 2013 stream schedule and that was sort of mysterious. Now some light has been shed on the entire issue in this article.

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PSNintyGamer3955d ago (Edited 3955d ago )

"From a Marketing perspective, Smash is dangerous because of the content/playstyle of the game. Iconic Nintendo mascots beating the hell out of each other is an awesome gameplay experience, no one will challenge that fact, but from an overall Marketing view it’s, well, dangerous. The popular image of Mario, the widely publicly recognized one, can never be of him beating the hell out of Princess Peach or, say, of Link tossing Zelda into the fires of Brinstar, Pikachu hitting Jigglypuff with a baseball bat, so on, so forth."

That is the stupidest reason I've ever heard. BS

I doubt many casual Gamers would even watch EVO.


There Is No E-Sports, There is Only The FGC.

The fighting game community is having a great year, and that showcases why they are the premier group to watch in the E-Sports realm. Let's explain why the FGC tournament scene is so fun and captivating to watch:

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Out of Continues Ep 88: Franchises

This week, Stafa and Kevin talk about Sleeping Dogs and The Swapper. Main topics is on franchises and its effect on the industry. News on Evo, E-Sports players as pro athletes, Monaco, Tribes Ascend, Froza 5, Socom and MAG, and OUYA fund

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