
Pitchford on PS4 & Xbox One: “It’s an Amazing Race” Because “They Both Have Amazing Devices”

"We dreamed for this moment, we’ve been looking forward to it…" - Randy.

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malokevi4036d ago (Edited 4036d ago )

"We dreamed for this moment, we’ve been looking forward to it…"

You and me both, buddy!

"In terms of the raw hardware, I really like some aspects of the PS4 architecture. It’s a really nice machine, especially when you contemplate what the price is likely to be [which came to be $399], it’s bad ass. And then, some of the things that Microsoft’s attempting, and what they’re actually succeeding on with the software, I’m thrilled as frick."

*empties wallet*

TrendyGamers4036d ago

Might want to remove that last sentence before you get bubbled down for bad language.

malokevi4036d ago (Edited 4036d ago )

Thank you, forgot about that!

Slightly less punchy paraphrase... should do the trick :)

Rusty5154036d ago (Edited 4036d ago )

This site gets butthurt over everything. If you even type one little curse word you get bubbled down for offensive and banned for a week. (This happened to me MULTIPLE times)

Utalkin2me4036d ago


Here is a thought. Be a mature adult and don't curse. Its a gaming site which all ages come to read material. Obviously you have problems learning your lesson. I say after 3 it should be a perma ban.

Rusty5154036d ago (Edited 4036d ago )

@UTalkin2Me: It's the Internet. There's always gonna be profanity. And I curse a lot. That's just how I am. It has nothing to do with being mature. It's just a part of my vocabulary. Being banned for swearing is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. It's just words. And the chances are, if the kid isn't comfortable with profanity, he/she shouldn't be on the Internet in the first place. And now I have an idea of the kind of scumbags who actually bubble down people for stupid crap like that, clowns such as yourself.

YNWA964036d ago

And speak only nice things of Sony... Its not the swear words, if these nuts do not like what you say they will do everything against you. Lynch mob mentality....

malokevi4036d ago (Edited 4036d ago )

The way I see it, whoever runs n4g is trying to prevent this place from breaking down into a bitter, verbally charged flame war... which is probably for the best.

Considering members already have a tendency to tear each other to pieces without swear words, imagine what it would be like otherwise? I would feel sad just typing out the URL, lol. There would be nary an xbox supporter for 10 thousand fathoms.

No need to swear. Plenty of other sites for that. Try gamespot... that place is a zoo.

hazardman4036d ago

You should have left it alone. You were only putting what a game developer said. Plus the mods should know its from article. Your changing words around then its not from said person anymore because its not what he said.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4036d ago
s8anicslayer4036d ago

Come this holiday credit cards shall be maxed out!

JunioRS1014036d ago (Edited 4036d ago )

It's an amazing race alright, because I know which horse to bet on (PS4)

snake_eater4036d ago

irrelevant Pitchford is irrelevant

MysticStrummer4036d ago

I'm sure soon we'll get some amazing demo footage that will bear little resemblance to the final product.

Can't wait.

XXXL4036d ago

Pitchford outsourced all his credibility. He's a fraud

cyguration4036d ago

Dat picture...

Reeks of sub-contracted evil. I wonder how much of the actual work they're going to do no the PS4 and XB1? They'll probably get Platinum Games to slave away at 80% of it and then if it's good, finish the last 20% and say it was all theirs to begin with.

cleft54036d ago

Dude if Gearbox got Platinum Games to make their games for them they would be amazing. But getting them would cost way too much money. Whats the point of outsourcing if you can't pay someone 90% less than they would normally make.

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Gearbox says Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands ‘clearly a new franchise after shattering targets’

“Future experiences [are] already under development at Gearbox," says Randy Pitchford

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melons674d ago

I'm actually surprised by this, I feel like it came and went very quickly without too much interest

but good to see!

dumahim673d ago

Well, it was relatively short and no True Vault Hunter mode to replay the campaign. The DLC was horribly short, lame and overpriced, which didn't help.

Sgt_Slaughter673d ago

Probably had a significantly smaller budget, so it was able to smash lower targets while not being immensely popular.

I wonder how Borderlands 3 did overall as well. I've seen that game for under $15 multiple times (and in multiple clearance racks for $5).

franwex673d ago

I too am surprised at how well this sold.

gold_drake673d ago

im surprised, bit damn was it a good game.

porkChop673d ago

A sequel will need a lot of work. They didn't lean nearly enough into the fantasy elements, which left the combat feeling like Borderlands rather than a new franchise. The end game is trash, there's no new game plus, no proper DLC/expansions, etc. The drop rates for loot were god awful.

It had a lot of great ideas but in terms of gameplay it felt way too safe, like Gearbox was too scared to stray too far from Borderlands.

Profchaos673d ago

I legit thought it was intended to be dlc at first for b3 which kind of explains why it didn't

dumahim673d ago

Yeah, fuck those drop rates. Trying to farm for something specific was futile. Especially for the armor. Need to match 2 classes instead of 1, and then there's the whole Ascended, Primordial, etc thing that made it even harder. Add another class into it later lowered the chances even further. They really needed to tailor drops so you had a better chance of getting your own classes drops.

This is why I stopped playing. I'd spend an hour or two every day farming, filling my inventory, loading up loot bunnies with crystals, and consistently get nothing to show for it after a month of trying to get an upgrade for one piece of gear.

673d ago
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Gearbox Is Working on a New Brothers in Arms Game, Confirms Randy Pitchford

Pitchford mentions that they're currently working on a Brothers in Arms game, but also suggests that the game is in early development.

RaidenBlack1047d ago

Finally ... the much needed conclusion to Baker Company's story.

porkChop1047d ago

It's been way too long. They cancelled BiA: Furious 4 to make Battleborn and look how that turned out. Though I do hope this new entry is more like the proper BiA games, rather than F4 which was basically Borderlands meets Inglorious Basterds.

Bathyj1047d ago

Please let it be true to the series. Don't wreck it like Rainbow 6. Can we get at least one tactical single player shooter with squad commands?

outsider16241047d ago

Socom is another that could hopefully be it.

outsider16241047d ago

Oh my God!! Freaking finally!! I loved the BiA games especially RtH30 and EIB

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Randy Pitchford: The magic behind Gearbox’s merger with Embracer Group

Gearbox Entertainment CEO Randy Pitchford said that selling his company will be good for both gamers and employees.

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Knushwood Butt1268d ago

Lots of cash enhances the magic.

1268d ago
NeoGamer2321267d ago

Any merger that openly talks about financial targets is bad news for gamers and code for "We need to figure out how to get more money from gamers".