
New Pokémon: Generations version released - looking better than ever!

The 3D cel-shaded cartoon like graphic pokémon adventure (Something that fans have been waiting for) Pokémon: Generations developed by indie studio xatoku-productions has recently been updated to version 4.0 even though it is still in early development, it seems to be shaping up very nicely.

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Patashnik4007d ago

This is quite nicely made for an fan project - I wish Nintendo would release something like this for WiiU (maybe with some MMO-style elements)- it would definitely get people excited.

SilentNegotiator4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

"I wish Nintendo would release something like this for WiiU"

That's why Nintendo sics their lawyer dogs on projects like these; they'd hate for anyone to think there could be anything better than the status quo.

Tewi-Inaba4006d ago

Really? I thought it was the whole copyright infringement thing.
Thanks for that.

Snookies124006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

@Tatsumaki - Crytek owns Timesplitters, fans wanted to do an HD version and began work on it. Crytek found out and gave them their full support on it. That's the difference. At least they allow these things and give them support. Unlike SE with Chrono Trigger remakes/HD versions, and Nintendo with Pokemon remakes/HD versions. (These are just examples, but you get what I mean.)

SilentNegotiator4006d ago

If you want to pull the "copyright for copyright's sake" argument to defend Nintendo, fine.

4006d ago
DaveyB4007d ago

I don't think there's a Pokemon fan alive who hasn't dreamt of a fully 3D Pokemon world from Nintendo - Pokemon X/Y is a step in the right direction though...

hkgamer4006d ago

It looks pretty decent, a fully 3d game would be amazing, but only if they make an effort.. Pokemon X/Y just looks wrong.

I think gamefeak should just stick with 2D. Probably do something similar to time and eternity. The battle mechanics look amazing for a 2d game

Reborn4006d ago

I'm surprised they haven't even announced a new Pokemon Stadium. How long has it been?

I hope it's in their list of "upcoming".

Scrivlar4006d ago

A 3D Pokemon world game would literally be the best game ever created. Being able to walk through Viridian forest and see it alive with Pokemon or through Saffron city with the enormous dojo and Gym, and so so much more.... my God.

Hozi4006d ago

Is this far from completed?

Snookies124006d ago

Yes. At the moment, it's just a little area to run around in with nothing to actually do aside from throwing pokeballs at things. Though, it certainly has a lot of promise!

Hozi4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

oh...I see. Its the best looking Pokemon game I've seen. I absolutely love it...but I hope they add new stuff that would kinda differentiate it from the other games....love the way the battle system.

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11 Video Games That Were Turned Into Anime

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2387d ago

PC adventure game Pokemon Generations has been cancelled

The fan-made 3D adventure game Pokemon Generations has been announced as cancelled by developer Xotaku.

The game was showing promise, but it seems the team was being too weighed down by financial and legal problems for the project to be viable.

Created in Unity, the game promised to give fans what they’ve always wanted; a full 3D Pokemon adventure game, with a proper battling system.

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DC7773763d ago

Not that Nintendo would ever get a clue and make one. It would only be a phenomenal success.


Pokemon: Generations – Version 2.0 Trailer

DSOGaming writes: "Pokemon fans, here is something for you today. The team behind Pokemon: Generations has released a trailer for the game's 2.0 version."

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