
Pokemon: Generations lets players battle and explore in full 3D | PCGMedia

Everyone wants a fully 3D, open world Pokemon game. Unfortunately, the closest Nintendo has come to this was in 2004′s Pokemon Colosseum, which allowed the player to walk around prerendered environments then battle in 3D. It wasn’t exactly the Pokemon game people were hoping for. And it doesn’t look like Nintendo will put out for a while yet. However, one Pokemon fan going by the alias of ‘Xatoku’ has brought out an unofficial release that sets out to give what Pokemon fans have been waiting almost two decades to play.

Pokemon: Generations is an on-going project that allows the player to explore in a completely 3D open world, with seamless action-based battles. Players are able to actually throw Pokeballs to release and capture Pokemon, and direct control of battles is given.

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Rainstorm814105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

Jebus Nintendo!

Release a Pokemon game like this on the Wii-U.....where's a good console Pokemon?....Sheesh the The handhelds has gotten more than enough love..

Pokemon Generations or something like it should've been a Nintendo developed Wii-U game and that could've jump started hype for the console.

NINTENDO......... http://youtu.be/uqkY2nCf2xU

WeskerChildReborned4105d ago

I agree, i'm not sure if possible but if Nintendo could, they should bring back Pokemon Stadium.

r214105d ago

Dont wanna be a downer but if the media keeps spreading news of this game, this will result Nintendo stepping in and either close the whole project down or (Im really hoping but highly doubtful) they hire this guy and make it an official game.

Viper74105d ago

It's pretty stupid to make a game from IP you don't own the rights for. Why not just make a game similar to Pokemon, it's not like you'd be the first nor the last to do so.

Sure if it's small fan game then there's nothing really wrong but getting huge project shot down just because it's not really your game to begin with is idiocy at best.

Zeniix4105d ago

I've actually played the game online for a couple of hours now and it's actually surprisingly fun.

I don't know why Nintendo is so fucking blind or stupid cause if they made a game similar like this on the Wiiu then it would get guaranteed more sales.

bothebo4104d ago

I love this not only because it is an awesome first step, but also because it show's just how lazy and crappy Nintendo are at innovating and making quality games.

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11 Video Games That Were Turned Into Anime

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2481d ago

PC adventure game Pokemon Generations has been cancelled

The fan-made 3D adventure game Pokemon Generations has been announced as cancelled by developer Xotaku.

The game was showing promise, but it seems the team was being too weighed down by financial and legal problems for the project to be viable.

Created in Unity, the game promised to give fans what they’ve always wanted; a full 3D Pokemon adventure game, with a proper battling system.

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DC7773857d ago

Not that Nintendo would ever get a clue and make one. It would only be a phenomenal success.


Pokemon: Generations – Version 2.0 Trailer

DSOGaming writes: "Pokemon fans, here is something for you today. The team behind Pokemon: Generations has released a trailer for the game's 2.0 version."

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