
Randy Pitchford Defends Aliens: CM, Claims It Was “Intent To Entertain” And Not Exploitation

TPG - There’s no denying that Aliens: Colonial Marines was a hot mess of a flop. From setting high expectations with an E3 demo showing, to literally scrapping everything about that demo and replacing it with a substandard product, it truly was a big let down for a title that claimed it would improve the overall Aliens canon. Now we thought that eventually we would hear what really happened, but of course no apology or explanation was forthcoming from either SEGA or Gearbox.

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Saints944043d ago

That is the best pic for this thread.

Nitrowolf24043d ago

Underneath all the lies and make-up, this is the true face of Pitchford

MEsoJD4043d ago

Sorry to be vulgur, but fuck Randy Pitchford. Until Gearbox issues an official appology about the game, I will never give them another dime.

4043d ago Replies(1)
YoungKingDoran4043d ago

Goes well with the Evil Ballmer picture currently on the front page.

GROTSTOMPA4042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

Well this confirms it. Time for everyone to remove them from the gaming industry. Can't apologize, can't admit to being wrong, lied to the people numerous times blatantly in their face, and recently getting caught money laundering as well within their company. I'm personally fed up, I was done after the Aliens scandal.
Dear Randy Pitchford, please sell the rights to Homeworlds my favorite Space RTS of all time, before you create a fake gameplay demo and resell us the same game, or even worse just simply destroy it. Like some of the best franchises already; Duke Nukem, & Aliens CM. Please remove yourself from the gaming industry we have lost interests. Thanks
They've made incredible games way back in the day like Counter Strike for example, but you cannot confuse them with what they have become now. Industries change and sometimes unfortunately the people within the industry. Sometimes they just need a reality check, and in this case just vote with your wallet and say No to their brand.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4042d ago
PopRocks3594043d ago


Randy, I like you, but... no.

Sidology4043d ago

Well, he failed on both counts.

Nitrowolf24043d ago (Edited 4043d ago )

I gave them a pass on Duke Nukem the first time around, because that game has been passed down so many times to other devs I just said "Well they probably just decided to release it because it was a mess anyway and probably couldn't be fixed given the amount of time it's been developed"

and then Aliens came out, and now I just think they make bad games in general outside of the Borderlands series.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4043d ago

I love Borderlands, but damn man. They gotta code their games much better. How is it that over time from a solid 60fps in borderlands 2 it started to fluctuate from 60fps to 5fps(Yes FIVE). After one patch? Clearly they screwed over a crapload of Nividia graphics card owners.

ninjahunter4043d ago

I can understand the whole duke nukem thing, Game development isnt an exact science, you cant just throw things at a game till its good, so its expected that every now and then there will be something that falls off the rail.

Buuuuut Alien colonial marines was.... An alpha...

jmc88884043d ago

I think they got lucky with Borderlands.

Remember it had a massive delay. They decided to rework the graphics and that's when they also implemented the cell shading.

No doubt they were able to add in more quests and fix some of the bugs.

If not for the massive delay and rework would we even be talking about that franchise? Would it have ever gotten a sequel?

They had an idea, and eventually got it to work, but only because it was something they worked on and they gave the time to actually finish.

A:CM and DNF were franchises that changed hands multiple times. Gearbox got them out, but they didn't create the ideas, in some cases they outsourced it instead of doing it themselves, and didn't allow for the time to properly complete them.

Commodore_4043d ago (Edited 4043d ago )

What a bust lol

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Gearbox says Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands ‘clearly a new franchise after shattering targets’

“Future experiences [are] already under development at Gearbox," says Randy Pitchford

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melons674d ago

I'm actually surprised by this, I feel like it came and went very quickly without too much interest

but good to see!

dumahim673d ago

Well, it was relatively short and no True Vault Hunter mode to replay the campaign. The DLC was horribly short, lame and overpriced, which didn't help.

Sgt_Slaughter673d ago

Probably had a significantly smaller budget, so it was able to smash lower targets while not being immensely popular.

I wonder how Borderlands 3 did overall as well. I've seen that game for under $15 multiple times (and in multiple clearance racks for $5).

franwex673d ago

I too am surprised at how well this sold.

gold_drake673d ago

im surprised, bit damn was it a good game.

porkChop673d ago

A sequel will need a lot of work. They didn't lean nearly enough into the fantasy elements, which left the combat feeling like Borderlands rather than a new franchise. The end game is trash, there's no new game plus, no proper DLC/expansions, etc. The drop rates for loot were god awful.

It had a lot of great ideas but in terms of gameplay it felt way too safe, like Gearbox was too scared to stray too far from Borderlands.

Profchaos673d ago

I legit thought it was intended to be dlc at first for b3 which kind of explains why it didn't

dumahim673d ago

Yeah, fuck those drop rates. Trying to farm for something specific was futile. Especially for the armor. Need to match 2 classes instead of 1, and then there's the whole Ascended, Primordial, etc thing that made it even harder. Add another class into it later lowered the chances even further. They really needed to tailor drops so you had a better chance of getting your own classes drops.

This is why I stopped playing. I'd spend an hour or two every day farming, filling my inventory, loading up loot bunnies with crystals, and consistently get nothing to show for it after a month of trying to get an upgrade for one piece of gear.

673d ago
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Gearbox Is Working on a New Brothers in Arms Game, Confirms Randy Pitchford

Pitchford mentions that they're currently working on a Brothers in Arms game, but also suggests that the game is in early development.

RaidenBlack1047d ago

Finally ... the much needed conclusion to Baker Company's story.

porkChop1047d ago

It's been way too long. They cancelled BiA: Furious 4 to make Battleborn and look how that turned out. Though I do hope this new entry is more like the proper BiA games, rather than F4 which was basically Borderlands meets Inglorious Basterds.

Bathyj1047d ago

Please let it be true to the series. Don't wreck it like Rainbow 6. Can we get at least one tactical single player shooter with squad commands?

outsider16241047d ago

Socom is another that could hopefully be it.

outsider16241047d ago

Oh my God!! Freaking finally!! I loved the BiA games especially RtH30 and EIB

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Roundtable: Games That Should Have Received a Sequel

Too many games aren't given a second shot. We at VGU choose which games we would love to see receive a sequel.

JonTheGod1055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

The Saboteur - criminally underrated and a fantastic mechanic of bringing colour back to Nazi-occupied Paris.

The article lists Bulletstorm, Sleeping Dogs, and Aliens: Colonial Marines.