
LoL vs Hon vs Dota 2: Which should you play?

"In the world of FTP MOBA games [Free-to Play Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, but you knew that ] there is a heated debate over which is “The Best” and here at GamersBliss.com we’re hoping to clear up some of the confusion"

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TheSuperior 3997d ago

Personally i havent played any of them but there is always a lot of buzz about them and am dieing to try something different out. Right now im leaning toward LOL (no not laugh out loud x) hahaha)

saint_seya3996d ago

LOL is amazing, dota 2 is good too, i didnt like much hon.

3-4-53996d ago

None.....Like the genre...loved it before it became super popular, but Dota2 & Lol just don't do it for me.

None of them do really.

It's literally like playing the same game, same match on the same map over and over again without much variation.

It's too "hardcore" to be fun really, because you HAVE to play a certain way to really win.

Any game like that ends up not being very fun.....for me at least.

I understand why so many other like it though..I'm not against them, I just think MOBA's could be so much more and people aren't really trying to do enough with them.

People aren't open minded and creative enough with the genre.

Just look at all the generic purple death warriors in Dota2.....Every 3rd character is the color purple and some kind of even dead or death dealing character...and don't forget the 9 "fire" characters.

How creative

Link2DaFutcha3997d ago

If you've never played one before LoL it absolutely the place to start

Link2DaFutcha3996d ago

When you're ready though, move on to HoN

3-4-53996d ago

I would agree....I actually enjoyed it more than Dota 2 as I had something to strive for.

I could earn new characters and it felt rewarding.

You can use them all in Dota2 so there is nothing to strive for or gain...you just play the game...and it gets old fast.

evilkillerk3997d ago

league of legends annoys me, or I just suck at it, but I keep watching my friend play dota 2 and he loves it so idk ":/

FlameHawk3997d ago

If you suck at LoL, then you will suck at Dota 2 even harder.

JsonHenry3997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

Dota 2>HoN>LoL

LoL is for starters and those who prefer an easier game. HoN is basically training for Dota 2. And Dota 2 is the creme de la creme of MOBA gaming that sets the bar high for skill and quality of gameplay and graphics. Not to mention unlike LoL ALL CHARACTERS are available to play without spending money. Also all purchases in game do not change the gameplay or give someone else the edge that did not spend money. All purchasable items are cosmetic.

brodychet3997d ago

Didn't know you were a MOBA game expert analyst. What you said makes no sense. They just have different styles of the way they look/feel.

It's all preference. Only Dota 2 players constantly talk trash about League. League players never even mention Dota.

But in the end; just try them all out and pick what you'd like.

PurpHerbison3997d ago

And there is a good chunk of League players that think League started it all.

brodychet3997d ago

well then they'd be wrong.

it doesnt really matter who started it.

FanMan3997d ago

you are very wrong here. i have seen many LOL players trash Dota 2. Just look up any dota 2 video on youtube and you will find them.

it definitely goes both ways

and also dota 2 is known for being more unforgiving/harder

brodychet3996d ago

@FanMan you want me to look up a DOTA video, to see a LoL player trashing DOTA?


Does not compute.

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3997d ago
saint_seya3996d ago (Edited 3996d ago )

Why u comment about lol when u clearly didnt tried lol.. I had unlocked everysingle champion without expending money, it has things that dota 2 doesnt have, because it has builds u can make to diference your champions before the game starts.. dota 2 doesnt have that, i know because i also play dota 2, i wont talk of hon because i find it a cheap dota 2 and got bored without doing a lot of progression.
And easier for u to play league in a bronze elo, try real elo like platinum, diamond or challenger then talk.
Dont talk without knowing.

JsonHenry3996d ago

Yes, builds that let you PAY TO WIN by purchasing upgrades tokens/badges whatever they are called.

saint_seya3996d ago

LOL those builds are bought with in game money.. U cant buy runes with real money, just please, shut up.. if u dont know about lol, dont talk...

Link2DaFutcha3996d ago

HoN is much better than Dota 2, at least if you enjoy a more difficult experience, Dota 2 is more accessible, but if you're going for that go for LoL, this is solely in terms of gameplay, the fact that LoL is the only one without all characters free is dumb and the fact that you can pay for benefits is just stupid. That being said, Dota 2 and Lol are more training for Hon, if you think you're good at Dota 2, HoN will kick your ass. The Graphics are cartoony and the gameplay is so much slower, in HoN you NEED to be fast, Dota2, not so much.

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ExCest3997d ago

I feel like HoN isn't too different than Dota2 so I would prefer Dota2 with the constant updates and being F2P with all heroes unlocked.

LoL would only be recommended for the beginner.

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