
Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Review | IGN

IGN: "With an abundance of all-new content, and some of the series' best gameplay and storytelling, Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep is DLC done right."

MestreRothN4G4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Gearbox have made pretty clear that they don't deserve our money, so no.

MooseWI4013d ago

Well I am having fun playing it..

MrUndrhill4013d ago

Yeah, I loved borderlands, but after ACM I can't really spend more money on their products. Not only did they put out an awful product, but then they have abandoned the console versions, put out lackluster season pass content and just kinda pretended the game didn't exist.

thelaughingwiseman4013d ago

What do you mean? This is one of the funnest DLC's. I rank it up with Zombie Island, Clap Traps Revolution

da_2pacalypse4013d ago

They don't deserve to be trusted. They deserve money for a good product, and this DLC is a good product.

Next time Randy hypes a game up, people won't believe him. His preorder numbers will probably low. That's what he gets.

But don't put that on a good product like this DLC. For 10 bucks, this is a bargain.

3-4-54013d ago

Yea...one of the reasons I haven't bought BL2. If it ever gets down to $10 I'd buy it but they are kind of shady so I'm going to stick with other games for now.

ahhhh choice is good.

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sdozzo4013d ago

I might jump on the season pass for all these. This is the last one right?

dendenmooshi4013d ago

yep, this is the fourth and last.

Just by the name of the title I would've guessed that it's the best DLC yet. Tiny Tina is one hilarious mofo.


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