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Review: MotoGP 13 – Helmet View Is Just The Nuts (XLC Gaming Network)

XLC Gaming Network writes:- The Moto GP 2013 season will just be heading into race 7 when fans will be able to get their hand on the official MotoGP 13 game. Milestone take back the franchise after its absence from MotoGP, and team up with publisher PQube to bring a much needed update. Packed with plenty of modes, dynamic weather, evolving track and improved handling, is this the game fans have been waiting for? Has Milestone managed to bring the superbikes to the armchair, or should they park the bike in the garage? Read on to find out how I got on when I parked my backside in the saddle of the super bikes in MotoGP 13.

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no1phil4111d ago

PlayStation Store Global Update (US, HK & JP) June 17, 2014

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.

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Community3750d ago
TrendyGamers3750d ago

Very tempted to bite on the two Ratchet and Clank games...

Jaqen_Hghar3750d ago

DO IT! A man's favorite series of all time and A Crack in Time is the best in the series! Well ok maybe it's second to Up Your Arsenal...maybe not a man can never decide but point is it's FANTASTIC

decimalator3750d ago

The post E3 lull... But everyone that doesn't already have terraria on vita should definitely pick that up. I'm looking forward to the ps4 version

insertcoin3750d ago

Persona 3 FES for only $4.99? Oh my.

knifefight3750d ago

And now, people are officially out of excuses!

ArnoDorian3750d ago

Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare is so goood, its better than CoD Ghosts :P
And i cant wait to get it on my PS4

dyani3749d ago

Terraria! I'm pretty excited.


MotoGP 14 release date announced

Nick Linnell writes: Fans of the MotoGP series of games will be happy to know that developer Milestone have announced a release date.

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TheWorkingGamer3768d ago
solid_snake36563768d ago

I'd take tourist trophy over any moto gp game

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Community3834d ago
FrugalDaz3834d ago

A bit of a weak line-up this time round. Although Hotline Miami is an amazing game for anyone that doesn't already own it.

abzdine3833d ago

Sly is so amazing!! Everyone should give it a try to realize how good it is and how gorgeous it looks.

PES2014? actually a good thing!! Does this partnership with Konami means an exclusive deal for 2015 on PS consoles?
it's first time PES is offered so i'm excited. I also heard it's much more improved from the previous ones and since i gave up playing FIFA garbage everytime i am happy for PES.

Great month great value!

MasterCornholio3833d ago

Dont worry I'll play Sly.


GarrusVakarian3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

I'll be downloading Sly 4. I love the art direction of that game, looks great to play too.

I'm not really interested in the offerings for PS4 this month. But i guess you gotta let the "good" games age a little before you can put them on PS plus.

Either way, a "weak" month for PS plus stills blows away a certain other similar service ;)

GentlemenRUs3833d ago

Shall it not speak it's name!

abzdine3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

you better do that! :D
first location is kind of a tutorial, but the games gets way more interesting with the second location (1st world).

@Lukas_Japonicus:Sanzaru nailed the gameplay, it's easily the best sly game to date. The idea with incestors and costumes is brilliant.

Yi-Long3833d ago

@Abzdine: PES2014 is one of the worst PES-games yet. Sadly, the last great PES-games were PES4 and PES5.

The latest FIFA ain't great either though.

Also, I believe PES2014 just got another update that fixes some of the problems with the gameplay, but I haven't tried it yet. Haven't played it in months.

I played the demo for the new Sly game, and it was OK, but not really a must-have for me. It just seemed a bit too easy for me. Will absolutely try it again now it's on PS+.

I'm not really interested in Hotline Miami, but we'll give it a try as well.

Kivespussi3833d ago

Sly is great and hotline miami. But PES? Ehh... An yearly sports release sounds awful.

Volkama3833d ago

FIFA looks a lot like football now! It just isn't much fun to play.

Need a football game that focuses on gameplay over and above looking like football.

Why o why3833d ago

Volkama.......dare I say, sensible soccer.

DemonChicken3833d ago

And so my backlog grows X)

calis3833d ago

Really surprised Sly isn't available for Vita.

diehardmetallicafan3833d ago

im looking forward to sly so much

abzdine3833d ago

Sly supports cross buy.

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Neonridr3833d ago

I have to agree, but I think it's because we've been so spoiled in months past. Still leaps and bounds better than what the competition is offering... *crickets*

I am wondering if NA will have anything different, was hoping for Daylight to be the PS4 PS+ game as I feel that Mercenary Kings isn't a large enough game on its own to warrant that. I will still pick it up and give it a play.

I am hoping that NA gets Hotline Miami for the Vita, I haven't played it yet, so I am excited for that one.

hawkeyejonjon3833d ago

@neonridr NA already got Hotline Miami back on October 22, 2013 so NA will not see it again. You must have missed it

Neonridr3832d ago

damn, I wasn't a PS+ member until November when I got my PS4.. oh well.

lelo3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

I surely hope they offer better games for the PS4 in the foreseeable future with PS+. The games offered until now have been quite week with the exception of Resogun.

Since I only have a PS4, I'm now renewing my PS+ account until I see better games offered for the PS4. I'm not paying 50€ a year for PS+ to only play indies.

pedrof933833d ago

What about the online ?

lelo3833d ago

I rarely play online games on consoles... only offline and exclusives. I purchased the PS4 a couple days ago for Infamous... I'm not interested in PS+ until they start offering better games.

Online games I play for free on the PC.

cjflora3833d ago

You're really going to need to give it time. There isn't much to draw from so I'm anticipating a lot of PSN games for at least the first year with maybe a sprinkling of higher profile games a few times.

Wh15ky3833d ago

This is great - PES 14 and moto gp for me.

Gamer19823833d ago

Mercenary kings!!! I got the game on PC and it ROCKS. Cant wait for it on PS4 to play with my ps4 friends.

BBBQ_BYOBB3833d ago

I would be very happy to get Sly.

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Mikelarry3834d ago

Mercenary kings i will gladly take that thank you very much

TimeSkipLuffy3834d ago

I gladly receive any game :D though I am not into soccer & motor bike games at all :'D

waltyftm3834d ago

Looking forward to playing Sly 4, PeS will be a nice change from Fifa, and the rest will go in my download list for when i win the Lottery and buy a PS4/Vita combo.

Clown_Syndr0me3834d ago

Wait, you can add things to your download list without having the console?? How?

tom1105843834d ago (Edited 3834d ago )

Using the PlayStation Webstore or a PS3 (for PS Vita content).

mafiahajeri3834d ago

Download it, and once you get a vita you can go to psn dl list and it from there.

mixelon3833d ago

Depends on which version of the store you use, but for Vita games, you can just press download on the PS3.. I have all the PS+ vita titles since it launched available even though i only got a vita a few weeks ago. :)

Jack_Reacher3833d ago

You don't even have to download the whole thing. Just let it start and it's registered in your lib of downloads. I have all the free vita games on my list yet don't own a vita and have not fully got them. It should work as I did this with ps3 games and fully git them later no problem.

MasterCornholio3833d ago

That's how nice Sony is to their consumers with plus.


Clown_Syndr0me3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

Thanks everyone who replied!
I'm picking PS3 up next month but didn't want to miss out on this months games! Wish Id known this sooner!
All I did was add all ps plus games to basket, complete the checkout which came to £0.00 and now theyre all on my download list. So hopefully it will work.

HugoDrax3833d ago

Question? So I just recently ordered my crystal white vita, so I could remote play infamous when I'm in bed lmao. Anyhow, so you guys are saying I can download all the free ps vita games now? Then once my vita arrives I'll still have access to them?

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Detoxx3834d ago

Mercenary Kings for PS4..

Wut u do Sony y u do dis

Kivespussi3833d ago

So... Is it a good thing or bad thing?

Detoxx3833d ago

Neither of both :D

Not the game I wanted, but it's free.

Kivespussi3833d ago

Well everyone has a different taste so they can't please everyone. I personally like every game here other than PES (but thankfully this is rumor. Can't believe sony would put there a yearly sports game)

DeadlyFire3833d ago

It is rumor technically though. So it might not be true.

BitbyDeath3833d ago

Very unlikely that they are wrong though given their previous PS+ leaks.

admiralvic3833d ago

So far all regions (except Japan because it released later) have had the same PS4 games release, so Asia getting it means odds are EU and NA are too. To add more fuel to the fire, this site also leaked last months and the month before its Plus games and both leaks were 100% accurate.

I would say there is an 90% chance this is right and 10% it's not. I only give not 10% because sometimes things change last minute and games need to be switched out.

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