
SEGA Launches Puzzle Pirates for iOS

iOS.AppsGoer writes:"SEGA has just launched Puzzle Pirates for iOS, a free to play puzzle game set in a vast world filled with pirates, treasure and puzzles!"

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Puzzle Pirates | GamerHub TV Review

With a game title like Puzzle Pirates, you would expect a game filled with fun and challenging puzzles with a unique pirate feel. While SEGA does not have the best track record with games (how many times until they get Sonic right?), GamerHub TV was still willing to approach this game with a open mind. I mean, we enjoy puzzles and pirates so this should be an instant win. Read the review to find out why we were so terribly disappointed.


Freeplay: Episode 35 - Grown Up Boys with Childish Toys

This month Freeplay returns to a time of innocence, where Summer’s lasted forever, hopscotching their way through two free to play kid’s games.

In the InRetroSpect playground this month, Dan,Pete, Sam and Kris, along with the new kid in class Adamski (Midlife Gamer) tackle domestic issues in Dragon City, before discovering how Puzzle Pirates is in fact a place where parent gamers hide.

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The Consumption of Time: MMOs and Longevity

The rise of the massively multiplayer online game has been meteoric, the genre itself having morphed into a huge industry which contributes to the economies of entire nations. With MMOs offering so many diverse experiences, let's take a quick look and share thoughts on some of the best (and worst) offerings around. Which will you be playing for years to come? Which will you tire of after only a few hours?

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kefkah4554d ago

Enjoyed the article and was impressed with the layout and photos.

Have to disagree though on one point. I could ask for a hell of a lot more than Panda Monks. ;)