
The Best of the Best Issue III: DS Game of the Year Winners

DHGF: The premise of our new “Best of the Best” column is quite simple. We’re going to take a look at all the games that have won various awards over the years and them rank them from best to worst to crown what is, well, “The Best of the Best.” The purpose of this is twofold. The first is to generate some fun (AND CIVIL) discussions between readers and staff as they agree, disagree and make their own rankings of the award winning games. The second is to look back at the history of Diehard GameFAN and see if we can find any trends in what’s won over the years. Obviously any “Top Whatever” list is highly subjective, so keep that in mind. After all, if you give ten people a list of ten games, the likelihood that even two have them in the same exact order is quite small. So anyone taking this as SERIOUS BUSINESS and getting butt hurt that Game A is ranking higher/lower than Game B will be given a pat on the head and reminded that we’re talking about something as inconsequential to the world as video games and that they should really just relax. Our previous renditions looked at our Game of the Year winners and Platformers. This time we’ll be looking at the winners of the “Nintendo DS Game of the Year” award.

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10 Best Nintendo DS RPGs You Should Play

There’s no denying that the Nintendo DS was a very beefy little fella in its day. The handheld would even see a ton of epic, sprawling RPGs.

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Pokémon Spin-Off Games That Should Return

From Cinelinx:

As we prepare to embark on a new Pokémon adventure, we’re taking a look back on the franchise’s spin-off titles and which ones should return!

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Top 10 Best Nintendo DS RPGs

Alex DS. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "The little handheld that could was a dream for role-playing game fans, with both major blockbusters and cult-classics making the DS a handheld you always wanted to have in your backpack. "

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