
"Spiritual Successor To SOCOM" Kickstarter

David Sears, the former Creative Director of the early SOCOMs, just launched a new Kickstarter campaign. H-Hour: World's Elite by SOF Studios is hoping to pick up where the first two SOCOMs left off.

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wastedcells4066d ago

Sears was the man behind socom 2... After he left the series kinda started to suck more and more with each release. This could be interesting.

SynGamer4066d ago

All I want is SOCOM 2 in HD, on the PS3/PS4/PS Vita...

Toon_Link4066d ago (Edited 4066d ago )

Totally! Its hard to understand how this hasn't happened yet.

SonyPS44066d ago

Never played SOCOM 2 or any other SOCOM. Looks like I missed out on a lot of fun.

Panthers4065d ago

Socom 2 was the best online shooter. I had the best time of my gaming career staying up till 4 in the morning with a room full of people playing that.

Thats what people dont understand. So called "innovations" hurt this game, like matchfinder. One of the best aspects of the game was not only playing with the same people on your team, but also playing against the same people. It created rivalries all night long.

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-Ikon-4066d ago

Stop wishing and start donating. Only way to make this happen

thechosenone4066d ago

guess who tweeted this from his account... David Jaffe! :D *waves*


thechosenone4066d ago (Edited 4066d ago )

I just backed my first project ever! :D I hope they get funded! PS4 w/Vita remote play please!

screen so you know I'm not bs.

1OddWorld4066d ago

I will cradle the balls, stroke the shaft, work the pipe and swallow the gravy.

Heisenburger4065d ago

I love that movie.

Tom Cruise is the man.

Raccoon4066d ago

Donating as much as i can!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4058d ago
e-p-ayeaH4066d ago

Socom fans were´s your chance to support something trully for you.

DEEBO4066d ago

i hope this happen.socom for ps2 was my best online experience.maybe because it was new for gaming but it just has a special part in my gaming heart.

eyeDEVOUR4066d ago

Great find...sounds awesome... Socom2 is my favorite all time shooter...
If s2 vets want a similar experience you can play CS: GO on psn.

You can really see that Socom was highly influenced by counter strike...I'll be playing it today so feel free to pm me and I'll let you add me on psn...

eyeDEVOUR4066d ago

This needs to be in the consoles news as well. They already stated that they would like to port it to consoles if the process is a success....

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Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype Release Date Announced

Twenty years after the Virus Wars, you return to Gota IV as part of the newly formed Söldner-X defense force. Your mission: to free the galaxy from the D'aarg, a technologically superior race that is threatening mankind. eastasiasoft promise that Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype delivers a must-have, Shoot-‘Em-Up experience, blending classic gameplay with the astonishing audio-visual capabilities of the PlayStation 3 system.

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We Happy Few Devs: Trying to Maintain Creativity at Microsoft Isn't as Hard As People Think It Is

The developers of We Happy Few, Compulsion Games, commented that trying to maintain creativity at Microsoft isn't as hard as people think thanks to the leadership that understands the importance of creative games.

Overall, they've had a positive experience so far.

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ccgr1680d ago

Still have to play this game

SkatterBrain1680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )

whats XGP? sounds like an early 90s game system , Buy the new Nicon: XGP with turbo 34 Graffix , XGP-The way its meant to be played

timotim1680d ago

I think every new studio acquisition at XGS has come out and spoke about how they are able to retain creative freedom. This is good news to hear...looking forward to their next project.

1680d ago
CaptainHenry9161679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )

"You also said Ninja Theory is an indie developer and many other unflattering comments."

That's my opinion. A lot of their past games feels unfinished or missing depth. I thought DMC was their best game

timotim1680d ago

Yeah, his onstage bit with Matt Booty about working on Office was funny as hell.

DaDrunkenJester1680d ago

*Actual Zune

I love Tim haha

ScootaKuH1679d ago

Rare? Let's be honest, under Microsoft Rare aren't what they were. Also what about the Fable devs?

darthv721680d ago

MS has been very hands off this gen and that will continue on into next gen. They want the studios to deliver the best of their ideas without "micro" managing.

jznrpg1680d ago ShowReplies(1)
SkatterBrain1680d ago

yeah i hope they dont make good studios work on gimmicky things then close them down like lionhead studios and sony with evolution studios, that fable kinect and Psvr Rigs/Driveclub vr .... i really hope if Dreams doesnt sell that sony will keep Media Molecule i loved the little big planet games but so far the games in dreams feel a little unfinished

DaDrunkenJester1680d ago

Well luckily they don't seem to have any gimmicks yet like a Kinect for this gen. Seems like they are more focused on their content delivery through the services and need big and small devs to provide a constant stream of games.

rainslacker1680d ago

Lionhead was one of those situations where maybe MS should have had more of a hand in reigning in creativity. Molyneux is kind of one of those people who doesnt set limits on his own expectations based on what's actually possible to accomplish

Obscure_Observer1679d ago


"Molyneux is kind of one of those people who doesnt set limits on his own expectations based on what's actually possible to accomplish"

He left Microsoft after Mattrick "forced" him into making a Fable Kinect game! After his departure Lionhead couldn´t create nothing relevant or very exciting. I think Playground will be a better studio than Lionhead ever could be without Molyneux.

My two cents.

SkatterBrain1680d ago

the studios from the past use to complain about how controlling microsoft was

1680d ago Replies(7)
gangsta_red1680d ago

I know Lionhead was vocal about MS wanting a specific Fable from them, the Kinect one and then the 4 vs 1 Fable that got cancelled. And they even pitched a darker more mature Fable game to MS that they rejected in order for them to work on the ones I mentioned.

thatguyhayat1680d ago

Im pretty sure bungie expressed themselves too but Lionhead studios were all over social media saying how frustrating it was working for Microsoft

DaDrunkenJester1680d ago

Yeah, I feel like MS has changed a lot with this new leadership though. Seems like all their devs are expressing they have creative freedom. You see The Coalition being able to expand Gears in new ways with Tactics, Pop, and even change up Gears 5 formula a bit.

I'm hoping we see 343 expand a bit and do some side stuff outside of Chief after Infinite.

thatguyhayat1680d ago


The leadership was the same. Lionhead studios was still under Phils management but after the game awards they've taken the right step. We'll see how it goes

King_Noctis1680d ago

Yeah but we are talking about the present though, and MS had learnt a lot from their past.

1679d ago
King_Noctis1679d ago

I mean, if you have to ask “like what?” then I don’t think you have actually been following any news at all.

Spenok1680d ago

Says the We Happy Few Devs who made a horrible game xD

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PS4 Version of H-Hour: World’s Elite Now In Progress As Game Enters Beta On PC

Touted as the spiritual successor to the SOCOM series, H-Hour: World’s Elite has now entered the Beta stage of development and work has begun on the PS4 version of the game.

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smooch_3572314d ago

Really hope this game takes off...if you're interestred in starting clan, let me know!

hit173882314d ago

This is going to take a while

Flipflopp2314d ago

Wonder if I'll get my PS4 copy when I pledged to back this a long time ago on Kickstarter? Or is that campaign promise dead?

Omac_brother2314d ago

I'm hoping the pledges still get honoured (be a good way to fill out servers early) but I wouldn't bank on it.

jukins2314d ago

Wondering the same I'm doubtful since its been so long I figured this was done. Remember reading the director left a couple years ago figured it was all done from there

NotoriousWhiz2314d ago

One of the reasons I bought a PS4. I'll be ready for it whenever it releases.

Silly gameAr2314d ago (Edited 2314d ago )

I thought they cancelled this. The first and only game I supported through Kickstarter. I learned from that mistake.

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