
Deus Ex: The Fall is a cyber Renaissance faire for touchscreens | Joystiq

Joystiq: "Deus Ex is, by nature, a complicated game. You can start by simply moving around a level: There's cover to move in and out of, and stealth movement requires good timing and precision. Then, there's all of the abilities you have, from using various gadgets and weapons to choosing your bio-implants and playing the hacking mini-games. That's a lot of buttons. In making Deus Ex: The Fall for iOS devices, Square Enix Mobile was given the task of putting all those functions into a device that has only one button."


The Mosts of 2014 in Gaming

AlienLionL "How's about we look back at the year 2014 in gaming? Everyone else is doing it. Now, I haven't played every game to come out last year so I can't tell you what truly the best game of the year was (what does that even mean with games, as different as they all are?) but I can look at the industry as a whole and gauge the waves which some games generated. Basically, here is a bunch of random "of the year" junk you might enjoy reading"

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TheSaint3441d ago

I did when he was console only, now he's a PC player it would seem.

dreamoner3441d ago

He was always a PC first player. He had xbox 360 and no ps3. Now he has both ps4 and xbone along with da PC. While I don't mind anyone playing games on consoles and count myself a PC player; he's a lot more diverse and plays most genres of games as well, far off from being a PC fanboy.

UltraNova3440d ago (Edited 3440d ago )



Maybe I'm missing something here...

TheSaint3440d ago


Where did I say PC fanboy?

And you agreed with me that he was 360 first and this gen he got a PC, so I guess I was right all along.

dreamoner3440d ago


You misunderstood. He had PC and xbox 360 to begin with. I don't know exactly which one he had first since I don't know him personally but I'm pretty sure he was a PC gamer to begin with based on his favorite games and such. f.i. he always says he's a sucker for 4X strategy games.

I didn't intended "PC fanboy" thing as a reply to you, was just making a point that he plays most games on most platforms.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3440d ago
KiwiViper853441d ago

Great list Joe, seems like a win for the new consoles. Only Amazing Spiderman 2, which I agree is really Bad, but I still enjoyed my time with it.

Xristo3441d ago

Honest list. Happy he didn't go all stupid and pick AAA games just because they were "disappointing" to him. This list is truly full of suck haha.

hkgamer3441d ago

not sure if it was a collaboration or something, but using other peoples videos in your top 10 is just lazy.

i dont watch his live streams or anything like that so im not sure what he has been upto, but he has been lacking in 2014 reviews.

did he even play all those games in that top 10?

Relientk773441d ago

Guess I gotta find 45 minutes so I can watch this

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FIrst Person Shooter Deus Ex: The Fall Discounted On The App Store

Deus Ex: The Fall, the latest mobile entry of the Deus Ex series now available on the App Store, can now be purchased for a reduced price.

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