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Why Gamers Are Hating on the Xbox One

GotGame: When you watch Microsoft’s press conference, you get the feeling they’ve left gamers behind, or at least the gamers that want more than soldiers, cars, and sports. The Xbox One is clearly not a console made for gamers. And when there are only three real consoles out there… and one of them is not being marketed at gamers…

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Community4143d ago
Mr_Nuts4143d ago

My guess is because it's simple not for gamers. Well not targeted towards them anyway.

theBAWSE4143d ago

Yup hating coz you spend your hard earned £50 on a game to realise you don't even own it...... Just a license to play the game

Mr_Nuts4143d ago

I agree, it seems stuff like that is also the aftermath of problems with the new Xbox. At first you have the problems with the Xbox One it's self then when you work through those problems you realise another list of problems which are not just about the console but about the games you play and share with one another.

I have to admit with the way Microsoft have handled this, I keep picturing them digging a bigger hole for themselves. Now there biggest defence is "Wait for E3". I wouldn't be that bothered if they've never said that before but they have and E3 always disappoints. Can anyone really believe they have 15 exclusive games in development for the new Xbox but they couldn't show at 2 or 3 of them at the reveal, they have way too much to show at E3 when they have to sort the big mess they've gotten themselves into out during E3 aswell.

abzdine4143d ago

because they are gamers

OC_MurphysLaw4143d ago

@Mr_Nuts... I agree, MS clearly botched the message or better put...they botched the response to the questions after the message.

I will point out they did actually show 2 new MS exclusives at the reveal ( 1 new and 1 sequel). Quantum Breaker to me is something I want to see more from as it feels fresh and I like Remedy a ton!

sengoku4143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

Come one lets be honest.

M$ wanted the one to be the next big thing.
they went bold spent a lot of effort in to what they presented at the show.
a gaming machine that has windows 8 kernel and smart tv functionality.
they are convinced that the specs are good enough to be competitive.

now they showed the world there vision and it has back fired simple.

if it would have been received as they hoped. they would have been bolstering there smart tv, 3 layer os even more so.
but it has failed miserably in the eyes of many gamers so they are now back tracking saying it was always about games, while it is definitely not as its very clear from the reveal.

dont be fooled do you really think they went on that stage and gave that show by mistake??

every second of that reveal was meticulously planed months in advanced every word was carefully scripted. the 100 times the word TV was uttered was on purpose.

now the back peddling and refocusing has begun.

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AngelicIceDiamond4143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

I believe it is for gamers. but they made a huge mistake by not presenting it that way. We'll have to see at E3.

Wow MS stumbled out of the gate with XB1.

Edit: @Captain Qwark Precisely, my final judgment for XB1 will be at E3 where they stated the software is present.

4143d ago
Godmars2904143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

It hasn't shown its for gamers because no games have been shown for it - yet.

Though what has been shown in regards to games and gaming is as wanted as a kick to the balls. So of course gamers are pissed.

darthv724143d ago

its also unwarranted at this time. Not all of the information has been released. The amount of support from gaming and non gaming companies, price, more explanation about restrictions and so forth.

Its premature hate that is flowing and from that initial information it is understandable. But we need to slow down, take a step back in order to absorb the information we have while also understanding there is much more we dont know.

I would like to ask a question to all the PC gamers out there. It has been some time since i really bought a PC game. the last one for me was half life 2 (yeah, i know) and as i recall, there was an activation process where it needed to validate my copy through steam.

So i ask, is there still a process where PC games use a license key or some type of validation process in order for them to work?

Console games never had that but we know that console games were approaching the same level as PC games. Maybe that was the intention with the hardware getting closer and closer to PC level. So it always seemed to be in the back of peoples minds that there may eventually come a day when console games would have the same requirements imposed on them like Pc games.

I am not a Pc gamer in the same vein as those who are way more dedicated so I dont know how its done on that side. I do know there are ways around these restrictions by using keygens and cracks but that is more on the side of circumventing the security of the game by those who wish to pirate or play it outside of the initial design. im not saying all who play this way are pirates but it certainly doesnt present the situation in a different light.

so back to the question of are PC games set up like this?

ape0074143d ago

why the hell do u assume XBOX ONE is not for gamers after one event? still we havn't seen games, features etc.....

i guess sony fanboys dream of it being for non gamers but guess what, E3 is comin soon

syphon324143d ago

and Ps4 is going to deliver over x1

ape0074143d ago

what magic lens do u have, i want one

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dragonyght4143d ago

not so much as hate but disappointment, well mostly. they were expecting a games console announcement instead it was and announcement about voice and motion remote control for their TV... -_- anyone would be piss

Captain Qwark 94143d ago

no, those who dont listen are pissed. those of us who comprehend "this is about the hardware and features, E3 will be about the games".....were waiting patiently to see what comes next. then ill judge the system

MasterCornholio4143d ago

I heeded the warnings but I wasn't expecting so little. That's why I'm pissed I actually thought they would have at least one gameplay demo but they didn't.

Motorola RAZR i

wantonGamer4143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

Oh man that's such a lie you're telling yourself right now, why would you do that ?

You're gonna sit there and tell me you expected the conference to be like this and you would have been genuinely surprised if it was a little bit more focused on games and gamers ? Just because it was presenting the hardware and features ?

How was Sony's conference any less about the hardware and features than Microsofts ? Sure, they didn't show the actual box but I know more about what it is and what it's capable of than the XB1.

tuglu_pati4143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

@ wantonGamer

I can tell you that i was expecting the conference to be like it was, specially since they said before the conference, it was about the hardware and features and I as a gamer I like the features MS is bringing to the table. But i was a bit disappointed with the specs. I though it was gonna be a bit more powerful.

admiralvic4143d ago

"no, those who dont listen are pissed. those of us who comprehend "this is about the hardware and features, E3 will be about the games"."

While this may or may not be the case, it would just go to show how stupid M$ actually is. Don't believe me? Look at the results...

- The conference killed a lot of peoples hype and interest in the overall system, so now it will take even more to win people over.
- The new direction shows a lot of people are angry and magically Sony stock goes up. Even a complete idiot should know you made an error when your competitor goes up in value after your big announcement.
- M$ IS and WILL BE getting a lot of negative press, which leaves "true" fans like yourself grasping at straws. Like E3 might have some big games, but if it doesn't, what will you be saying? And if that doesn't pan out, what will be next?
- So many aspects of the actual console are a turn off, that they have nothing to put over the wound, which in turn is making them look bad. Right now I know I can't use my Xbox games, XBLA games, Current controllers, Must buy and have my Kinect connected to my system, but all of this is okay because things in theory might be better and I can play CoD Ghost with EARLY DLC.

You can say whatever you want, but this was a bad business move. Even if you "understand" what they were going for, it won't be enough to outweigh everything going against them right now.

S2Killinit4143d ago

god I feel like my tongue is gonna grow hair from repeating myself. Its not that they Wont have games. No body is saying that. Its that they are moving away from core gaming. Their report card has shown this for the past four years with the 360 now. Their focus is what you saw at the 'reveal', they have put more into this all in one functionality than into gaming capability. That is why it has 3 OS systems, requiring an enormous chunk of the RAM leaving the rest for gaming purposes. They will reveal a lot of games at E3, there is no doubt about that. In fact I'm willing to guarantee that they will have One awesome 'must have' game (kind of like Gear of War was to the 360) but once they saturate the hardcore gamer market, they will once again (just as with the 360) move away from core gamers and focus on the casual (think kinect games) and moms. At that point the hardcore gamer who bought into the xbox doesn't know that he/she is missing out they will be busy with what they have and the new applications and what not. So to reiterate, its not that we don't know that they told us in advance, the reveal was not about games, it just that "why was the reveal of a game console NOT about games?" Do you see what I mean?

Why o why4143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

Mate, you're dizzy. A game console manufacturer decides to dedicate the opening and most of its 1 hour conference on tv tv tv media control with a sprinkle of pre rendered game footage. It indicates to some of us that ms is targeting a different audience. Its almost like ms cant be bothered to hide the fact their shifting anymore because they know people will defend them. Look around you captain. Some of the most ardent 360 fans are pissed right now. Your reveal should reveal your stance.

Those rumours about ms being 6 months behind may actually be true. Why else would they have absolutely nothing to show gameplaywise.

Those who have questioned ms have been told to wait for the next this or that for a few years now. When all the negative speculation a circulating, we were told to wait until the its e3. I can't see many others being too forgiving if ms don't bring the thunder come e3, and not the smoke and mirror type of thunder either. Games, games, more games.

Lets hope the ratio of the 15 exclusives is in favour of the segment most annoyed by ms's actions over the past few years and subsequent reveal.

@S2killinit...agreed. It's almost like some feel ms showing a ton of games at e3, like they should be doing anyway, will erase their practices from our memories. They're shifting but they will show games and thats what excites gamers

denawayne4143d ago

@admiralvic - this is the best thing I've read so far. This is coming from an Xbox fan. All the things you listed are either true or a good observation. I'm sick and tired of all the negative comments about used games and always on stuff. For all we know, Sony will do those things, too. And nothing is set in stone. But for the things you listed, Sony defintely has the edge right now.

Captain Qwark 94143d ago

its actually exactly what i expected excpet one thing, i thought maybe they would have a trailer wheel with glimpses at a few of the names of the games they will be showing. that said, i only expected a couple cg trailers of games and thats what i got. the rest was exactly what i thought just less detail than i would have liked. i would have liked to see how the new achievement systems works, i wanted to know if any features were being added to the live experience and what they were, and a few more little things. i expected them to touch more on the used games/always online policies but at the same time, they detailed that a little more in interviews after plus its prob still to early and not finalized.

the conference was what i expected nothing more. i enjoyed what i saw, i like the tv integration, the more i can do with just one box in just one community space the better, im a big fan of live and 360 and X1 looks to continue that. I was disappointed about the BC and arcade games not transferring but the reality is, i keep all my systems anyway so i can still play that stuff and realistically speaking, i barely used the BC on my 360 to my old xbox when that had it so chances are ill be moving on anyway and 3 months after it i prob wont even go back anyway. ultimately though as much as i enjoyed these features, software support will determine which i get first so i need to wait until E3 before passing judgement. comparing the two at the moment and removing games from the equation until E3, My money is on X1 because i liked all its extras more than the ps4 extras which in all fairness to them, i still dont know much about because they didnt show it much ( psn plus however i do love and hope ms does something to compete but i wont hold my breathe )

in fact after that last sentence, ill hold all comparisons until each shows most of their hands. im not going to get a medal or anything for siding with either one so once i know most of everything about each, ill make my decision then. i have months to decide, no reason to blow my wad prematurely on either

rainslacker4143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

Dude...this argument is stupid. So what if MS said E3 will be about games, and this presentation about hardware/features. I don't remember them saying that(even though I guess they did, must of missed it). I was going in expecting to see what they were going to BRING TO GAMING on a freakin' GAMING CONSOLE, you Sony did. I didn't get that. I would have given them the benefit of the doubt, because Sony had 2 hours, and MS had one. It's reasonable.

If it was about the hardware, why was the hardware barely discussed?

If it was about the features, why did the features have nothing to do with gaming?

In the mean time afterwards all this anti-consumer stuff has surfaced, and your just telling us to wait and see what they have to offer in the gaming department? Here's something for you. We don't care because of the anti-consumer BS, and obvious change in focus of the Xbox brand. For many, myself included, no amount of games is going to change that.

If this was just about the focus of the conference, then I could agree with you, but that's just not the case, and it didn't even take 2 hours after the conference before it got to this point.

Clinging onto the intentions of the different conferences argument is weak because it is a moot point to many of us now, because we have bigger concerns than if MS just had a bad press conference.

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alb18994143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

it will be like ten times more powerful than the 360 and with 300thousand servers will have the best on line play experience so is pretty nice change from my 360.....i dont buy used games because i have no time to buy more than 4 games in a year so there isn't fear in me, besides it helps developers have more money and motivation for new games.
Responding Mr nuts: who cares If I have money.......I'm just saying that I don't care about used games. And I choose the games I want so why will developers bent me over......if you want to play a it, is not simple?
If another console give you the choice of buy used games and is your thing then buy it, it is just about choice.

Mr_Nuts4143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

I'm sorry but what I basically got from your comment is

***** I'm rich and I also enjoy being bent over and screwed by developers, but that's ok because they'll have more money for their "paychecks", I mean "new games" *****

kneon4143d ago

I don't buy used games nor do I sell them so it wouldn't affect me much either. But in no way can I condone their actions. They have made their console so inconvenient to use that I can't see why any sane person would buy it. You can't even lend a game to someone without jumping through hoops.

tuglu_pati4143d ago

@ Mr_Nuts

go get a job and stop been a little baby.

rainslacker4143d ago

It's about choice...which ironically MS isn't really giving you in the way they're handling their own system. If choice is so important to you, why do you like your choices being restricted?

creized14143d ago

Because we wanted a game console and we got a mediabox

JeffGUNZ4143d ago

I disagree respectfully. I will hold judgement till
E3. If I don't see any good games, then I will let down. Look at cellphones and how they progressed over the years. We buy them to call and text but now you can do everything you need with one device. The key is whether or not they are going push out some solid games or not.

S2Killinit4143d ago

please refer to my comment about if you want to know why this is different.

4143d ago
SexyGamerDude4143d ago

Because the XboxOne is hating on gamers. It wants to nickel and dime and put restrictions on us. You might as well have a MS exec mug you in the street, won't be any different.

GodGinrai4143d ago

We are disappointed because they deliberatley chose to do this. To us. The people that have supported and help grow their business this last decade. They OWE US a gaming machine, for fuck sake!

They betrayed us, as gamers.

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Game Journalism is too corporate to trust

Game reviews have been around since the mid-1970s. Play Meter was the first of its kind. During their time, it was mainly coin-operated machines that were covered, as certain arcade games that many of us consider classics such as Space Invaders were popular. Other publications sprang up, such as Arcade Alley in 1979. From then on, gaming journalism was on the rise. Electronic Games Magazine, Famitsu, The Games Machine, Nintendo Power, and others all gave way to gaming journalism’s growing popularity and importance. In the beginning, gaming journalism was about the love of the games, the history of the product, and giving potential consumers genuine insight. The passion was there. The commitment was there. The insight was there. And most importantly, the trust was there.

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1) Fix the Pic so I can approve this. 2) Eliminate the last sentence in the description, 1st person POV is not allowed per guidelines.
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lodossrage22h ago
jznrpg21h ago

That and a bunch of haters have made gaming a big negative cesspool.

lodossrage21h ago

True, that's almost as much of a problem as the gaming media itself

thorstein1h ago

They've become nothing more than corporate shills. Rather than speaking truth to power, they're just looking at the latest clickbait no matter how false it is.

The straight up lies are annoying. Then journalists claim that a lie is an opinion. Um... no.

Tacoboto22m ago

And you yourself straight up lie as well to defend Sony with PSN logins on Steam.

Rich take, bro.

thorstein20m ago

Sure thing, guy. Whatever you say.

Not the truth of the matter, but repeating lies spread on the internet is much more important to people like you.

Tell me again how 195-72=180.

gold_drake1h ago

yea its been like this for years and only has gotten worse during covid.

they are sometimes worse than celeb. trash news ha.

"you will NOT believe what the DEV of XYZ said"

or and those are my favourites,

"XYZ game gets REMASTER TREATMENT" and you click on the link and its just a god damn mod ha.

Profchaos37m ago

The gaming landscape today is full of corporations trying to suck as much money out of us as possible while giving us as little as possible in return that's the biggest problem I see right now and the fact the journos should be the ones calling the gross practices out now suckle at the teat of the publishers to stay in favour and maintain working relationships to avoid being blacklisted for reviews and preview events show their interests do not align with ours.

HankHill21m ago

Consume the new product and don't ask any questions.


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Available today on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 or PC, is the Extinction update for World War Z: Aftermath.

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