
First Def Jam: Icon footage online

Only yesterday Def Jam: Icon was announced by Electronic Arts. Today the first footage of the game already hit the internet.

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OutLaw6490d ago

Great find but I feel this game is not going to feel like the other ones.

I know the environment is suppose to interact with the music but the whole thing looks like a picture pop up book, it's that flat looking.

As for the gameplay it moved like it was in slo mo.

I'm a big fan of the series but nice looking characters doesn't add up to gameplay.
Let's hope that things change a little more with this game.

InMyOpinion6490d ago

Just like Motorstorm this game moves in slow motion. I wonder if it's got something to do with the Ps3 or if the game's just in an early stage, looks weird albeit. Gameplay just looks silly with the jumping environment and all. Another sleeping pill from EA...

kmis876490d ago

Ign said that the gameplay for the 360 and the ps3 was only running at like 10-15 fps, so what they most likely did was just speed up the frames per second to make it look good in the trailer. I think it will look better when it is actually running at a normal framerate.

zypher6490d ago

well, the graphics were definately impressive. the gameplay was kinda slow, but i'm guessing that can be attributed to the game's early development. i've never gotten into the Def Jam games, but i'll most definately be keeping an eye on this one.

ApocalypseShadow6490d ago

it was sped up,looks like GARBAGE.somebody else might like this but this game doesn't hold a candle to games like vf,doa and tekken.at least those games have REAL fighting styles.tired of ea cashing in on hip hop and the black community.how about an action game staring a black heroe for a change.

Mikey_Gee6490d ago

are all the players black or hispanic .. ??

Not that I care, but where is that lady from a few days back that was b!tchen about racism in that little arcade type game.


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Will We Ever See A New Def Jam Game?

The Def Jam game series has been laying dormant for over a decade at this point, but could we ever see a revival of some kind?

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gamingtext20201172d ago

Interesting article, but I hope we don't.

UnSelf1171d ago

Tell em. We need a Viewtiful Joe 3

DarXyde1171d ago


Fight for New York was awesome.

Icon was pretty bad, but I'll give them some benefit because they tried to do something new. A direct sequel to FFNY would be grand, though in the era of microtransactions and EA being who they are now, one should tread carefully about that fantasy.

gamingtext20201171d ago

I hear you, but the rappers nowadays are completely lame and corny when compared to the rappers from FFNY.

I rather take a remake from the game than a sequel.

DarXyde1171d ago

You'll get no disagreement from me there.

For some reason, I hadn't considered that there would be modern rappers. Christ.
On the other hand, I wouldn't be mad if they added more Wutang members so I can "torture" Tekashi69. :D

Beastgamerkuma1172d ago

we definitely need it to return, but nothing like Icon since that was trash. The mechanics of Def Jam fight for NY and Vendetta was still great til this day.

boing11172d ago

Oh man, remake of Fight for NY would be awesome.

Silly gameAr1171d ago

I hope so. Just go back to the Fight for New York style, and forget Icon ever happened.

King_Noctis1171d ago

Man I used to really love DJ Fight for NY and DJ Icon back in the day. I hope someone (not EA) can revive this franchise.

King_Noctis1171d ago (Edited 1171d ago )

Icon sucks, I admit. But I used to love the DJ games so much that I was willing to accept any game thrown in my way.

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Is Def Jam Teasing The Announcement Of A New Game?

Do you remember the Def Jam-licensed hip hop video game franchise released by EA Games? Def Jam Vendetta? Def Jam: Fight for NY? Def Jam: Icon? Well, the studio seems to be teasing the fourth entry by tweeting that a "special announcement" will be coming soon.

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mrsolidsteel201443d ago

It won’t be the same, these rappers nowadays are corny as f$&k and they won’t hold the same weight as the rappers in the first two games.....Icon was trash.

Silly gameAr1443d ago

Too true. I don't even think Def Jam has any artist now in days that would be worth playing as, and I'd rather not play as any of these clowns calling themselves artist today.

ThereGoThatManQ1442d ago

There are plenty of artists that still hold the same weight

BillyG0AT1442d ago

I'd definitely prefer a remake of the original games than a new one with all these rappers of today.

King_Noctis1442d ago

It would be cool if we can see Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly battling it out in the game, if Def Jam can somehow license those two into the game.

XxSPIDEYxX1442d ago

This seems like nothing but talk. I don't even think EA has the rights to make Def Jam games anymore. The last Def Jam Game was a sing a long game by Konami.

myfathersbastard1442d ago

Def Jam: Fight for NY was badass. Played the shit out of that one. Icon was trash.
Just do a full remake of F4NY

nowitzki20041442d ago

Lets hope its a remaster and not a new game with the new "artists"

boing11442d ago

Yeah! I played the hell out of Fight for NY too. Remaster would be very welcome.

Chocoburger1442d ago

The first two games were good. Since they were developed by AKI Corp.

The third game was made by EA Chicago, who made such a bad fighting game that EA abandoned their studio. Activision then bought the studio and they were renamed to Robomodo. They then proceeded to make 4 garbage Tony Hawk games in a row, and then shut down.

If there's another game, and its not made by AKI Corp., then move on.

Profchaos1442d ago

I.had no idea they were also robomodo it all makes sense.

Still Def jam icon was passable I thought frustrating and unresponsive at times though it could have been worse and then konami made Def jam sing star

Shezgear1442d ago

With the pretty much same rester with some new rappers like j.cole and kendrick.. and 69 just so I can beat his ass couple of times. Up to date graphics or the style of ICON and gameplay of fight for NY and we have a winner. But none of that will happen..

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Def Jam Possibly Teasing A New Wrestling Game

The record label appears to be stoking fan excitement over a new game in a few not so subtle tweets.

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Skuletor2185d ago

As long as it's more like Fight for NY and less like Icon. Hopefully they bring back AKI Corporation to develop it

2185d ago Replies(2)
shuvam092185d ago

Actually, just remake FFNY...
EA has lost its touch way back when...
Anything new would be pretty much crap full of MT...

DarXyde2185d ago

Fight for NY was fantastic. Loved that game religiously.

Vendetta started a good thing, but DMX was more broken than Crow in Fight for NY (Snoop Dogg).

boing12185d ago

Please, make it like Fight for NY.

roadkillers2184d ago

Hell yeah brother! I'll be Lil Wayne

DeadManMMX2185d ago (Edited 2185d ago )

Like Vendetta with Asmik Aki/ No Mercy engine please

XxSPIDEYxX2185d ago

It all comes down to developer, and while EA Toronto did a great job with FFNY, I'm pretty sure they don't want anything more to do with the Def Jam series. Which is why we got Def Jam Icon from EA Chicago, and the guy behind the Xbox Kinect.

1nsomniac2185d ago

Fight for NY was an awesome game!! Even for a fighting game it had great replay ability. Sunk some serious hours into that game.

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