
An Interview with Precursor Games: Dispelling Our Doubts About Shadow of the Eternals


As soon as Shadow of the Eternals was announced, I couldn’t get excited about it. I did some research and ended up with a 7000+ word document of all the mishaps and bumps in the road at Silicon Knights. That almost became an article I published. Luckily I decided to first reach out to Precursor Games. You’ll excuse me for being brutally honest in this article. The point is not to sweep any issues under the rug or get hyped up about a game but to first prove the legitimacy of a developer and its project before buying into a campaign.

After a half hour phone call with the CEO of Precursor Games, I feel a lot safer and even excited about the development of Shadow of the Eternals.

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mulder16174042d ago

Awesome job! I wish I could have been there. :)

RyanShutup4042d ago

I definitely feel better about the development process now as well. Not sure what happened with their last to games as SK but hoping for the best for Eternals! :)

BlackWolf4042d ago

Hope this helps with the skepticism and people start funding this game. It would be a shame that this beautiful promise gets swallowed in the darkness...


10 Kickstarter Horror Adventures That Deserved to Be Funded

Serena Nelson writes: " I want to specifically take a look at ten Kickstarter horror adventure games that didn't hit the mark that should have been easily funded. Horror is a popular genre, especially during this time of year as All Hallow's Eve approaches. What better way than to scare you with some unfortunate tales of loss? Read on, if you dare."

garyanderson2786d ago

Agree with about half the list. Big outlier is shadow of the eternals. Glad that one failed both times.


David Hayter’s Kickstarter Saga

Josh Griffiths writes: "Yes, the gravely voice known to a generation as Big Boss and Solid Snake is famous for Metal Gear, but he’s had other roles in recent years. You may be surprised how many of them came from Kickstarter. He’s been involved in eight different Kickstarter projects, one of which was a movie, to varying degrees."

garyanderson2981d ago

Definitely seems like he's always popping up in kickstarter campaigns. Him and Jennifer hale.

DarkKaine2980d ago

Very good analysis. Love the content so far, keep it up :)


5 Dead Games To Save With Powerball Winnings

Powerball mania has swept the nation, and people have been day dreaming about what they would do with so much money. Everyone jumped on the hype train and day dreamed about what games they would bring back from vaporware Hell.

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DarkOcelet3062d ago

Shadow Of The Eternals is still coming. They just wanted to expand the universe.


Most likely they will make a Movie or a TV series along side the game.

DarkOcelet3062d ago

I think we might get a big reveal at E3 this year for the game and an actual release date this time.

It feels like ages since we got any news about this game.

blackblades3062d ago

Hell winning the last PowerBall you can buy a company or create your on company just for it. Also back up kickstarter and get some profit out of it.