
Shadow of the Eternals Launches Ambitious (and Confusing) Kickstarter

Shadow of the Eternals developer launches $1.35 million Kickstarter, confusing fans since it runs concurrently with their $1.5 million Paypal crowdfunding campaign.

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Qrphe4154d ago

Dyack does sketchy things again? What a surprise

mirroredsakura4153d ago

Right? I don't see why his presence on this project inspires so much confidence in people. I haven't liked what I've heard so far about him.

LOL_WUT4153d ago

Why doesn't Nintendo just fund the game and make it an exclusive?

Nevers0ft4153d ago

The whole thing stinks to high hell if you ask me... Just read the T&Cs on their fundraiser, it may as way say "Give us your money then f**k off!"

Good luck to them, but I won't be contributing.

LostDjinn4153d ago

It's sad that something with so much potential (that thing being Kickstarter) has turned into nothing more than cyber-panhandling. Albeit with a rider in their T&C that states "Give us your money then f**k off!".

I wish the best for the game. I just don't have any expectation of it becoming a reality at this point.

Nevers0ft4153d ago

@LostDjinn - it gets weirder. Despite their original reasons for using their own fundraising site was that they couldn't use Kickstarter in their country, suddenly it's not an issue.

Maybe the suspicion shown on here, Neogaf and Reddit is finally getting the message across to them... I still don't trust these guys though.

LostDjinn4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

Yeah. Something's off. I really liked the first one (a second would be great) but let's face it, this whole business is giving off some very strange vibes.

stuntman_mike4153d ago

the crowd funded campaign will be merged with the kickstarter, but still left open if people wanted to donate that way. they also state on the site if they fail to meet the required amount they will refund peoples pledges (still to be seen but they do have it in writing on their site so..). all this is on thier website and also the people on the forums vote for how they want them to proceed, it's all quite hands on.

as for denis dyack he is only one part of their team he is not the one solely in charge.

mydyingparadiselost4153d ago

So sad, I finally find something I want to support on kickstarter but it seems to have little chance of happening. Wish Nintendo had just made a deal to put this on Wii U and provided some funding instead of this massive kickstarter goal trying to be reached by Precursor.

stuntman_mike4153d ago

go for the $5 option what can you lose (except $5)

mydyingparadiselost4153d ago

I'm not worried about losing money and I will throw some money into it, my point is that their goal of 1.35 million for JUST the pilot isn't going to happen as there hasn't been enough support for it. I'm trying to keep hope alive but reality points towards an unfortunate conclusion.

Anomander4153d ago

I put money towards a Limited Edition pledge before the kickstarter. I then decided I wanted to do another level higher than what I wanted to pledge and they refunded my earlier pledge the same day, so they have done right so far by my opinion.

I find it funny though that people bitched about them not using kickstarter to begin with when that was not even an option they could use. Now they can and it is still a problem. If I end up losing the money that I pledged then that is on me. At least I get a chance to help fund something that I have always said I wanted another game about.

Thepcz4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

devs begging the gaming community to fund the production of games?

then forking out to buy the game?

to line THEIR pockets?

piss off.

since when were game devs a charity

why dont they go and beg a bank for the money? or nintendo? or another major publisher.

if none of those will fund the game, chances are its not worth it


Precursor Games says that Shadow of the Eternals is not cancelled


Shadow of the Eternals has had quite a tumultuous development cycle, ending in its indefinite delay last September. Today, we’ve heard that the project isn’t properly “dead”, but we shouldn’t expect anything new to come out about it any time soon.

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3902d ago
Lord_Sloth3902d ago

Agreed. So it's not CANCELED canceled but it might as well be for the forseeable future.

Bimkoblerutso3902d ago (Edited 3902d ago )

...I hear ya. I'm not getting involved in this crap again. If they ever release a worthy successor to Eternal Darkness, then happy, happy day.

Until then, though, I have no expectations for anything noteworthy to come from this team ever again.

Ac7iVe3902d ago

I really want this game. ..

Yodagamer3902d ago

I really wish nintendo would pick this up as well. If they advertised it as survival horror they might just get a couple console sales as people who want survival would probably want it. The first eternal darkness didn't hugely, but i don't think it was a priority for the big n at the time.

Ac7iVe3902d ago

I think this game would really help the Wii u , ppl want this game it'll sell some consoles. Not a lot but it'll only help

cleft53902d ago

I agree, it's not really fair to demonize Denis because he was enthusiastic and brash about the game he was making years and years ago. Some people really need to let it go. The footage of Shadows of the Eternal looked solid, so I hope they do end up bringing the game to production. This guy has had a terrible run of bad luck and he has apologized more than once for his past behavior, I hope he gets to move forward with his game.

mydyingparadiselost3902d ago

I hope this game lives to see the light of day, the horror genre could always use a new title.

CrossingEden3902d ago

This game would be good for Wii U because it really shows off the graphical capabilities of the console.

Neonridr3902d ago

Fingers crossed Nintendo is paying attention. It wouldn't cost them very much to help publish this game.

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Shadow of Eternals is Officially "On Hold"

"Precursor Games has had a couple of stabs at crowdfunding Shadow of the Eternals, which is pitched as a spiritual successor to the GameCube classic Eternal Darkness and was aiming for a Wii U release."
-Andy Green, Nintendo Life

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Scatpants4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

I hope they figure out some way to get this to come out. Preferably on something other than Wii U. It's like they were trying to make the Kickstarter fail.

DejectedJeff4015d ago

good lord how long will they drag this on. its unfortunate but this game just doesnt have enough of an audience

MoveTheGlow4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

How long will Dennis Dyack live? That's exactly how long he's capable of dragging his projects on, so there you go. Hence why I didn't buy in, and hence why he didn't get his funding. Those with enough cash know him too well, and they know he isn't the same guy who brought us Eternal Darkness back in the day.

PopRocks3594015d ago

How about you get over Dyacks's existence? Sheesh. Let the man work on his projects, you have every right to ignore them. And newsflash, you goober, his name is in the Creative Director credit for Eternal Darkness, so yeah, he in fact IS the same guy.

MoveTheGlow4014d ago

Methinks you take things a bit too literally.

Chrono4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

Eternal Darkness wasn't really a massively popular game, it barely sold 400k copies worldwide. To make a spiritual successor of it and expect many people to pay in advance, that isn't realistic.


Shadow of the Eternals dev Precursor Games disbands

Precursor Games, developer of unsuccessful Kickstarter candidate Shadow of the Eternals, has disbanded.

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jc485734015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

this is a good example where releasing episodic dlc doesn't work even if fans are heavily involved in determining the course of the story. Gamers like to be amazed by what developers has to offer them, not what gamers have to offer to themselves. Most gamers just want to sit back and see if the game is good or bad. The moment I heard this was an episode thing rather than a full fledged game, I was immediately turned off by the idea.

Godlovesgamers4015d ago

I had not heard that it was to be episodic...wow yeah, what a disappointment.

I still think Dyack should've worked on the ED:SR sequel right after finishing the first.

UltimateMaster4015d ago

Staring: Sarah Michelle Kellar.

chadboban4015d ago

I thought they weren't going to make it episodic anymore on the second kickstarter campaign. Could be wrong though.

Yodagamer4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

Yeah that was the plan, but in suppose things just didn't work out or people didn't know that it was all 1 game.

Blacklash934015d ago

The game wasn't episodic when the Kickstarter relaunched.

Baka-akaB4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

Meh sounds like Dyack can't even get a kickstarter project right

jc485734015d ago

I have to agree with you on that. A very sloppy attempt to persuade people to support. It sounded like a very ambitious project, but it was also a bit hard to picture where it was headed. We're not even sure if a lot of people were interested or maybe that was all the support they could get. IMO, I also feel that Eternal Darkness seems a bit out of date when compared with today's standards. I mean, people can go back and play REmake and still enjoy the game as it is, but Eternal Darkness just hasn't aged well in terms of story and gameplay mechanics.

Blacklash934015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

"IMO, I also feel that Eternal Darkness seems a bit out of date when compared with today's standards. I mean, people can go back and play REmake and still enjoy the game as it is, but Eternal Darkness just hasn't aged well in terms of story and gameplay mechanics."

What exactly is your point in saying this? And comparing it to a remake? Isn't Eternal Darkness being mechanically dated even more of an incentive to make a modern version?

Baka-akaB4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

Imo he shouldnt be there doing a kickstarter in the first place , the whole excuse behind Xmen destiny was precisely funding such projects . And there were allegations about the misuse of the budget for destiny .

Misaka_x_Touma4015d ago

Should made a real sequel with Nintendo

Dante814015d ago

Dyack's name is poison. Such a shame because he was responsible for Blood Omen Legacy of Kain.

Baka-akaB4015d ago

True but , it most of all had awesome staff involved , like Amy Hennig , later on director, producer, and writer for Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver .

Dante814015d ago

The guy was just an idea man. He should have never managed anything.

SilentNegotiator4014d ago

After getting so much free money to drag on projects that ended as turds (while simultaneously intentionally breaking copyrights against EPIC games), Dennis deserves to fail. He should hit rock bottom and then get a job where he isn't in charge. He needs to eat a few hundred humble pies before anyone trusts him again.

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