
Metro: Last Light Launch Tainted By Shameless Preorder Bonus

As if the epidemic wasn’t ridiculous enough with “special edition” this and “included with your preorder” that being thrown around, now Deep Silver is even dangling difficulties over our head? Here is Den of Geek's Daniel Hill's response on the subject.

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The Rise of the Metro Series

A look back at 4A Games' admirably consistent post-apocalyptic shooter franchise.

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141d ago

Metro Video Game Series: A Comprehensive History

The Metro video game series started with a humble b-list title, before building a strong fanbase and becoming a pioneer in the industry.

TheBrainZ232d ago

Never got into Exodus, but 2033 was excellent.

kevco33232d ago

Yeah, Exodus just didn't grab me either, sadly.

I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light, however. Played them both on 360 and then again with the remasters!

anast231d ago

I just started it and it is already miles better than the first 2 which are dated.


Bethesda & Xbox To Meet Up With Laid-Off Deep Silver Volition Employees

According to a LinkedIn post, Bethesda and Xbox Game Studio representatives will meet up with Deep Silver Volition employees.

shinoff2183376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

That's pretty cool, but didn't they just lay of 10k as a whole. Reportedly some from the gaming division even.

Confused in pa.

Sonyslave3376d ago

Yes they did , it the circle of life in the tech bizz.

blackblades376d ago

Circle of life of meh games

mkis007376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

This is called good PR. And an opportunity to hire veterans over scrubs.

phoenixwing375d ago

Not to call them scrubs but yeah some veteran devs are more welcome than others with less experience

Flakegriffin375d ago (Edited 375d ago )

You can hire veterans all day long but it’s the talent Microsoft lacks.

Zeref375d ago (Edited 375d ago )

It was mostly outside of gaming. Most of the game studios weren't affected besides 343i and Coalition from what I recall

Charlieboy333375d ago (Edited 375d ago )

But of course. Just look at the latest Saint's Row....that is exactly the level of quality and writing that Xbox strives for these days.

Aloymetal375d ago

Nope, like Redfall, Craig infinite

374d ago
ravens52375d ago

There u go. This is way more acceptable than buying up studios. Buy individual talent until you strengthen your already owned studios. 👏🏽

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