
Calling 'Bullshot' On False Game Advertising

IGN Game Scoop confronts false advertising in the game industry, head-on in this video discussion.

iGAM3R-VIII4159d ago

I agree, false advertising is a nussiance in any industry. I think SEGA deserve to get sued, the game was a huge let down. WHen you fool the consumers into buying something, you (the company) are the loss.

Oh_Yeah4159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

Do you guys not watch gameplay on YouTube/ read reviews before you buy a game?...I mean it can't be that many who blindly bought it just off that one presentation. It's the consumers job to do some research, things arnt always what they seem. I'm not defending them but this is just how companies roll sometimes.

hazelamy4159d ago

but when they have an embargo that doesn't lift until after launch, then how are buyers supposed to know what a lie the presentations are.

the only people who have it before launch are review sites and they can't show it until after launch because of the bloody embargoes.

the whole embargo thing publishers have going on these days hardly inspires trust.
making sure no reviews get out before launch implies they have something to hide.

and it's not because of spoilers, because they have conditions placed on reviewers that they don't reveal certain things about plot and the like.

zerocrossing4159d ago

A companies role should never be to lie and/or misinform their consumer, we all have the responsibility to research prior to our purchases however companies must be responsible and make certain that what they are advertising is the same product that they are selling, Gearbox and Sega mislead people and now they are getting sued for it.

Oh_Yeah4159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

@hazelamy it's called patience!.. You could wait a day for the vids/reviews, the game wasn't going to grow legs and start running off of shelves dissapearing (they should have)

@zerocrossing yeah of course that's a role companies shouldn't play. I'm just saying it happens, to a lot of them your money first, a person 2nd. They'll eventually get canned/ lose customers for shady practices.

I_LOVE_MYSELF4159d ago

What about the MGS2 demo's showing Snake as a playable character in the Big Shell section of the game? Many people were lead to believe that Snake was the main character and then we get Raiden instead (in sections where we are to believe should be playable as Snake)

Pintheshadows4159d ago

Yeah, but MGS2 was actually a well made product.

I_LOVE_MYSELF4159d ago

I love MGS2, but there is no point to your reply. This isn't a discussion about a games quality.

fossilfern4159d ago

@ -GametimeUK-

I agree this has gotten out of hand and I'm glad they mentioned the Bioshock Infinite vertical slice which wasnt in the game and it looked a lot better than what we got.

Heavenly King4159d ago

They always have in the demos, "this is a work in progress, and is subject to modifications blah, blah, blah". So there was never false advertisement with this game. Sure people expected to play the demo footage shown before, but Sega/Gearbox, told you since the beginning that the content could change, and so it did.

zerocrossing4159d ago

Are you kidding? we were shown a "gameplay demo" and told repeatedly that this is what we were going to get, not "work in progress" not "wouldn't it be cool if it looked like this" they practically said the gameplay demo shown was actually in game content i'e, what you see is what you'll get! yet the finished product is so piss poor when compared to what was promised that Gearbox and Sega are getting sued because of it! and that's bloody right if you ask me.

I'm sorry but people trying to justify Gearbox and Sega's actions just make me sick, the consumers where lied too, falsely led to believe they where getting one thing only to get another, that is false advertisement plain and simple, and no amount of "this is a work in progress" BS is going to change that fact.

Rubberlegs4159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

Work in progress usually means its going to get better and not become worse overtime. The game looked great from the demos but they ended downplaying just about everything we saw in the demos.

Even with the PC version they released a patch to help polish it up some which didn't do much. If you look into config and data files the games coding is a mess. You can find all kinds of old files based from older builds that were being worked on and then scrapped.

yesmynameissumo4159d ago

The media needs to take their responsibility. When THE GAME, not the CG demo, was shown and played at E3 last year...no one said shit. They sat there watching the game being played and said nothing negative. They played their role as game PR and were fine doing it.

Rubberlegs4159d ago


You mean this demo that turned out to be totally different that what ended playing in the final version?

The game looked fun from the demos but they ended changing up a lot about it in such short period time as well. You can tell a good portion of the game ended being rushed out to meet deadlines.

yesmynameissumo4159d ago

I'm looking for it now. I'm not sure if it was GameTrailers, GameSpot or IGN, but they had the game running, not the CG demo, and talked it up.

Pintheshadows4159d ago

IGN did exactly that about 5 days before the game came out and just kept saying 'this looks awesome' the whole way through.

Flavor4159d ago

Do they mention Bioshock Infinite's immensely bullshotted E3 videos...

04soldier4159d ago

Yes they do, but Bioshock actually did represent the final product.

MadMen4159d ago

F ACM - it was a pitched lie, they should be sued to teach others a lesson OR they at the very least should have had a demo out and downloadable for people to try instead of passing their demo on us, that was false.

Gearbox, youre dead to me.

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Longest delayed games ever: Cyberpunk, DOOM, Aliens: Colonial Marines

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porkChop1421d ago

Why are Prey (2006) and Final Fantasy XV not on this list? They were in development for longer than some of the games on this list.

Nismo4581420d ago

We are talking about delay, not development time.

porkChop1420d ago

Those games were both delayed by many years.

Nismo4581420d ago (Edited 1420d ago )

Final Fantasy XV delayed by two months only.

porkChop1420d ago

It was originally FF vs XIII, a PS3 exclusive, and was pushed back an entire generation.

MrNinosan1420d ago

A game can only be delayed after it gets a release date.
FFXV was only delayed for 2 months. FF versus XIII never had a release date.

mastershredder1420d ago

Beyond good and evil 2 announced in 2008. Delayed by years of Rabbid bs (and other Ubi-distractions) It’s up there with Duke now.

Sciurus_vulgaris1420d ago

The current beyond good and evil 2 and what was announced in 2008 are essentially two different games using the same title.

Teflon021420d ago

Duke Nukem Forever and Beyond Good and Evil 2 is one day going to surpass it

cell9891420d ago

Lmao!!! Star Citizen says hi

ccgr1420d ago

Better late than on time and broken

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mkis0072049d ago

Dont agree with The last gaurdian...it even won 15 goty awards.

Nintentional2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

Of course you don’t , because it’s on playstation lol

Atticus_finch2047d ago

Nope, because it was actually rated well. Don't let it bother you too much.

isarai2048d ago (Edited 2048d ago )

Duke Nukem Forever was given no chance, 3D Realms gave them their baby and they just outsourced the hell out of it like they just didn't even want to touch the project.

Also no on The Last Guardian, was nominated and was winner of tons of awards, there's just a divide between those who know what it's like dealing with essentially training an animal, and those who just want snappy/game-ey reactions from Trico. Even so it's at 87 on metacritic, wouldn't call that "failed to impress"

PhantomS422048d ago

The Last Guardian was fantastic, just because it wasn't better than Shadow of the Colossus doesn't mean it was a disappointment.

FlyingFoxy2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

DNF wasn't even as bad as many people made out, what i personally thought of the game was that it felt like Doom 3 mixed with another game, but i think it did use the Doom 3 engine which is why it felt like it, but of course it was much more open.

One of the things i noticed about it was inconsistent level design, i enjoyed some levels like the one with the mine cart and that alien hive map later on, some other levels seemed to drag on a little bit.

I think LGR did a video review stating similar things, but i had already said about this on forums etc practically when the game came out.

As with sheep and most things though, people are usually quick to call crap when it comes to reviews and critics.


More late than delayed, but for me it would be Kingdom Hearts 3.

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