
Retro Vault: Tekken, Zool, SimCity

CVG - Retro Vault is our regular weekly feature in which we dive into gaming's past and share five classic nuggets of retro nostalgia.

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The Evolution of Tekken and PlayStation

See how the franchise and console intertwined over the years.

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Mortal Kombat hits 80 million sales, here's how it stacks up against competition

NetherRealm confirms its Mortal Kombat franchise has sold over 80 million copies in the last 30 years, and here's how it competes against other fighters.

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Kakashi Hatake493d ago

Don't care what anyone says, Smash isn't a traditional fighting game. May as well call Powerstone and Playstation All Stars fighting games. They're more of an arena fighter /party game.

NotoriousWhiz493d ago

You don't have to care what anyone says. It's not a traditional fighting game. But it is a fighting game.

gerbintosh493d ago

Not according to the creator, Sakurai. Link below


492d ago
CrimsonWing69493d ago (Edited 493d ago )

I mean what makes them an arena fighter than say something like Tekken? Because there’s platforms?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21493d ago

because theres a bunch of pokeballs and other random stupid stuff on stage that you can use at your advantage and flying ultra super power ball that you got to chase on the stage to get your ougi LMAO.

CrimsonWing69493d ago


I mean what it sounds like is they took a fighting game and “added” unique mechanics to it to me.

When I think arena game I think of things like Spawn: In the Demon’s Hand or Virtual-On.

Smash to me is a fighting game, they have fighting game tournaments for it. It just doesn’t jive with me to call it “not a fighting game” because you have poke-balls and platforms or because it has 4 players at once duking it out.

Power Stone I’d consider a fighting game as well. Hell, if you google what it is everyone calls these games “fighting games”. So yea, they’re fighting games…

Immagaiden493d ago

What’s next, you gonna say Mario Kart isn’t a racing game?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21493d ago

oh its a racer but its not a realistic one like GT or Forza. only kids check for mario kart and smash .

Immagaiden493d ago

I didn’t say it was realistic. I said racing game. Does Burnout not being realistic make it not a racing game?

What does a demographic have to do with a genre? Do kids playing CoD make it any less an FPS? You see how ridiculous bringing up that subject is?

repsahj492d ago

"Only kids and kids at heart check for mario kart and smash".


FallenAngel1984493d ago (Edited 493d ago )

Nobody said it was a traditional fighter. Everyone acknowledges it as a platform fighter

PSASBR & Power Stone are fighting games, the former being a platform fighter and the latter an arena fighter

gleepot492d ago

You're correct, it isn't traditional. It's a fighting game though.

repsahj492d ago

Because if cute and lovable characters are fighting it's not a fighting game? XD As long there's a versus fighting, it is a fighting game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 492d ago
MrNinosan493d ago

Including Smash Bros in a list of fighting games, is like including GTA in Racing games.

NotoriousWhiz493d ago

I hate to break it to you but smash bros has fighting game tournaments so it qualifies.

MrNinosan493d ago

"and here's how it competes against other fighters"

No, Mortal Kombat doesn't compete with games like Smash Bros? It's a different genre for a different audience.

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21493d ago

Anybody can host a tournament in their garage it doesnt mean it qualifies.

NotoriousWhiz493d ago

I'm going to assume you're not part of the FGC. However, I am, and I can tell you that there is a ton of overlap between people who play smash competitively and those who play other fighting games competitively.

Now for casuals, there is a lot less overlap between the two for sure.

PapaBop493d ago

While technically true, Leffen comes to mind, FGC and Smash community have always had a rocky relationship.

Thundercat77493d ago

And yet, If Smash Bros was over 80 million, you wouldn't be complaining. On the contrary, you would be bragging about it.

Immagaiden493d ago

Bad comparison. You do a LOT of things in GTA outside of a car while fighting is what you’re mainly doing in SSB

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Ezio2048493d ago

Given the volume of games released, I would say Tekken has sold the best.

lodossrage493d ago (Edited 493d ago )

Yeah, that's a good point. Most of these games have parts to the franchise outside of traditional fighting games.

Like for example, with Mortal Kombat, do Special Forces, Mythologies: Sub: zero, and the Kollection count?

With Tekken does death by degrees or the tag tournament games count?

With Street Fighter, are we counting all the iterations of 2, 3, and 4? how about the ex series or alpha series?

There are a lot of variables at play here

Ezio2048493d ago

Even after including Tekken Tag, they have less titles compared to all MK and SF games.

CS7492d ago

Yeah, i realized that too. Very interesting.

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Tekken Characters Who Have Immortalized The Franchise

Tekken's enduring popularity is owed in part to its varied and well-written cast of characters, and the lore behind them really brings them to life.

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Terry_B677d ago (Edited 677d ago )

Basically all Tekken 1 standard characters except Michelle, + boss Heihachi Mishima and maybe Kuma. Also Lei and Jun from Tekken 2, Hwoarang, Eddy,Xiaoyu, Bryan Fury, Mokujin, Jin- from Tekken 3. After that they added many more great characters but none of them used to be as fun and interesting as the fleshed out initial ones from the first 3 games. Tekken 7 was really weak when it came to new characters.

And to be honest..that "article" that does not even have Yoshimitsu in it looks like a cheap excuse to have the keyword Tekken 8 on the website.

Santouryuu677d ago

Even though Tekken 4 is, for me, the lowest ranking main line game. It introduced Steve Fox which is my favorite fighter and also Marduk was added which has a great design and ok backstory. Tekken 5 added Dragunov. Another good charachter, gameplay wise, I am not to aware of his backstory. Asuka whom was added in 5 too helped expand the lore. Tekken 6 introduced Alisa and Miguel, I find them visually pretty interesting, again not sure of their backstories. The guest characters from Tekken 7, were more like cheating fighters, I am not fond of them tbh. But I love the design of Leroy Smith and Fahkumram, also both pretty OP on launch.

DeathTouch677d ago

From the new guests, Lydia is my favorite overall.