
Nintendo censors Tharja in North American version of Fire Emblem DLC scene

ere’s a new piece of downloadable content up for purchase in Fire Emblem: Awakening today in North America known as “Summer Scramble”. For the US release, Nintendo decided to censor one particular moment of a CG scene involving Tharja.

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jc485734103d ago

i don't see how that really helps....

Pozzle4102d ago

If anything, it makes it more risque. The censor makes it look like she isn't wearing any underwear at all. lol

Snookies124102d ago (Edited 4102d ago )

Oh, in that case, good going Nintendo lol. I absolutely HATE censoring of original work. In my mind, it's one of the worst things you can do to any form of media. It disrespects the creator's original intentions. No matter if they're censoring nudity or just a simple word on a picture in the background. Small or big, censoring shouldn't happen period.

ShinMaster4102d ago (Edited 4102d ago )

They've censored several things in the past including blood, gave everyone a baby voice in Mario Galaxy 2 including Yoshi and now this.
Come on, the game is rated "T" not "E".

This is one of the reasons Nintendo has a hard time shedding the "kiddie" image. They bring that criticism upon themselves by doing things like this. Especially Nintendo of America. Are they trying to embrace the core and gamers of all ages, or not? -_-

Myst4103d ago

That looks rather..cheap :/

Baka-akaB4102d ago

LOl Nintendo , you've just made it more "erotic" by making it harder to see .

That aside , as a paid content , you should at least propose PG and adult version of those dlc for the customer to choose , instead of forcing their hands

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10 Video Game Sequels That Saved Their Franchise

Video game sequels like Assassin's Creed Origins, Doom (2016), and Fire Emblem Awakening were just what these franchises needed to be revitalized.

Immagaiden448d ago

Lmao what’s Halo Infinite doing on this list?

Who would ever say Halo Infinite saved the Halo franchise

SullysCigar447d ago

Thought the same - very bizarre!

RE7 though... my God, what a shift over RE6! That franchise was definitely going in the wrong direction, so RE7 was a welcome return to form.

ModsDoBetter447d ago

Resi 6 was and still is the worst entry in the series.
7 was a great turnaround, despite people’s concerned about the switch to FP perspective.

DMC5 definitely helped the franchise after the whole DmC debacle. Whilst it was a decent action game, it was a far cry from the series and the characters we knew.

AC Origins is my favourite in the entire AC series. Despite the switch to a more RPG style of gameplay - the setting, soundtrack, length, etc were all amazing. sadly followed up by the ridiculously long and “more of the same” Odsyssey.

I don’t feel it’s fair to say the franchise slipped with Doom 3, Doom 3 was incredibly atmospheric and took the game in a different direction but there’s no denying Doom (2016) was sensational.

Halo 4 & 5 were disappointing but Halo Infinite definitely didn’t save the franchise? What?

TheEnigma313447d ago (Edited 447d ago )

I'm going to have to go with SMB 3. I was around when SMB 2 first came out and people hated it. 3 is still arguably the best mario game created.

HellspawnPR1981447d ago

"Halo Infinite"? Worse Halo ever. Whoever made this list just lost all credibility.

Hofstaderman447d ago

In future lists of a similar nature I have a suspicion Final Fantasy XVI will feature.


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