
Just Cause a Big Hit in Great Britain

The weekly sales numbers have been announced by the Entertainment & Leisure Software Publishers Association in the U.K. and the open-world overthrow simulator is holding on to the top slot. The game has not been a huge success in the United States, after some not-so-nice reviews cooled gamer interest.

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Daewoodrow6491d ago

that's odd... I don't see why people over here would be any more interested in the game than in the US.

It wouldn't surprise me if it's because people here lack excitement. Or maybe we just don't read reviews.

Yo Wassap6491d ago

The game was fantastic (apart from the cutscenes). I don't see how it could have got such bad reviews in the first place. It wasn't supposed to be realistic, just fun and that's what i got out of the box.

deepio6491d ago

IGN US gave the game 6.8 and IGN UK gave it 8.8. Wierd hey! I actually enjoyed the demo but read the reviews and that naah. Might give it a rental.

USMChardcharger6491d ago

yeah i was wondering if the retail had any difference from the demo. does anyone who owns the game have info.

if so thanks for taking the time to let us know.

(i agree with Yo Wassap. i took the game (played demo) like you where playing an action movie rather than a real life agent going at it. just pure fun.)

Mikey_Gee6491d ago

Maybe it was just the Demo, but this game did NOTHING for me !!

borgome6491d ago (Edited 6491d ago )

bud, that demo was brutal. Just the feel and the conrol of the game was horrible. This type of game should be on the PS2, not even close to what a 360 game should be.

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5 Things Just Cause 5 Needs

Just Cause 5 could be a turning point for the franchise. Here are five things Avalanche Studios could do to keep Just Cause fresh.

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Where are you Just Cause 5?

Avalanche Studios' open-world franchise is due to make its next-gen debut, as the franchise is ripe with potential for a comeback.

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isarai925d ago (Edited 925d ago )

I dunno man, 4 kinda sucked compared to 3 personally, i do wish they would take on a Mercenaries sequel though

Wretchedstain924d ago

Not sure if the IP still exists anywhere, or who owns it now, but yes, that would be an awesome idea. Pandemic studios did a few good games before they got closed by EA in 2009. The Saboteur is still a go to game of mine. Mercenaries 3: No Limits was one of the cancelled games we all missed out on.

slayernz924d ago

yeah my thoughts as well, loved #3 but #4 was pretty meh just nowhere near as much fun, felt like a grind

Minute Man 721923d ago (Edited 923d ago )

I'm loving #4 right now

LordoftheCritics925d ago

I think the game needs a reboot.

Same save the island situation since the first. Each iteration feels mostly a tech upgrade.

porkChop924d ago

They're busy working on Contraband, a new IP. I like Just Cause but they don't need to pump them out one after another. Mad Max showed they're far more than a one trick pony, so just let them do what they want to do.

isarai924d ago

They have two studios, so i hope the other is working on something cool. Hell i'd be psyched for a mad max sequel honestly.

chicken_in_the_corn924d ago

Wherever it is, I just hope it isn't cross gen

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Just Cause Developer's Huge Cancelled Open-World Game

In an interview with Wassup Conversations, Mikael Säker writer of such games like Battlefield 3,4,1 and The Darkness, talks about a cancelled steampunk open-world game in an alternative history of the 1950s of London. The game was in production at Avalanche Studios, the developer behind Just Cause games but it was cancelled due to economical crisis of the studio at the time. More about the game in the link.

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RaidenBlack1282d ago

"That was not fun. I think they had to let the half of the studio go, over a night because of the economic collapse. The publisher cancelled all their games except one, and it was a big publisher. But had been working on this awesome open-world game set in an alternative reality version of 1950s. It was insane! We had a huge this huge version of London that looked spectacular. We didn't have skyscrapers, but we had, like inverted heights, so the city grew downwards, to the ground. You could fly ziplines, airships, planes and jump down to these really, really deep holes in the middle of the city. So it was visually, and world-building wise spectacular and It had some really great gameplay ideas." Unfortunately, the game was cancelled because it needed another two years of development during those hard times of Avalanche.
Why do we miss out on such gems?

Relientk771281d ago

"steampunk open-world game in an alternative history of the 1950s of London."

That sounds awesome, and of course it's cancelled. *Sigh*

lelo2play1281d ago (Edited 1281d ago )

Looks interesting. Microsoft or Sony could help (€€€) with this game's development.

BTW, wouldn't mind a Mad Max sequel from Avalanche.

moriarty18891281d ago

agreed. Really liked Mad Max.

Minute Man 7211281d ago

The story for Mad Max was crazy and sad

CrimsonWing691281d ago

It sucks when games get canceled especially if they’re bringing something unique to the market.

seanpitt231281d ago (Edited 1281d ago )

Yeah they scrapped this and then made just cause 4 and probably 5 which are getting worse and a step back in every new entry that releases.. just cause 4 was an abomination the only good game this company has made in recent times is mad max and just cause 2 was pretty good for the time

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