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Who Will Be Revealed First in the Next Super Smash Bros.?

When it comes to first time showings, the Super Smash Bros. games are some of the most exciting and highly anticipated to look out for. One of the most important and most intriguing parts of the reveal comes down to the playable characters that are revealed to return, or newcomers that are joining the brawl. As we anticipate the next Super Smash Bros.’s upcoming reveal in the coming months, let’s take a look back at the characters initially revealed whenever a Smash Bros. game was announced.

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Community4073d ago
LOL_WUT4073d ago

I'll take it even further and say a Pokémon character? ;)

fairyblaster4073d ago

heck yeah imagine they bring mewto back . lol you lose

majiebeast4073d ago

Mewthree and it isnt even his final form;)

jcnba284073d ago

You really must not have much of a life to be trolling on every Nintendo article on this site.

trenso14073d ago

how is it trolling? I can bet when they show the first trailer they are ganna show the nintendo vets fighting it out with mario appearing on stage. Each smash bros trailer shows mario.

Utalkin2me4072d ago

Wow, just assuming in every aspect far as character and a game.

Why o why4072d ago

I think its fair to say that's a joke.. I chuckled

fairyblaster4073d ago

street fighter characters in smash is a high probability. just ask bowser or m byson in wreck it ralph 0.0

shiek VS vega? yes please and thanks

cero554073d ago (Edited 4073d ago )

the only street fighter characters i see making it are ryu or chunli. (maybe ken or akuma if their still into the clone character phase)

Adamated4072d ago

This is entirely my opinion, but I dont want a street fighter character in Smash Bros.

Seriously, they already have a million different fighting games y'know?

To me, the excitement of new characters is to see how that character would fight and the creative ways that the development teams envision them.

Street fighter characters have already been given fighting styles, and it wouldn't be a very creative/new experience for gamers/the series.

showtimefolks4072d ago

my questions is when will this come out? it has to be 2013 wii-u is lacking a big game and SSB could be huge

mcstorm4072d ago

I think it will be late this year and we will see a 3DS and WiiU version. I hope Nintendo do something like Sony did with PSASBR where if you buy the WiiU game you get the 3DS version free.

3-4-54072d ago

I hope they do another Dojo for this game.

Brawl Dojo was the best thing I've followed on the internet ever in terms of pure excitement every day, waiting to see new information or new characters.

Really built up tons of hype and excitement for the game in a good way by giving lots of tiny bits here and there.

Y_51504072d ago

Man I followed that Dojo like a mad man. I'm sure they'll do something similar or they can do it like how they are revealing new stuff for Pokemon.

WiiUsauce4072d ago

Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Isa Jo and Kashi (Sin and Punishment: Star Successor)
Isaac (Golden Sun)
Aeron (Pandora's Tower)
Chrom (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Dillon (Rolling Western)
Little Mac (Punch Out!)
Ryu Hayabusa

Possible 3rd party characters:
Solid Snake (again)
Sonic the Hedgehog (again)
Jill Valentine or Leon S Kennedy
Travis Touchdown

lizard812884072d ago

I'd say Mario, Link, Kirby, and Pikachu.

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jcnba284073d ago (Edited 4073d ago )

I say Bayonetta has a good chance of making the roster.

I would love if they added Midna from Twilight Princess but I say it's highly unlikely.

PopRocks3594073d ago

Mewtwo's return with the new form as a transformation akin to Pokemon Trainer's roster and Zelda/Shiek.

CouldHaveYelledUiiW4073d ago

Samus (Zero and Suit) had better return.

I also wish that each Hero series had their villain.

Like if Samus had Dark Samus or Ridley.

Beyond toons I would want a more in depth Level Builder.
Perhaps more dynamic terrains.

...Then again, who knows what the Next Super Smash Bros. will Play like?
A: Nintendo.

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Mortal Kombat hits 80 million sales, here's how it stacks up against competition

NetherRealm confirms its Mortal Kombat franchise has sold over 80 million copies in the last 30 years, and here's how it competes against other fighters.

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Community400d ago
Kakashi Hatake400d ago

Don't care what anyone says, Smash isn't a traditional fighting game. May as well call Powerstone and Playstation All Stars fighting games. They're more of an arena fighter /party game.

NotoriousWhiz400d ago

You don't have to care what anyone says. It's not a traditional fighting game. But it is a fighting game.

gerbintosh400d ago

Not according to the creator, Sakurai. Link below

399d ago
CrimsonWing69400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

I mean what makes them an arena fighter than say something like Tekken? Because there’s platforms?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21400d ago

because theres a bunch of pokeballs and other random stupid stuff on stage that you can use at your advantage and flying ultra super power ball that you got to chase on the stage to get your ougi LMAO.

CrimsonWing69400d ago


I mean what it sounds like is they took a fighting game and “added” unique mechanics to it to me.

When I think arena game I think of things like Spawn: In the Demon’s Hand or Virtual-On.

Smash to me is a fighting game, they have fighting game tournaments for it. It just doesn’t jive with me to call it “not a fighting game” because you have poke-balls and platforms or because it has 4 players at once duking it out.

Power Stone I’d consider a fighting game as well. Hell, if you google what it is everyone calls these games “fighting games”. So yea, they’re fighting games…

Immagaiden400d ago

What’s next, you gonna say Mario Kart isn’t a racing game?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21400d ago

oh its a racer but its not a realistic one like GT or Forza. only kids check for mario kart and smash .

Immagaiden400d ago

I didn’t say it was realistic. I said racing game. Does Burnout not being realistic make it not a racing game?

What does a demographic have to do with a genre? Do kids playing CoD make it any less an FPS? You see how ridiculous bringing up that subject is?

repsahj399d ago

"Only kids and kids at heart check for mario kart and smash".


FallenAngel1984400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Nobody said it was a traditional fighter. Everyone acknowledges it as a platform fighter

PSASBR & Power Stone are fighting games, the former being a platform fighter and the latter an arena fighter

gleepot399d ago

You're correct, it isn't traditional. It's a fighting game though.

repsahj399d ago

Because if cute and lovable characters are fighting it's not a fighting game? XD As long there's a versus fighting, it is a fighting game.

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MrNinosan400d ago

Including Smash Bros in a list of fighting games, is like including GTA in Racing games.

NotoriousWhiz400d ago

I hate to break it to you but smash bros has fighting game tournaments so it qualifies.

MrNinosan400d ago

"and here's how it competes against other fighters"

No, Mortal Kombat doesn't compete with games like Smash Bros? It's a different genre for a different audience.

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21400d ago

Anybody can host a tournament in their garage it doesnt mean it qualifies.

NotoriousWhiz400d ago

I'm going to assume you're not part of the FGC. However, I am, and I can tell you that there is a ton of overlap between people who play smash competitively and those who play other fighting games competitively.

Now for casuals, there is a lot less overlap between the two for sure.

PapaBop400d ago

While technically true, Leffen comes to mind, FGC and Smash community have always had a rocky relationship.

Thundercat77400d ago

And yet, If Smash Bros was over 80 million, you wouldn't be complaining. On the contrary, you would be bragging about it.

Immagaiden400d ago

Bad comparison. You do a LOT of things in GTA outside of a car while fighting is what you’re mainly doing in SSB

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Ezio2048400d ago

Given the volume of games released, I would say Tekken has sold the best.

lodossrage400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Yeah, that's a good point. Most of these games have parts to the franchise outside of traditional fighting games.

Like for example, with Mortal Kombat, do Special Forces, Mythologies: Sub: zero, and the Kollection count?

With Tekken does death by degrees or the tag tournament games count?

With Street Fighter, are we counting all the iterations of 2, 3, and 4? how about the ex series or alpha series?

There are a lot of variables at play here

Ezio2048400d ago

Even after including Tekken Tag, they have less titles compared to all MK and SF games.

CS7399d ago

Yeah, i realized that too. Very interesting.

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Super Smash Bros. prototype revealed in new video

The designer of the original Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64 shows us the prototype that started it all.

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gamefreaks365611d ago

20 Best GameCube Games of All Time

Nintendo's little purple square didn't get the acclaim at the time, but the best GameCube games show what a powerhouse it really was.

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darthv72640d ago

Oh man... FZero. That is actually the only game I ever got sick off of. And Im not talking motion sick but full on seizure induced sick. It was so damn fast that my eyes just couldnt keep up and I found myself waking up in the hospital. Havent even tried to play it since, nearly 20 years ago. I can play wipeout, fast racing RMX, burnout... lots of other really fast racing games no problem. FZero really F'd me up that day.

Other cube games I never get tired of playing are mario kart dd, metroid prime, rogue leader and ikaruga

gold_drake639d ago

i agree with fzero. it was super fast lol. it gave me terrible headaches.

mark_loprototype640d ago

I wonder how alone I am in putting the REmake above Resident Evil 4.

_Decadent_Descent639d ago

I certainly expected Remake to make the list.

XxINFERNUSxX640d ago (Edited 640d ago )

Man, we need a Viewtiful Joe and Viewtiful Joe 2 remake, along with F-Zero GX, Metroid Prime 1,2,3, can't forget Eternal Darkness, damn that game was amazing, Baten Kaitos as well. Noticed I said remake not remaster, I would love them to be remade in a whole new engine brought up to at least 2022 standards.😊 Remade on Switch and ones that are 3rd party can go multi-platform.

rlow1639d ago (Edited 639d ago )

Honestly that console was up there in my top 3. So many good innovative games. Eternal Darkness was brilliant with the way it messed with you….aka your controller is disconnected… lol. Metroid, Zelda, Viewtiful Joe, and so many others. I miss playing them. Been thinking of buying a GameCube and jumping back into the nostalgia.

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