
Ratchet & Clank Movie coming in 2015 - First Trailer

One of the biggest questions we’ve gotten in the last few years is “When are you going to make a Ratchet & Clank movie?” The truth is, we’ve wanted to do a movie for a long time! Ratchet & Clank’s action, humor and galaxy-spanning adventures have really been the basis for a fantastic game series, and we think it’d translate perfectly to the big screen.
We’ve been looking for the right partner to help us bring a Ratchet & Clank movie to life, and we’re thrilled to announce that Blockade Entertainment and Rainmaker Entertainment are currently in production on Ratchet & Clank’s first cinematic adventure.

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BraidedWALLACE4112d ago

I wish they would of done this years ago.

Hopefully Sony Create a DC type Universe Movie, for there games.

Jak & D
Resistance etc....

toxic-inferno4112d ago

I can see a Jak and Daxter movie working out really well. Not sure how a LBP movie would work, but it sounds adorable!

mcnablejr4112d ago

I am so freaking excited for this, i loved them on the ps2, unfortunately i didnt really get a chance to play the ps3 versions, this is epic, please be real.

shivvy244112d ago

A crack in time on the PS3 is the best by far ! Give it a go :)

IcyEyes4112d ago

I second that, RnC a crack in time is (imho) the best with the Clank's puzzle incredible fun.

extermin8or4112d ago

crack in time is the best and the recent q force or full frontal assualt is great fun :D

trenso14112d ago

a crack in time was better than tools for destruction imo the quest for booty download isnt bad either, i wish the added multiplayer like they had size matters on psp, the online was cool

Retroman4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

how ever this movie turn out R&C hope a game version is in the making "PIXAR" QUALITY.

vickers5004112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

I liked tools of destruction a lot more than a crack in time. Tools was my fist ratchet game to play and i believe my third or fourth ps3 game and i loved it. Took me a while to finish a crack in time though, i didn't like the rocket boots things and didn't like not having clank. Also didn't like the clank puzzle sections.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4112d ago
arronax-14112d ago

I can imagine Sony making a Sly Cooper TV Series.

miyamoto4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

Actually PlayStation Movies in the works are:

1 Shadow of the Colossus
2 Uncharted
3 God of War
4 Heavenly Sword
5 Ratchet and Clank

and kind of...

6 Metal Gear
7 Amazing Spider-Man 2

the minute I finished Uncharted 2 I knew Sony has a multi media plan for their PlayStation franchises to tie in with Sony Pictures. So far they are doing a great job at this game-movie concept with Uncharted initiative, maximizing their assets.

Gravity Rush anime please Sony

Retroman4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

PIXAR all the way baby!!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4112d ago
Thatguy-3104112d ago

Omg this is a really smart move from there part. It will honestly introduce new people to the games. Have a 4 yr old nephew that will totally see this since he can't really get into the games at the moment. But can't lie that I'm quite psyched myself. I agree with Braided that they should do it to other CGI looking franchises like Sly Cooper for example.

G20WLY4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

This is a no brainer, what's taken them so long? Love these games and so do my 6 year old nephews - even my dad loves it lol (we co-opped the last game from start to finish and it was intense!).

Love that the sense of humour caters for adults with subtle 'undertones', without kids knowing, kinda like the Simpsons ;o)

GiggMan4112d ago

Also we'll finally get a game based off of a movie and the game won't suck.. Probably because the movie is based off of a game that doesn't suck... Although 2015? That sucks...

Well anyway, back to work... (Sucks)

tigertron4112d ago

I didn't see this one coming. I'm looking forward to it. :)

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8 Years Later, It's About Time Sony Revives The Rest Of Ratchet And Clank

Hanzala from eXputer: "On this joyous 8th anniversary of the Ratchet and Clank reboot, it's about time Sony considers reviving the originals to complete the saga."

shinoff218398d ago (Edited 98d ago )

It's not the ideal situation but Sony does offer them on ps plus. I to would just like a big ass compilation on doscto though

purple10197d ago

Insomniac roadmap leaked a while ago and they are making another, they’re doing the best they can and these games, especially the last two, are master pieces


AMD users left in the dirt with "ludicrous" Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart hardware issues

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart hardware issues are a huge problem for AMD users

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ocelot07364d ago

Strange with the ps5 being amd based it would of been more optimized for amd gpu's.

mkis007364d ago (Edited 364d ago )

Lets see just how widespread these issues are... doesnt make a bit of sense because the game was made for amd hardware.

: oh its just complaining over amd's poor implementation of things on the pc side.

PunksOnN4G364d ago

Why would it be its obvi on AMD drivers

mkis007364d ago (Edited 364d ago )

Maybe you are not up to date on the current state of AMD's Raytracing support and FSR.

Please tell me were you got never sony from in my comment?

ModsDoBetter364d ago

"Please tell me were you got never sony from in my comment?"

This is a first party title.
Released and poorly optimised. You jump straight to AMD being completely at fault as if TLoU PC port didn't happen.

Christopher364d ago (Edited 364d ago )

AMD themself said it was a driver issue.

generic-user-name364d ago

You should probably make sure it is Sony before trying to fling mud.

ModsDoBetter364d ago

@Generic with the cope:

From DigitalFoundry,

"The comparison, which was shared by Digital Foundry, was accompanied by a written analysis that goes over some of the port's best features, such as good scalability, which allows players with the proper hardware to enjoy much better visuals than on PlayStation 5 and those with underpowered machines to have still a decent experience barring some stuttering, and issues, such as missing transparency effects at max settings, texture loading issues, shadows issues with ray tracing enabled, stability issues and more. With the additional disabling of ray tracing on AMD GPUs due to stability issues, it feels like this is yet another port that was launched in an unpolished state and that will require multiple patches to be in a truly acceptable one."

"it feels like this is yet another port that was launched in an unpolished state and that will require multiple patches to be in a truly acceptable one."

This is not solely an issue with AMD, the port is "yet another" with missing features.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 364d ago
Jin_Sakai364d ago (Edited 364d ago )

AMD has always been crap compared to Nvidia. The only advantage they have is price.

DarXyde364d ago

And power efficiency. And arguably better performance on 1080p/1440p cards. And availability.

Nvidia cards really aren't worth hunting high and low for when there are very comparable AMD cards that are cheaper. I really have to give credit to AMD for their very frequent and consistent grind with RDNA. This issue I reckon is a developer level problem.

Can't really miss with either, but considering Jensen and Lisa are relatives, they probably laugh about these debates over a very expensive holiday dinner.

iAmyRose364d ago

Naw AMD have had instances of being good, Nvidia do have better features, raytracing and AI performance if you play with software that uses it though.

KeeseToast364d ago

Power efficiency is not true at all this gpu generation. Nvidia‘s 4000 series is more power efficient that AMD 7000

DivineHand125364d ago

I believe AMD offers higher vram at lower price points compared to NVidia. We have found out that this generation needs at least 8GB to load the highest detail textures at 1080p.

This issue with the drivers will eventually be fixed for Ratchet and Clank, however, the vram issue NVidia has on their midrange and entry level cards can only be fixed by spending more money on a higher end card.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 364d ago
CantThinkOfAUsername364d ago

AMD has already confirmed it's a driver-related issue on their cards. Besides, AMD 'users' can't stop telling us how not important Ray Tracing is, how they always play with it off, and how it's an 'Nvidia gimmick.' This shouldn't be a problem for them I believe.

On a side note, kudos to Nixxes and Sony for releasing one of the best PC ports in 2023. Amazing graphics with Ray Tracing, great performance, detailed system requirements, plenty of graphics options, all upscaling technologies (DLSS, FSR, and XeSS), DirectStorage 1.2, and native Mouse and Keyboard support.


Not surprised by an AMD driver issue... I love they are in the market and help keep Intel honest but I've had some whacked driver issues with then so I always just go with Intel anymore.

I'm sure they'll have it fixed in the coming days, if it even takes that long, just one of the joys of PC gaming.

ChasterMies364d ago

Imma just sayin’, this is why I play on consoles.

Good-Smurf364d ago

No issues at all on PS5 and some already called me being trolling yesterday.
No telling how well it will run on my PC because there's too things that can go wrong there being High End Nvidia stuff and everything.

MadLad364d ago

Consoles are highly limiting; and when devs screw up optimizing their games on console, you're screwed. You don't have the option of powering through it.

Binarycode364d ago

That's why always wait and see what the game plays like on any device before you buy.

I think they've done a good job porting it to pc, but it needs to be able to run on lower end cards and should have a ram indicator to show how much video ram is being used.

ChasterMies363d ago

That’s why I play on PS5. The user base is so big, devs can’t afford to screw up optimizing their games for it.

MrVux000363d ago

Looking at the overall state of PC gaming and its ports of AAA games for the past 3-4 years vs consoles ports.

Not really helping your case.

1nsomniac364d ago

People never listened when I said that this game doesn’t use “real” ray tracing on PS5. I believe it uses a very clever advanced/modified screen space reflection system. Which is why the real ray tracing doesn’t work on pc.

Outside_ofthe_Box364d ago

Does it matter? I thought we were past this "real" nonsense. The end results matter more. If you can't distinguish, who cares. If it allows for better/more stable frame rate who cares. MS f'd everything when they started using terms like "true" and "real" in their marketing when they launched the One X last gen. People are finally starting to realize that "True 4K" doesn't matter if you have to sacrifice framerate to achieve it. In the end something always has to give if you are truly pushing the hardware.

Binarycode364d ago

Raytracing reflections are used on PS5 as they are in Spiderman, Same engine. tested by professionals with first hand knowledge.

PC Ray-tracings problems are bugs and on AMD side a driver issue.

Lastly if AMD want to compete in the RT space, they need to come up with a solution. As in a unique chip to do it, not just make the gpu with some driver things help it. It's miles behind Nvidia.

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Three Original Games That Still Stand Tall Alongside Their Remakes

Usually, remakes outclass their predecessors in every way. Some games are just too good to fade into the shadow of a remake though; here's a short list of the best.

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TricksterArrow528d ago

Missing Resident Evil 2 and 3. Arguably Resident Evil 1 as well.

NecrumOddBoy528d ago

Oddworld Abe’s Oddysee is 1000% better than New and Tasty and Abe’s Exoddus is about 100,000% better than that abysmal SoulStorm.