
Is the Decision to Buy Call of Duty or Battlefield a Moral Choice?

Kotaku - Before you skip everything in this video and run straight to the comments, understand the question: Many (not "most"; not "all") shooter video games feature licensed, real-world firearms. Gunmakers are compensated for the appearance of their brands as much as the NFL Players Association is paid for its members appearing in Madden. Does this present a moral choice to a video gamer?

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II4178d ago

Battlefield is the superior game far more skill based, try landing sniper shots over 400 metres in battlefield and see what I mean.

badz1494177d ago

moral choice? what happen to buying games that you want? or enjoying both?

aCasualGamer4177d ago


What do you mean dumbest question? This is a legitimate question. If you care about the deaths of innocent people, then it's a legitimate question. Not enough that hundreds innocent Americans get killed every year by "gun worshipers" but think about it in a global perspective. Do you know how many thousands of innocent people get killed due to guns?

If it's true that Activision pays these gun manufacturers money then i'm done buying their games. Simple as that.

NeoTribe4177d ago

Casualgamer. Your a sally. Go buy a nintendo if guns scare you.

FragMnTagM4177d ago


Please read this and do some research if you do not think it is correct.


aCasualGamer4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )


Do guns scare me? Ofcourse they do, you'd be mental if they didn't. If i had a gun pointed at you, you would shit your pants. That goes for everyone. So, should everyone buy a Nintendo?

I'm saying guns in games are fine. What i don't like is game companies becoming more politically involved with gun manufacturers. Any type of endorsement to these gun manufacturers is an instant ban for me. Don't like it? It's my opinion.

The whole idea of gaming is to endorse peace, not further development and manufacturing of guns/weapons. Violence should be digital only. If we can trap the violence in gaming, think about the good it would do/it's already doing.

Ace_Pheonix4177d ago

@aCasualGamer , three times more people die from autoasphixiation every year than from "assault rifles". Yes, more people die strangling themselves with a plastic bag while jacking off than from rifles. Three times more. Everything you see on MSNBC is to scare you into giving up your freedoms, not make the world safer. Look at what has already happened in Australia. And if you had a gun pointed at me, I wouldn't shit my pants. I feel quite confident I could not only avoid getting shot by you, I could likely draw my own concealed weapon and use it properly to prevent you from using a firearm improperly. Using a gun to kill or threaten innocents is not its intended use.

Conzul4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

Guns guns have never killed anyone. It's the people who do the killing. People who are unwell in the head. If they didn't have access to guns, they'd use knives or baseball bats, or even their own hands.

Did you know that more people are killed in America annually by hand than by gun? But you'll probably believe anything you're told by the media. You're probably one of those people who think marijuana is the spawn of Satan sent to pervert good hard-workin' folk into a haze of laziness and iniquity. GTFO

Says it better than I can:

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4177d ago
dedicatedtogamers4177d ago

Stop making up moral dilemmas where there are none, Kotaku.

He complains that videogames devs often have to pay the gun manufacturer to use a likeness of their gun (like paying Colt for M16 designs, or Barrent for their .50cal design, etc). Here's the thing: that's how the real world works. If you're happy with space guns in CoD, that's up to you. However, if you want to depict something from the real world that has patents and licenses protecting its design, you're probably gonna have to pay the owners of it.

If "guns aren't your thing" as you say, then don't play games with them. Leave the guns to the adults.

Ace_Pheonix4177d ago

Exactly! The fact that BF3 uses licensed, real world firearms is a big part of the reason I bought it. I just wish they'd put an XCR-L in there. As far as money going to gun manufacturers, I'm pretty sure they'd do just fine without whatever they get from games. Hell, they probably hardly pay anything, it's free advertising. But the money they get from me buying firearms far outweighs what they get from me buying games. And if people hate firearms with a passion, they should get a different hobby or just play space games as you mentioned.

TopDudeMan4177d ago


When are people going to learn to read before commenting? This article isn't about the choice between call of duty or battlefield. Battlefield, like call of duty, features real guns and therefore funds gun manufacturers.

It amazes me how even the most innocent of articles can be turned into an opportunity to pit 2 things against each other.

That said, some very interesting points are made in the video.

Flavor4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

Thanks not paying atention. The question was about money from gun manufacturers in games. Bubble down for off topic.

Oschino19074177d ago

I find it even more surprising how many aren't even reading the other comments before commenting let alone watching the video or even the paragraph at the top of the page laying out the basis of the question.

N4G makes me facepalm often but things like this turn into a double facepalm and me questioning my faith in humanity.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4177d ago
aviator1894178d ago

It's preference, but I am more of a fan of Battlefield's mp than cod's mp mainly due to the added layer of vehicular gameplay- and that's exactly what draws me to Halo as well.

thechosenone4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

I'm done with both, think I'll go with Killzone and Bungie next gen.

chadboban4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

Wow, the first bunch of comments have already proven that NO ONE watched the video.

coolbeans4177d ago

"Before you skip everything in this video and run straight to the comments, understand the question: Many (not "most"; not "all") shooter video games feature licensed, real-world firearms."

It's like one sentence above-average in length is too much to handle for most. :/

knifefight4177d ago

I'm staring at them like a train wreck.

It's...it's so awful, so brutal...and yet I can't look away.

Chard4177d ago

Respawn is showing their shooter at E3 this year, and I'm willing to bet it will be better than cod.

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New Battlefield Has Portal Devs on "New Experience;" Community Testing Early 2025, New Screens Out

The new Battlefield game will have "large scale community testing" launch in early 2025, as Ripple Effect is working on a "new experience" and new screens emerge as well.

Zeke681d 11h ago

The Prototype > Community Playtest > Feedback idea ain't bad, as long as they actually listens to the players.

peppeaccardo1d 2h ago

Not buying it even if it is dip in gold ... done with these people and their promises.


Did Call of Duty Steal YouTuber's Brendon Herrera Custom Gun Design?

Erina writes: "Brandon Herrera, a well-known YouTuber and firearm expert, has claimed that the creators of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III used his custom-designed firearm, the AK-50, in the season 5 of their latest game without his permission."

Read Full Story >>
anast35d ago

Probably, but this game is bankrupt in every way imaginable, so it's a non issue.

X-2335d ago

Most likely, they steal other ideas on a regular whether it be game modes, character concept designs etc and now they're likely going to start utilizing ai to put less work in for maximum profit.

Snookies1235d ago

Their AI probably stole it accidentally, and they just went with it lol.

Ra303034d ago

"Did Call of Duty Steal"
Is there anything Microsoft won't steal for a buck.....anything?


One of the Biggest Call of Duty Cheat Providers Is Shutting Down Thanks to Activision

Activision has shut down two major Call of Duty cheat providers, with one company issuing a statement about it.

Rynxie54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

Get rid of all of them. I played a little cod mw2 today and there's still a few cheaters here and there. Their Superman split second reactions to everything is the biggest giveaway that they're cheating.

I played against a cheater a while ago, who went like 100 kills to 15 deaths. I, and my teammates, reported him. He entered our next game, and we all said we would report him again, and his gameplay was entirely different. Not only was he in the negatives, but his split second, Superman reactions, went away. No perfect shots from across the map. No diving, proning, and quick aiming super fast. His aiming wasn't as perfect, and he wasn't able to spam his gun and shoot as fast as before.

The cheating is so obvious, it's not even funny.

thorstein54d ago

On MW3 I was seeing a cheat that highlighted all players on my team in an outline regardless of where we were. We could easily be detected through walls.

I guess Activision can do something right for once.... like a broken clock can be right twice a day.

just_looken53d ago

The best thing would be to move everything mp related to the server so the game would be 100% stremend no local files to mess with and add a controller/keyboard mouse checker.

The cheating will always be there sadly until they remove local mp files

jznrpg54d ago

One goes down another will replace them. Unfortunately if there money to be made it will be there.


While cheating in online games is just wrong, the way to get around any legal trouble with games, fan remakes etc. your site on the dark web and accept crypto, you will be fine.