
Do a Barrel Roll: Ideas for Star Fox Wii U


One reason that the Wii was such a disappointment was the absence of the Star Fox series on the console. I concede that the series has waned in quality during the GameCube era. But neglecting a series, as iconic and legendary as Star Fox, for an entire generation is a criminal offence. Nintendo has a perfect opportunity with the Wii U to make things right for the series and for the Star Fox fans. In fact, I believe with the Wii U gamepad, the series can once reclaim its lost accolade as one of Nintendo’s killer apps. So here are my ideas for Star Fox Wii U.

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Star Fox, a Thirty Year Reunion

WTMG's Leo Faria: "I respect the hell out of Star Fox for what it was setting out to do in 1993. You gotta love how feisty Nintendo was being, proving the naysayers wrong with their whole “bit wars” schtick. That doesn’t mean I have to like this game… as a game. It’s just not very good. It was a proof of concept, a big fat tech demo. If anything, we ended up getting Star Fox 64, one of the best games of all time (don’t at me) four years later, so that alone is enough to validate the original Star Fox‘s existence. It also marked the beginning of arguably Nintendo’s most neglected and disrespected franchise alongside F-Zero. One I sure hope won’t die with that disgraceful Wii U title as its swan song, its last hoorah. Happy anniversary, you weird, ugly, barely polygonal monstrosity. At the end of the day, we still love you."

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SimpleSlave549d ago

I would love it if Nintendo finally did a Chorus type Star Fox game at this point. I think with their characters and their "Nintendo Appeal" - whatever that is - they could bring back Star Fox as a main franchise.

The Chorus game design, or even a Crimson Skies style to a lesser extent, would make for a great template to get Star Fox up and running again and get the franchise out of the rut it's suffering from.

Sure, they can go back to the SNES/N64 era gameplay but...really? Meh. Maybe they can use that corridor gameplay style for a smaller game, released between the big releases, or as Boss Levels at the end of each free roaming chapter for that added "Cinematic Flair".

Star Fox certainly deserves better.

Godmars290549d ago

Don't you mean a No Man Sky, only not really. Bit more scripted with an open world after game just in the Lylat system.

SimpleSlave548d ago

No. The game Chorus is the perfect way to bring Star Fox out of the old ways and into the new while still retaining the charm of the series. No need to bloat the game design with a No Man Sky type of open world. That would be counterproductive and just too much of a departure for the series. We'll have another Dinosaur Planet/Star Fox Adventure in our hands and tank the series once again. No thanks.
Go watch a walkthrough of Chorus. That's a design Nintendo could excel at with this franchise while keeping the charm and concept close to the series origins but also moving it forward enough that it can flourish in a bigger scale. It's perfect.

closed_account549d ago (Edited 549d ago )

"It’s just not very good."

You wash that filthy mouth!

--It really was something you had to be there for and experience during the early 90's, I understand haha

jznrpg999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

I really enjoyed Commando as a kid and it’s not listed . I bet it’s cheap maybe? Beat all 99 levels just to find out you start all over again .

djl3485998d ago

You must be talking about Captain Commando and no it's not cheap...going for about $130.

Jiub999d ago

I'm surprised Illusion of Gaia doesn't cost more

Knightofelemia999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

Any retro console is still worth buying in 2022 whether a Genesis, NES, SMS, TG16. Some systems command a higher price then others but a SNES is still reasonably priced and worth grabbing you can mod the NA SNES to play Japanese games throw in an Everdrive and you're set. I feel sorry for some of the consoles I see on Ebay that have holes in them, yellowed to death, modified with shitty mods that barely work. The SNES might need a little work great way to learn if yellowed just use peroxide and UV light and it will turn white again. If you have a hobby of repairing older consoles that are listed as untested broken for parts some of the repairs are basic you can save money that way when buying a retro console. I just bought a $20 NES listed as broken on Ebay disable the lock out chip and new 72pin connector and it works.

Jiub998d ago

I imagine restoration work on retro consoles is going to become much more important as the years wear on. Sure, hundreds of thousands of certain consoles were made, but fewer exist every year.

Knightofelemia998d ago (Edited 998d ago )

Depends on the console a SNES for sure needs retrobrite the plastic grows brittle and literally falls apart same with the NES. A White Dreamcast also needs retrobrite if I remember right the TG16 needs new capacitors it suffers the same issue as the Game Gear. Most of the old handhelds need new screens since they fail with age my Game Gear had new capacitors put in and a McWill mod done to it. The NES needs the lock out chip disabled when the power light turns on and off maybe throw in a new 72pin as well. Sega Master System has an issue blowing out the 7805 voltage regulator. OG Xbox depending on the board revision needs a clock capacitor removed or it leaks and fries the board. N64 controller needs a new thumbstick Sega Genesis model 2 suffers from the solder around the power supply is prone to cracking hence the system will not power up. Sega CD model 1 the laser dies fast model 2 the rubber feet supporting the drive fail and the model is know to throw the pico fuse so it dies fast as well.

It also depends how you treat the system also I baby my shit. I don't throw it around like a football the systems I see that might need the most help going through the years are the ones that use lasers and discs. I know some systems have problems due to how they were built as well like again certain board revisions of an OG Xbox and the Game Gear. I have bought broken systems and picked them for parts. I actually enjoy fixing older systems it's relaxing and a great way to teach yourself new skills.

Retroman999d ago

Turning 64 this year.....my days playing video games are Now over.... time to move on to Jesus Christ .....I wish all of you Happy New Year . Game on Dudes!!!
It was fun while it lasted.


Starfox Games, Ranked

WGTC: "Nintendo hasn’t always given Starfox the most love among its tentpole franchises, but the series has still cultivated a loyal cult fanbase over its almost 30-year history. Here are all of the games in the mainline series ranked from worst to best."

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DarkZane1156d ago

Well, they listed Star Fox Zero as the worst one, so that list is at least believable.

septemberindecember1154d ago

I feel like if you're judging the original Star Fox by it's era then I feel you should do the same with Star Fox 2 IMO. Since they are both effectively SNEA games

Sgt_Slaughter1154d ago

It's hard to top the N64 version (well maybe the 3DS version, but that should have used uncompressed audio. Without that it's a step down from what it could have been IMO)