
Classic Game Video Review: Radiata Stories

Radiata Stories was one of my favorite offerings of the PS2 generation, and it deserve more attention than it got. I decided to pay tribute to this fantastic game in the form of a quick video review. Please enjoy.

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2+ Hours of Secret Content Discovered in Radiata Stories Hidden Game Files

16 years after its original release, players have datamined never-before-seen footage of Radiata Stories hidden deep within the game files.

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GoodGuy091331d ago

The game shouldve had a 3rd route similar to fe fates. A neutral route where you go off alone making the difficulty the hardest and you recruit members from both sides. A path that actually gave us a satisfying ending lol. The potential.....

TheColbertinator1331d ago

This game was a masterpiece for me. Somehow someway Tri-Ace took the Suikoden formula and delivered it in a new refreshing way.



#ReviveRadiata Gains Traction, Trailer, and Attention from 'Radiata Stories' Developer, Tri-Ace

HPP: "Hoping to see Radiata Stories on future consoles and preserved digitally for generations to come? Be sure to sign the petition to #ReviveRadiata."

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lodossrage1563d ago

You know, I miss Radiata Stories, Vagrant Story, and Valkyrie Profile. Back in the day jrpgs has a more epic feel to them compared to now.

SegaSaturn6691562d ago

You can mod your ps3 and ps4 to play ps2 games, yet VP2 always has horrible problems. Even in emulation it has all sorts of bugs and graphical glitches. Needs a remake so badly. VP1 had psp and mobile port.

The DS VP game is really great, too.

TheGamez1001562d ago (Edited 1562d ago )

Oh God I would love a remake/remaster/definitive edition that does a much better ending than the two that the original has.

Tross1562d ago

I'm all for the revival of any PS2 JRPG classics.

Battlestar231562d ago

Would love a revival of this game it was never released in the EU and i would love to play it.

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PS2 Hidden Gem 'Radiata Stories' Turns 15, Fans Petition Squeenix for Its Revival

It's been 15 years since Radiata Stories released on the PS2, a one-of-a-kind JRPG released at the end of the PS2's console cycle; to commemorate the occasion, fans are coming together to petition Square-Enix and tri-Ace to revive the hidden gem and digitally preserve it on the PSN.

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Teflon021697d ago

Never heard of this. But it actually looks good

Livingthedream1697d ago

I played it wayyyy back when, and it was fantastic, unfortunately due to a ps2 issue I was unable to finish it. But I would definitely play a legitimate remake of the game.

on_line_forever1697d ago

I want remake for Vagrant story and parasite eve 1 & 2

Muzikguy1697d ago

I haven't either. There are so many games these guys could revive or remaster. The PS1 and PS2 were filled with amazing rpgs that I never got to play

NatureOfLogic_1697d ago

I remember this game. PS2 had so many hidden gems.

LiViNgLeGaCY1697d ago

It really did, it's insane.

RedDevils1697d ago

I played it couple of weeks ago on the jb PS3.

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Abcdefeg1697d ago

Loved this game, it had that lighthearted shonen vibe from the ps1 jrpg era

Logyoof1697d ago

Lighthearted game with some bittersweet endings.

Tapani1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

Played this back in the day, didn’t have time to finish it. Bought and repaired a PS3 Fat Japanese launch model and this game (400yen for the game) two weeks ago. Planning to play it all the way to the end.

I remember the music and graphics being really good, and the game having some interesting story developments there as well.

TheGamez1001697d ago

One of those great gems. Definitely needs a remaster.

Fist4achin1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

Sadly, the ps2 version is in my backlog to play. I found a copy of this a little while ago and i have a ps3 with BC. I will get to it.

KaaF1697d ago

Oh, hell yeah. This game has a pretty unique feeling, too bad not many people know about it.

Loktai1697d ago

Yoy say that but, I don't think it's that obscure . Look how many people know about it and are posting.

You know what never gets mentioned? Koudelda/shadow hearts...

KaaF1696d ago

Koudelda is a bit too weird to be honest, I love it, but it feels like a game designed to be niche. Shadow Hearts had two sequels, far from "never gets mentioned".

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