
Cage: What we are doing with PlayStation 4 is 'another world'

The creative director of Heavy Rain studio Quantic Dream has suggested that his mystery PS4 project will provide a distinct visual leap over current generation technology.

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JoGam4190d ago

I am excited to hear that.

iGAM3R-VIII4190d ago

Agreed, all I have to say is:

Q: What do we want?!?!

A: E3!!!

Q: When do we want it?!?!

A: Now!!!

Q: Why do we want it?!?!

A: To see what else Sony can bring to the table and see what MS has to reveal. And new games!!!

iGAM3R-VIII4190d ago

@HammadTheOne well let's be honest, I highly doubt Nintendo are going to bring a new console, they will just show new games and maybe price cuts at E3

LAWSON724189d ago

Ya how needs games, all we need is new consoles...
and Usher, lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4189d ago
MariaHelFutura4190d ago

PS4 is looking like a rockstar.

HammadTheBeast4190d ago

Now if Only Rockstar could put a Rockstar on this Rockstar.... it would Rock to the Stars!

Bathyj4190d ago

Sadly, with graphics being as good as they are, we'll never see a Manhunt 3.

Yui_Suzumiya4190d ago

Speaking of Rockstar.. Agent anyone!?

Thirty3Three4190d ago

"Cage: What we are doing with PlayStation 4 is 'another world'"

Later this year...

"We're happy to announce our new game, "Another World!"

Hahaha! :P

Belking4190d ago

I hope it involves more actual game play instead of that interactive stuff.

DigitalRaptor4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

Fail. All gameplay is interactive. Point and click adventure gameplay for example, is interactive in a different way. Gameplay exists in more forms than what you've played in the past few years on the Xbox your parents bought you.

Since you desire more "actual game play", read this and watch the videos inside to see if it satisfies your apparent attention deficit for instant gratification: http://www.vg247.com/2013/0...

Belking4190d ago

I don't need to read that. I know what type of games Cage does. The game is in the interactive cinema genre so I know there will be plenty of button sequences, QTE and stuff like that. It doesn't mean the game will be bad and I never said it would be so calm down. Cage games are good but the QTE stuff I don't like.

BitbyDeath4190d ago


David is trying to remove QTE from Beyond Two Souls. Have a read of this -


MysticStrummer4190d ago

If you don't like QTEs that's fine, but saying it's not "actual gameplay" is ridiculous. It's just as much gameplay as real time strategy, turn based strategy, tower defense, first person shooter, third person shooter, vertical or side scrolling shooter, point and click adventures, text adventures, racing, sports, puzzle, or any other genre you'd care to mention. I hope Cage continues exactly what he's been doing so far, because he's great at it and the industry has plenty of devs who copy what other people are doing.

kenshiro1004190d ago

Hey genius, interaction is actual gameplay.

CommonSenseGamer4189d ago

Another attack on someone....try focussing on the comments and not the individuals, Love it when people PM you with an attacking comment then block you from replying.

kenshiro1004189d ago

I didn't attack him. Interaction *is* a form of gameplay.

Btw, love how you mash that disagree button because you're butthurt over me blocking you. I don't have to say anything more to you.

Bye now!

first1NFANTRY4190d ago

Oh sh!t...damn you Cage you just had to go there didn't you. Now i'm all giddy inside.

mrmancs4190d ago

hope we don't have to wait till e3 for more ps4. Hope to see some teaser screenshots of hot games soon , that will make haters say , that isn't in game! And then come e3 they eat there words when they see the awesome games running in full hd , 60fps. bring it on!

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Over 50% of PlayStation's Live Service Projects Either Failed Or Were Cancelled

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Miraak82 14d ago

What do they expect !? the ones that failed are just knockoffs of existing popular games usually releasing alittle too late. Their multplayer offering haven't been good since ps3 and even later on in its lifecycle it started to chase trends like how Killzone 3 & SF tried to copy CoD compared to KZ2. Honestly I can't believe they gave up on LBP, technically not a live service but man I spent so much on DLC and costumes , Warhawk and KZ2 and their expansions . Demons Souls which I spent the most time playing was one of the most unique multiplayer experience ever . All the resistance games were just awesome .. but since ps4 I haven't enjoyed any 1st party multiplayer offering . Marathon might be alright but do they really think a Horizon mmo/mp is a good idea .

14d ago Replies(4)
refocusedman14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

how abt they remake warhawk as a live service game. that would be awesome. maybe MAG, bring back killzone resistance.... cmon sony stop trying to reinvent the wheel when you alreafy have tires in your garage.

porkChop14d ago

I could see Warhawk really working as a live service. Between the weapons, vehicles, warhawks, etc , there's plenty of opportunity for cosmetics. As long as the gameplay loop doesn't change too much from the PS3 game, that shit was unlike anything else and I loved it. Just keep releasing a new map every few months, and keep things fresh with new gameplay modes/events.

RaiderNation14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Agreed. Likewise with Twisted Metal. That game could work very as a live service game. Just follow the Rocket League format and it could be great!

Not all "live service" are bad. They just need to be well thought out and make sense.

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