
Mark Rein: 'We're more Epic than we've ever been'

Following Epic's impressive Infiltrator demo, which was one of the stand-out demonstrations of next-gen tech the 2013 Game Developers Conference, we talk to Mark Rein on Unreal Engine 4, Fortnite and being next-gen ready.

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first1NFANTRY4194d ago

how's about a game without steroid overdosed he bros.

I would like to see "EPIC" create a game in different genre besides shooters.

_QQ_4194d ago

I don't consider epic a great studio either, gears is meh good and nothing more.

Eldyraen4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

I enjoy their shooters but wouldn't mind something different to play either.

Between Infinity Blade and the Elemental demo I wouldn't mind seeing them make an Action RPG if they could do it right. Probably more in the vein of old EQ/D&D top down sort (ps2/Xbox) as it would let the engine shine as well as allow 2-4 player coop relatively easily. I just wish we had more games like them (and marvel/Xmen) this gen but guess profits weren't high enough so they scrapped them for all but a few arcade releases (most subpar).

They shouldn't just stop making shooters as they are one of the best but changing things up and trying new things could help keep things fresh. They are still one of my favorite devs but just wouldn't mind a bit more variety. I'm looking forward to Fortnite as sounds interesting though and hope its good.


I think the first was the best Gears--darker and grittier campaign compared to others and slowly losing that which is my biggest problem with it. I still enjoy it but not really for the same reasons.

Epic is still one of the better studios but as its grown its also lost some of its appeal (to some older fans like me). I just hope it doesn't lose itself at some point but with all the people that have left its a concern for everyone till we see them release something as great as Gears or UT was in their prime.

konnerbllb4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )


Did you read the article? Their next game is fortnite. Not a shooter. No meatheads on steroids.

RuleofOne343 4194d ago

How about you guys stop letting a foreign company buy into you at the cost of your key players & long time epic members. that would be a first but if you continue on that path how about you sell Gears, Shadow complex, Bullet storm IP to MS before they become mobile garbage.

Jek_Porkins4194d ago

I have a feeling if Microsoft ever thought the Gears franchise was in danger they'd step in, that franchise has made Microsoft the most money this generation outside of Halo.

I agree with the foreigner thing as well, I believe that is the reason so many left, that or Microsoft had a deal for more Gears games next gen, and all of those developers didn't want to get stuck making the same franchise for the next decade. I can totally understand that, which is why I like what developers like Naughty Dog does, work on something for a generation, then move on to something else completely.

RuleofOne343 4194d ago

I can see your point about making a game for so long that it may even cause some people to lose their Creative Mojo if you will. As tough and harsh that it may seem I would rather work on something familiar with varies changes year after year than a new project which may have some successes or fails horribly to the point of closure particular with today's fickle consumer.

nthstew4194d ago

just don't be a Microsoft whore this nextgen too..
go multiplatform and support gamers

TooTall194194d ago

They made multiplatform games this gen.

nthstew4194d ago

like what gears of war?
bulletstorm won't count

Eldyraen4194d ago

@nthstew: Why wouldn't it count, because you didn't like it? They also released UT3 which was another decent game but far from great. I enjoyed it for a while but lacked longevity for me.

Fortnite is their next game I'm looking forward to but hope next gen they do something new. It sounds fun anyways but will have to wait and see as it hasn't really gotten much information out for it. Epic has to have something big coming as they've been remarkably silent (main studio) for a while now.

pompombrum4194d ago

As someone who remembers the awesome years of Unreal Tournament and community driven contests like Make something unreal, I beg to differ just how "epic" EPIC are these days.

Mikeyy4194d ago

I felt epic was a lot more EPIC in the hight of UT99 and UT2003/04.

Then COD stole epics thunder.

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Check out this Incredible Batman 1989 Fan Project

Tim Burton’s vision of Gotham brought to life by passionate fans.

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Gridknac1240d ago

Wow! That is badass. WB needs to make this happen now.

WoodsRatesGames1240d ago

Right? Thanks for checking it out!

Minute Man 7211239d ago

Fans??? This is done by one person

WoodsRatesGames1238d ago

Someone else was commissioned to do the music and another person modelled the batmobile. Links to all involved are included in the article.

Gaming4Life19811239d ago

They should have been made a batman game for the best batman movie. This looks amazing and now I must watch the movie.

1238d ago Replies(2)

Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight Unreal Engine 4 Remake recreates Rimmer's Rest

YouTube's 'ackehallgren' has recreated the Rimmer's Rest from Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight in Unreal Engine 4.

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Unreal Engine 4 RTX Tech Demo available for download

NVIDIA and Epic Games have released an official Unreal Engine 4 RTX Tech Demo.

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Magog1259d ago

Am I crazy or is there an Unreal Engine 5 now? Why promote old tech?

1259d ago Replies(2)
waverider1259d ago

I really dont understand either? isnt the Unreal Engine 5 already available for studios? arent they already working with it?

masterfox1259d ago

UE5 Is for PS5 only, deal with it! :D

***runs away from this thread with pride!**

Tacoboto1259d ago

UE5 is not released yet and developers for years will still make UE4 games because that's where their tools and customizations are.

Mortal Kombat still uses UE3. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is also still UE3.

Magog1259d ago

That more of an embarrassing indictment of those devs than a reason to promote old software.

Tacoboto1259d ago

Embarrassing indictment? You know nothing of software development then.

Spenok1259d ago (Edited 1259d ago )

Because a ridiculous amount of the industry still uses 4, and because no, 5 is not out yet. They said it would launch later this year.

AuraAbjure1259d ago

Companies still use Unreal Engine 3.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1259d ago
Tghood851259d ago

Really impressive tech but I don’t even notice all of these benefits in real life, never mind being chased by zombies in a video game. Rather devote resources to resolution and frame rate.

Magog1259d ago

If you suddenly stopped casting reflections in a mirror I think you would notice.

Amplitude1259d ago (Edited 1259d ago )

Edit: i misread this.
N4G really needs a delete comment button lol

Einhander19711257d ago

Yes after seeing the Unreal 5 ps5 reveal, I thought that's where we were heading. But saying that I have read various articles that suggest its easy for developers to still work on Unreal 4 and carry everything over to Unreal 5 when needed, we shall see.