
Oh Wow, Amazon Really Hates Nintendo Consoles

Kotaku - For almost two years now, Amazon has not been selling Nintendo's gaming hardware first hand. You can buy a 3DS or Wii U from the massive online retailer, but it will be sold through a third party. Amazon won't sell Nintendo hardware themselves. And neither Nintendo nor Amazon will say why.

guitarded774192d ago (Edited 4192d ago )

LoL... I would love to know what is going on between Amazon and Nintendo. I heard all kinds of crap like they're mad because Nintendo won't give them Wal-Mart's pricing, and/or Nintendo gives preference to retail outlets.

dedicatedtogamers4192d ago (Edited 4192d ago )

This article is pointless...

The reason why this stuff shows up the way it does is because of advertising. The ad for PS4 is also on Amazon's main page. Do you know why it's on the main page? Because Sony does something called "pays for advertising" and then a magical fairy takes the money and converts it into an online ad! Tah-dah! The mystery has been solved.

It would be completely normal for Sony to say "hey Amazon, I'm going to give you an extra $x and I would like you to please put this ad on competitor's pages", which is a very normal thing to do in advertisement. And then Amazon says "hey, Sony, Microsoft pays advertising already, so I'm sorry, we can't put it on their page". Then Sony says "hmmm, what about Nintendo?" Then Amazon replies "oh, look here! Apparently Nintendo does not seem to advertise with us. It's a blank area. I suppose we would happily let you advertise on Nintendo's page since they don't want to advertise at all on our website".

Sony (and Microsoft) partner with Amazon, because if you look at the console listings, there are Amazon-exclusive PS3 bundles and 360 bundles. These bundles are possible because Sony and Microsoft made an arrangement with Amazon. If no such bundles exist for Nintendo, it's not because Amazon is an anti-Nintendo meanie-head. It's because Nintendo didn't want to make a deal with Amazon. It's that simple. It doesn't surprise me they're behind the ball with an online retailer. Nintendo is always a decade behind when it comes to online anything.

Elwenil4192d ago

Hmmm, when I go to Amazon there is an ad for a Kindle on the main page. You do realize that Amazon puts up ads and products based on your search history, don't you? Clear your cookie and you will probably get something completely different.

I'm not saying that various companies don't pay for advertising or special treatment from retailers as it's obvious that they do. All the same I don't think that explains Amazon's avoidance of selling Nintendo products. I also agree that the article is pointless as there are several of these "oddities" going on in the retail world and most of them we will never know the real reasons behind it.

Stroke6664192d ago

the thing is no other online retailer is doing this. its hard to believe sony would pay for amazon to do it but not cover their ground by doing it on some, if not all, other online retailers. just sounds fishy to me but oh well i got my wii u I'm good and nintendo will be fine

dedicatedtogamers4192d ago

@ Stroke666

Amazon is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, online distributors of videogames and videogame systems. It would make sense that Sony would pour their advertising dollars into Amazon while not giving as much to other lesser-known websites.

ZombieNinjaPanda4192d ago

Hijacking this comment. If you don't want to see Kotaku any longer report all kotaku articles you see as lame. Make sure to rate them as WTF and NO.


I always tought it would be something the other way around. Amazon shows competitor products in every product page, be it on ads, what other people viewing this also viewed, what other people viewing this bought, etc... Maybe Nintendo have some kind of contract to not allow any retailer to have a competitor mention in their booth/page, which conflicts with Amazon settings (since even when you are an advertiser, like MS and Sony, a competitor may show up in "people who viewed this page bought that", I had seen this on games and accessories from both Sony and MS, sometimes showing stuff from Wii too), so they don't sell it to avoid legal problems.

Of course I'm just guessing in the dark here... But hey, at least I'm not claiming to be a "gaming journalist".

zeee4192d ago

Kotaku is so pathetic! So very damn pathetic!

Ritsujun4192d ago Show
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4192d ago
Seraphim4192d ago

I'd imagine it has something to do with pricing or supply. Oddly enough though there's are PAGES of Nintendo DS's "Fulfilled by Amazon" and you know what that means? They're probably making more off these listings than they would be offering Nintendo products directly. Either way who frekn cares. Amazon customers can still their Nintendo products and Prime customers can still get our free 2 day shipping.... pointless article.

Gamer19824192d ago (Edited 4192d ago )

Me so they probably have a deal with Sony to link to their products in this way its not about hate.. If not then they obviously want money. They make next to nothing off 3rd partys selling nintendo consoles on amazon. But if they sell a Sony product they make a LOT more.

syanara4191d ago

arent the advertisements placed by a computer that dictates what is shown based on how many people are viewing certain pages, if Playstation consoles are getting the most views right now (which makes sense considering the recent PS4 announcements) then they wold probably come up all over the place versus Wii U which has not made any big announcements lately and still has a fuzzy marketing campaign

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4191d ago
SpiralTear4192d ago

It does seem extremely suspicious that Amazon recommends other consoles on Nintendo hardware pages, but not vice versa.

However, very interesting that this article didn't tell us why this is happening. Also, Kotaku has a knack for stupid and misleading headlines as always.

Knushwood Butt4192d ago

Well, Kotaku sucks, but Amazon Japan sell Nintendo hardware directly:


GreenRanger4192d ago

Maybe Nintendo hates Amazon?!

LOL_WUT4192d ago

It could also be the other way around or maybe its due to the fact that it's not selling well. ;)

PygmelionHunter4192d ago

Tell us LOL_WUT. What is it that is not selling well? Oh, you mean the Wii U? That's pretty funny since Amazon has been flipping the bird at Nintendo's face since the last decade.


Theyellowflash304192d ago

This is about the 3DS though, which is selling well. So your assessment is off.

PopRocks3594192d ago

The 3DS, which this article is actually about, is a best selling platform.


miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4192d ago

Says sold by Amazon on their very own picture they use.


OC_MurphysLaw4192d ago

As I recall there was a big falling out between Amazon and Nintendo over returns on the 3DS if my memory serves me right. The original version had an issue with wiring between the clam-shell. Again if my memory serves me right reports were Nintendo stopped accepting returns on it but Amazon was still obligated to take them back via their own policy. Amazon couldn't get Nintendo to honor the returns so they started shipping them back to Nintendo under a different warranty claim. Or something along those lines. In a nut shell, their relationship became very volatile and I have no doubts Amazon and Nintendo are both a bit leery of the other.

delboy4192d ago

You're right, and your memory serves you well.

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Anniversary: Nintendo Is 135 Years Old Today

Where does the time go?

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Filing Lawsuit for Infringement of Patent Rights against Pocketpair, Inc.

Nintendo and Pokemon Company have filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair Inc., the creators of Palworld, in Tokyo, Japan.

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Number1TailzFan5d ago

Ye, Custom Robo Arena was a lot better than Pokemon anyways, now that's a game.

Eonjay4d ago

Interestingly this comes like a day after they announced they would be at the Tokyo Games Show.

Vits4d ago

We should all really hope so. Otherwise, this could lead to many issues, as they hold patents on numerous game mechanics. And when I say numerous, I truly mean it. Take this one, for example:

"Abstract: In an example of a game program, a ground boarding target object or an air boarding target object is selected by a selection operation, and a player character is caused to board the selected boarding target object. If the player character aboard the air boarding target object moves toward the ground, the player character is automatically changed to the state where the player character is aboard the ground boarding target object, and brought into the state where the player character can move on the ground."

In plain English, do you guys remember that super amazing mechanic where you surf on the water with a Pokémon, and then when you hit land, it changes to you walking? Yeah, they patented that.

4d ago
porkChop5d ago

A patent lawsuit? What Pokémon-related patent could Palworld even be infringing that other similar games haven't? This makes no sense. Feels like Nintendo just trying to throw its weight around to bully competitors, just like they do with emulators even though they're legal.

Kaii5d ago

They can't Innovate their own IP, but when others are breaking the ceiling, they run to the courts, gtfo Nintendo/Gamefreak.

Companies' gatekeeping mechanics behind the patent system to stifle innovation, consumers will always pick the better product, it's not the consumer's fault that Gamefreak has sat on their lazy assess for years.

Kornholic5d ago

"Consumers will always pick the better product"

Since when?

swedishMeatwad4d ago

You can't argue with _subjective_ taste. Some people are going to like games you find crappy. I'm happy not everyone has the same taste.

Kornholic4d ago (Edited 4d ago )


PS5 Pro is obviously objectively the better product when compared to the base PS5, but the majority of consumers interested in a PS5 will not be picking Pro over base PS5.

There are countless examples like this out there.

The_Blue4d ago

Rather you like it or not COD has many accessible options and customization that allows for better experience than most other FPS.

Knightofelemia5d ago

The Palworld has been out since January of 2024 and now Nintendo finally decides to do something. I fail to see how Palworld is like Pokemon besides evolving monsters. There are other games out there as well where you can capture and level up monsters. Tales of Symphonia 2 does that capture monsters and have them fight with you and they evolve when levelling up. The two games might share some similarities but what game doesn't borrow from another game. I could understand if Palworld was just a straight on copy clone of Pokemon but it's not. Nintendo is starting to become a pain in the ass. Going full gung ho with rom sites that I can see, purposely taking down pictures from a strategy guide for Mario 64 the strategy guide never came to North America and Nintendo had the pictures taken down. Where does it every stop with Nintendo?

babadivad4d ago

Monsters don't evolve in Palworld

Software_Lover4d ago

It's because Palworld became a worldwide viral success. Nintendo can't fathom someone else being that popular when it comes to a small monster catching game.

VersusDMC4d ago

Nintendo is only acting now because they just finished a lawsuit which they won.


Atlus should get on this and sue Nintendo as SMT came out before Pokemon. If Nintendo is going to play this game.

isarai4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

This feels like a scare tactic more than anything else. There's nothing here dozens of other games haven't already done, they're just mad this game showed people how much the pokemon series has been slackin and are desperately trying to make an example out of them.

How's about instead of spending all that money on court fees and lawyers you invest it into making pokémon better?

Profchaos4d ago

I think if it was a scare tactic it would have happened when the game came out I have a feeling they've been building a case for a while

isarai4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

It did happen even before the game came out, they tried several tomes before and nothing came of it

Profchaos4d ago

I was pretty sure the only statement they made was they would investigate

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Final Fantasy Creator Considers Square Enix & Nintendo His "Hometown"

"I am truly happy just to be able to send my child out into the world once again" - Hironobu Sakaguchi

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VenomUK16d ago

If Square Enix & Nintendo are his hometown what does that make Xbox?

16d ago
OtterX15d ago

The red light district, where games go to w**** themselves for Gamepass cash.

Asterphoenix16d ago

Well Nintendo and Squaresoft is where he started. I totally understand why he doesn't want to do FF now. If so I'm happy for either a remaster of Last Story or a new entry/spiritual successor. Loved the battle system of Last Story.

porkChop16d ago

I just really want a new Lost Odyssey, or even a proper remaster with some QoL updates. Though I'd also love to see him work with Square on a new IP.

Profchaos16d ago

That's about as good as a confirmation that we will see ports to the switch2

Knightofelemia16d ago

Wish my parents bought me a NES as a kid I would have played the first FF game. But I was lucky to have a SNES I played a bit of FF6 and just went to Chrono Trigger. When the FF collection releases I-VI Collection Anniversary drops I will take my time to play each Final Fantasy.

Deathdeliverer16d ago

I mean… this is kinda obvious. The original final fantasy and its early sequels were on…

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