
From the Makers Of Bastion Comes Transistor

Eskimo Press: The developers at Supergiant Games, makers of the acclaimed Bastion, have revealed their next game; the sci-fi Action-RPG Transistor. With the entire Bastion team, as well as some new talent, working on Transistor - it's clear that this will be one to look out for.

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ShugaCane4205d ago

Incredible soundtrack upcoming.

SymphonicRain4205d ago

Can't wait to see what this game has to offer.

fsfsxii4205d ago

Looks really good, can't wait to know more about it.

ThatEnglishDude4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

So a kind of cyber-punk/fantasy game? Seems interesting. Am kind of disappointed to see it's in another isometric view, similar to Bastion. Part of what gave Bastion its charm to me, at least artistically speaking, was its unique perspective. Will still keep this on my radar though.

UnHoly_One4205d ago

I know I'm probably going to get a ton of disagrees for this, but I REALLY thought Bastion was totally mediocre.

Other than the neat idea they had with the Narrator, I just didn't see anything that was remotely special about it.

I've just never quite "got" why it is such a favorite of so many people.

-Gespenst-4205d ago

Same. Although I think we dislike different things about it. Still, overrated for sure.

ThatEnglishDude4205d ago

Same. The narrator 'gimmick' was alright at first, but the novelty of it soon wore off, leaving you with a game that was fun - but not really anything spectacular, beyond the beautiful art style. This just looks to be..well, more of the same. Too early to say though I suppose.

TheoreticalParticle4205d ago

I'm kind of with you there. I liked the narrator gimmick, but that's all that the game had going for it.

The game was initially fun, but the gameplay got old FAST, and having to grab crystals, only to have to re-grab crystals once the obvious betrayal happened, was the point where I decided the game could go screw itself.

I'd forgotten about the vocal track until I saw the trailer. The one from Bastion smacked of "Hey, I have a friend that sings real good! Maybe she'll do a song for our game!"

...And now she's on the trailer for this game.

So, I'll be passing on this one.

s45gr324205d ago

Well in a generation filled with unspiring first person shooters. This felt like a fresh breath of air. Ok is your opinion but bastion was awesome. Solid game play mechanics, varied enemies something very rare this generation. Great original soundtrack and a story that made sense. Hell I could even have pets that helped you out in the battlefield, able to upgrade weapons that if you upgrade them incorrectly you will be punished for it. Personally is one of the best games this generation. :-P :-P

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