
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix Credits Point Towards 2.5 HD Remix

PlayStation Euphoria: Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix only came out today but one gamer (Leta _jp) has already reached the credits and what do they find? There are still pictures of Birth By Sleep, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded. Square Enix have previously teased games in the series’ future such as Dream Drop Distance’s secret message and the many secret endings they have shown after finishing the story. Now there is a tease for the next HD Collection.

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PS4isKing_824117d ago

Kinda weird there's not a 360 version coming since SE has supported both ps3 and 360 this entire gen. Wonder if this is a sign square enix is going back to Sony exclusive like old times? First kingdom hearts remixes are ps3 exclusive and now drakengard 3 just announced as a ps3 exclusive yesterday.

TheLyonKing4117d ago

Tetsuya has openly said he preferes the ps3 over the 360 if anything its more suprising the wiiu hasn't got it since a couple of the games came out for the system.

I am really excited for this and only wihs you could preordewr so it would download when I was at work so I could play it straight away when I get home :)

sunnygrg4117d ago (Edited 4117d ago )

Developing the 360 version? Ain't nobody got time for that.

NBT914117d ago

Yep and SE announced (sort of) a new Final Fantasy during the PS4 reveal. Doesn't necessarily mean it will be exclusive I suppose but still...

ps3_pwns4117d ago

its yours and any other gameer who likes japanese or foreign games to get a playstation 3 and 4. wii u is not gonna get all the japanese games, and kH 3ds game didnt do as good as the psp KH game so you can count the 3ds out as well as the wii u out for KH series as wii u sales are garbage. I dont want to hear anyone ever saying why wont this game come to xbox or some nintendo device. the fact of the matter is you should be getting playstation consoles because they are the king of japanese console games. ni no kuni son!

there is no reason why anyone out there should be getting another system over a playstation system if they like japanese games end of story but after we heard about the ps4 and what its bringing to the table what would be you reason for getting a new xbox 720? the only other console you have a reason to get is a wii u for mario. and a 3ds. wiiu, ps4, 3ds, vita. those are the consoles you should have this and next generation. xbox is dead dont be the 1 or 2 guys still trying to play on it because the return of the king playstation is here and coming.

supersonicjerry4116d ago

Its Kingdom Hearts i'm sure the main story of the games will be on PS3 and PS4 only and the spin offs that deal with the story will be on handhelds like they have been for a while.

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Unicron4117d ago

I would figure they'd add Dream Drop Distance due to the fact that it has massive plot implications! Kinda weird to exclude it. Fingers crossed it makes it in. Cant wait to try KH2 FM as well!

chrispseuphoria4117d ago

It may be made as a standalone download.

abzdine4117d ago

i wonder how much this collection will sell in japan. they should release the same for Vita

Eazy-Eman4117d ago

I thought a second hd remix was inevitable, but at least now we know it's bound to happen. Square needs to give us a U.S. relate date so I can mark my calendar!!

abzdine4117d ago

And if there is a 2.5 there has to be a 3. doesn't everyone think the same?

Capt-FuzzyPants4116d ago

We've known there will be a KH3 for like 6 or 7 years now.


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PhoenixUp1975d ago

Shouldn’t that be 14 members?


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Muigi1984d ago

1/2, Birth by Sleep, and Dream drop distance skip the rest.

Double_O_Revan1984d ago

Chain of Memories and 358/2 have a lot of important stuff that lead into KH2. Otherwise you'll be Really lost at beginning of 2. You can easily find a videos of all the cutscenes of both games so you dont have to play through them all the way.

Pyrofire951984d ago

Wouldn't actually say Chains is necessary before going into 2 since you know just as much as Sora. While I do like a lot from 358/2, aside from a few things it's mostly world/character building Days came out after 2 anyway and would take a lot of mystery away. Maybe I'm just trying to simulate how I experienced the story but in that case I actually started playing 2 first lol. Cutscenes should be sufficient for sure.

Pyrofire951984d ago

I'd through 0.2 in there as well just cause it's so short and has a decent amount of information. What the hell did Mickey mean?