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The Unboxing: StarCraft II Heart Of The Swarm Collectors Edition Signed

Join Greg as he unboxes StarCraft II Heart Of The Storm Collectors Edition. The box has been signed by StarCraft II's cinematics team, tools team, artists, development team, etc. Get a first look at the art book, sound track, behinds the scenes, and much more.

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Community4110d ago
KrisK4110d ago

I love collector's editions. :)

creHEARTive4110d ago (Edited 4110d ago )

great video. I can't believe people have the chance to win it and its signed! Wow.

Magnagamer2224110d ago

This is a big deal (drooling over keyboard).


$15 horse for WoW made more money than StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty

Jason Hall, currently an indie developer and former Blizzard employee, has been sharing some really interesting stories from his long career in the industry for a while now. Some of them are truly insightful, while others may seem depressing.

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Emilio_Estevez212d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community211d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris212d ago

I’m a little shocked that StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty sold only around 6 million copies. The original StarCraft did over 11 million. Maybe Blizzard was too leisurely in releasing StarCraft 2? Starcraft 2 came out 12 years after it’s predecessor.

Plague-Doctor27211d ago (Edited 211d ago )

Im surprised too. Starcraft was still a huge name in 2010. It was kinda the only new RTS around and other genres like MOBAs hadn't really kicked off yet. I do remember at the time sentiment around the game was
pretty angry the game was being split into 3 but I doubt that would have impacted sales to that degree

Sciurus_vulgaris211d ago

For a long time I believed StarCraft II sold on par or better than its predecessor. There was so much hype for the game. Plus it had a pretty strong E-Sports scene for a few years.

Myself and half a dozen friends all bought StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and played it religiously for a full year. While I bought the expansions, most of my friends did not. RPGs seem to be a generally low selling genre.

Nerdmaster211d ago

I'm not shocked at all. This was an early example of Blizzard being greedy. Instead of releasing a complete experience, splitting Starcraft 2 in 3 parts so it could make us purchase it 3 times if we wanted to know the whole story and play story mode with the other races.

Sciurus_vulgaris211d ago

I originally had that stance. However, Wings of Liberty, was just as long, if not longer than StarCraft 1. The expansions were of decent length too and added a good amount of additional content.

il-JumperMT211d ago

and people wonder why we are having mtx in everything. i blame the people who actual buy them.

Nerdmaster211d ago

It's interesting he used Brazil as an example of the importance of regional pricing. Nowadays many companies on Steam are setting their prices in Brazil as high as, if not more than, their price in USA. I simply refused to buy a few games when I noticed that's the case.

Extermin8or3_211d ago

This right here is the fucking problem.

210d ago

Former Blizzard CEO reflects on company as Microsoft merger closes

Speaking at SXSW Sydney, Mike Morhaime shared some insight into his departure from Blizzard Entertainment, the company he co-founded.

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boing1212d ago

No kidding. I thought it's John McEnroe.

PapaBop212d ago

“There’s this great Steve Jobs quote I love: If you keep your eye on the profit, you’re going to skimp on the product. But if you keep your eye on the product, the profit will follow, and I really believe that,” Morhaime explained.

I think that basically explains the problem with Blizzard now and clearly goes against high level execs who couldn't give a toss about the games.


Legendary Blizzard Art Director Samwise Didier Retires After 32 Years at The Studio

Samwise Didier, the legendary art director who helped define Blizzard's art style and is even credited with coining the name "Warcraft" is retiring after 32 years.

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Community215d ago
Gamingsince1981214d ago

Must be something bad happening at MS (going by someone's obscure observation) right guys ? Surely ?

Ristul214d ago

He is fairly young still, so I wonder why he would retire from Blizzard. Maybe a new job, or something behind the scenes.

Abriael214d ago

32 years of career probably means he can retire young and simply dedicate himself to art and music fully.