
First Red Steel multiplayer details

The basic modes of multiplayer confirmed to us today are deathmatch, team deathmatch and an intriguing game type dubbed Mission mode.

We all know what deathmatch and team deathmatch incorporates, but Ubisoft is planning something very unique for the Mission mode. As the game fires up, your Wii Remote will ring like a phone. You'll then press the 1 button and answer it - yep, just like a phone. A voice will then tell you your objective, which must be completed before your rivals in order to win the round or game.

These objectives include one of the three or four deathmatches (it wouldn't really work with just two) being a 'mystery' player that must be hunted down by the others. The mystery player's goal is to survive the time limit while the other players must seek him out and make a kill for the victory.

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Sphinx6498d ago

...maybe I'll go ahead and add this game to my preorder list: Zelda, Gears of War, Crackdown, etc.

HRP6498d ago

That's awesome! A great, innovative way to use the Wii remote and its speaker function.

Go Ubi!

willud4skins6498d ago

this could be the worst game ever created.

HRP6498d ago

And why do you say that?

wulfgar886498d ago

ok....so i'd love to know what your basing your opinion off of? So far, this game looks andd sounds amazing

jacen10006498d ago

yea i have to agree the game is gonna be a 100% purchase on 8th DEC

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MCTJim3082d ago

I agree, I loved this game and Ryse. Definitely too much hate for these games.

ZaWarudo3082d ago

That Batman MP sucked ass, but the campaign was awesome. It had the best writing and boss fights in the series.

AKR3082d ago

I agree with the addition of Lost World. It wasn't perfect, but neither was it a bad game. Heck, when you have games like Sonic 06' and Rise of Lyric, calling it a bad game would be an INSULT.

Segata3081d ago

Lost World is a pretty good game and some of the levels esp early on are pretty much Genesis levels in 3D with branching paths and momentum based. The articles is one of 4 people I seen online ACTUALLY understand what Sonic is. It's not speed but momentum on Genesis.

TXIDarkAvenger3081d ago (Edited 3081d ago )

Sadly, Star Wars: Battlefront is NOT Battlefield with a Star Wars skin. If it was, the game would be much better.

I had no idea Red Steel was hated so much. That was one of the better Wii launch games IMO. Had a lot of fun playing multiplayer.

iplay1up23081d ago

I liked Red Steel too! Red Steel 2 as well. I do not care for Red Steel 2's graphics so much, but a fun game!

TXIDarkAvenger3081d ago

Wow I forgot there was a Red Steel 2! And judging from the ratings, it seems way better.

blawren43081d ago

Just think, within every trash bag, box, and everything else shootable there is money. We could all be rich!!

But seriously...Red Steel 2 was fantastic

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