
Ustream App Coming to the PlayStation 3, Won’t Have Same Sharing Options as on PS4

During the February PlayStation Meeting, it was revealed that the PS4 will be deeply integrated with Ustream, allowing people to share their gaming experiences with the Ustream audience and other PS4 users. It also means that PS4 users will be able to watch all the concerts, space launches and PlayStation Meetings that the video site hosts. But what about the good ol’ PS3?

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Wedge194220d ago

Hopefully they're ready to handle the bandwidth.

dbjj120884220d ago

Even more reason to not buy a PS4 at launch.

4220d ago

How To : Streaming Your Games, PC, PS4, Xbox One

With the news coming last month that Amazon had moved to acquire game streaming resource Twitch for almost $1bn, talk of sharing your in game experiences with others as you play has been front row and centre, so what better time to join the party and start broadcasting your own gaming sessions to the world?

user56695103620d ago (Edited 3620d ago )

i thought they was talking about game streaming like streaming a game from console and pc to somewhere else. o well my tablet game streams and i can stream to twitch.

headblackman3620d ago

the hatred is still to high for the xbox one to do what it's qualified to do (sell like the ps4 or better). i predict that i will take at least another 8 months to a year before all of that goes away. when that happens, then we can get this generation started :-)

Whaat3620d ago

lol clasico of tech Real v Barça ohh no ps4 vs xbo :)

3620d ago

Broadcasting PS4 Gameplay and its Limitations

The PS4's broadcast functionality is a great feature for the console, but it does come with its share of limitations. Only two services are currently available for use: Twitch.tv and uStream; and the PS4 doesn't allow everything to be streamed. Unlocked trophies are blocked from the stream as are the System UI screens.

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moujahed3910d ago

When people broadcast their playroom I don't have any issues at all with Ustream. I am not sure if it's a Twitch issue or a technical issue but several times when I am watching certain Game Streams the audio would cut out, or the voice chat would go out... Or the feed would just stop. I had that happen too many times and It's not too enjoyable when I am trying to see if I want to purchase a game or not.


PS4 gameplay can be broadcast via Ustream profiles, says Ustream's David Thompson

During a webcast discussing the marketing benefits of video streaming, Ustream SVP of Marketing David Thompson confirmed that PS4 gameplay can be streamed to outside platforms beyond the PS4 console itself.

Cam9774116d ago

I'm sure this was revealed on the 21st February PS Conference.

PositiveEmotions4116d ago

Thats cool it has more details to the ustream awesome article.

BlitzKriegBOOM4116d ago

Ustream is terrible, laggy as hell

rajman4116d ago

Hope we can stream using Twitch, since that is a host only for gamers

SonicRush154116d ago

Well I don't know... twitch is partnered with Microsoft

R_aVe_N4116d ago

Considering Twitch has people streaming The Last of Us now it is possible to stream it via Twitch it would be built into the console however.

Serg4116d ago

I was confused why they announced UStream instead of Twitch, until May. But yeah I really hope Twitch has no exclusive deal with MS because that would suck. All it would take is a firmware update to allow for both streaming services. No hardware changes necessary. So at least it's in the realm of possibilities.

patsrule3164116d ago

Do you have to pay for a UStream account to broadcast? I don't know about their service.

wishingW3L4116d ago (Edited 4116d ago )

it's all free and if you become famous then you can get revenue from ads and subscriptions. There are people that make a living from that alone... Just playing games like 3-4 hours a day everyday and that is it. But now is not so easy because the e-sports scene took off and all the attention goes toward the MLG and crap and like mindless sheep, people just follow the most popular stuff...

You still need some equipment though like a capture-card and some encoding software but the PS4 and XB1 will do it automatically.

This is gonna be so fun man!

BTW, the quality of your stream is heavily dependant on your upload speed and you need at least 1MB up for a decent cast.

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