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Remove XBox 720 tag, and replace it with next-gen instead. We still don't the real name of the new console, so stick with the platforms mentiond in the trailer: PS4, PS3, Wii U, Xbox 360 and PC in the logo screen, ( they only made an allusion to the next XBox bybsaying next-gen consoles, sonremove XBox 720 and replace it with next-gen)
PLASTICA-MAN4131d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
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Community4131d ago

I wonder how the PS4 version would like: like the Wii U and PC version with just better resolution, or completely revamped! This comparison makes me kina hopeful:

KUV19774131d ago

I'm pretty sure it's not gonna look like that - not even close. Since PS4/NextGen seems more like an afterthough I don't think it will be heavily optimized for new tech. The screens look great, just not that inFamous-great. I will be very happy if it looked a little better than AC3 with silky-smooth-framerate, better antialiasing, vastly improved shadows and better draw distance. Everything above that would be a great bonus: better foilage, better water, better hair, better cloth-simulation. You name it.

For AC V, however, I have hopes that it will look much better.

The problem with faces like that, in my opinion, is that the animations just look so much weirder when the face itself looks so real. I think it is really unrealistic to expect them to fully motion capture every facial action for a game of the scale like AC. Here's hoping they develop some crazy tech that syntetically delivers animations reasonably close to real life. (I'm actually sure they will but I hope rather soon... like 2-3 years.)

Nimblest-Assassin4131d ago (Edited 4131d ago )

The weird thing about this game is that you play as Haythams father, AC3 tells you about how and when he dies to

"On 3 December 1735, the Kenway household was infiltrated by masked men, who kidnapped his daughter, Jenny Kenway, and killed several of the servants. During this time, they cornered Edward in the games room, and in a prolonged fight, they killed him"

Also... why do these screens look like AC liberation? Compared to the announce screens of AC3... these don't look as good as those, even though they were bullshots

DarkBlood4131d ago

so your saying AC4 is in the not too distant future after the third game?

Nimblest-Assassin4131d ago (Edited 4131d ago )


AC4 takes place 65 years before AC3... but Im guessing the future stuff is still moving forward

Also on note with the screens looking like liberation I mean compare these

They look so similar

Also look at the announce screens of AC3


Yeah I know these are bullshots, ubi tends to do that whenever they announce a game... but these AC4 pics look like a vita game imo instead of a this gen console game

Tei7774131d ago (Edited 4131d ago )

These images are probably the ps4/PC versions.

Do not expect them to look much different from the current gen console version. This is ultimately a current gen game.

SatanSki4131d ago

"I wonder how the PS4 version would like: like the Wii U and PC version with just better resolution"

Like PC version with better resolution? What do you smoke?

falcon794131d ago

Try WiiU/ps4/pc will look exactly the same kid.

ps4 is just a little more powerful its not got dx12 card inside mate,wiiu MCM is jam packed with eDRAM un heard of in a dx11 card,ps4 has just more power in terms of higher clock rates ?

NewShadow1014130d ago

are you telling me the PS4 is equal to the WiiU... ok.

younghavok4130d ago

the Wii U has alot more power than people give it credit for. The GPU is heavilly customised and as you said has a decent amount of edram. No where near as much ram as the PS4, but enough to grunt to hand visually once developers start getting the hang of it. If anybody can do it though I expect it to be Ubisoft. This time around AC4 will be built with the Wii U in mind and not as a last minute adjustment like AC3 was, which still looked and played great

Cam9774130d ago (Edited 4130d ago )

But I'd suspect the released images to be the PS4/PC versions as they run at the highest resolution. First thing I thought with some of those screens was about New Orleans from AC3: L - that's great! I loved the sun-soaked streets of NO. This will remind me of the POTC films.

Muffins12234130d ago

Im pretty sure the ps4 wont be graphically better than may be very close though to pc IF YOUR LUCKY.

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slapsta724131d ago

I didn't know you play as Haytham's father?? Cool tidbit i guess.

ironfist924130d ago

I thought it was Grand Father

reddeadite4130d ago

Connor's grandfather. Haytham's father.

PersonMan4131d ago

Those screenshots look like PS3/360 graphics. No where near next gen. I think this is a current-gen release or a multi-gen release.

Looks like it was built on current gen specs though.

cyclindk4131d ago (Edited 4131d ago )

Unrelated but...

Amazon has PS4 version of Watch Dogs fro 99.99 while all the other versions are 59.99??

They do mention that "Watch Dogs Placeholder Pricing" is in effect.

But perhaps this is indeed indicative of increased prices of some sort for the at least the initial part of the upcoming console generation, or for more complex games in general.

porkChop4131d ago

I'm not sure why Amazon needs a placeholder price. Jack Tretton has already said on CNBC that "We're going to welcome free-to-play models, games from $.99 up to those $60 games".

I really don't see game prices rising next gen. Gamers are already pissed off about short games and DLC, raising prices would just push more people towards buying used games, or wait until games hit the bargain bin.

abc12334131d ago

You're an idiot if you think the price will be anywhere near that

falcon794131d ago (Edited 4131d ago )

Doesnt mean nothing wiiu games were at 99 dollars before it released,wiiu games like Watchdogs are £49.99 in uk,where as some games are £44.99 or a lot less like Walking dead ect are £34.99 ? so high profile WiiU games are £49.99 in the UK,thats more that 100 dollars.

EverydayGuy4130d ago

Development cost should be the same or lower since it is easier to develop for the PS4, but EA might rise the price for their game.

cyclindk4130d ago

Agree and disagree...

Easier in the sense that programming is easier and there's overall more power. But game assets take a lot of time and adding more and more functionality, detail and size to games will simply take more time and money. No way around that.

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Conzul4130d ago

I feel your pain. Nap - I mean! I feel your nap.

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Leaked Early Prototype Footage Reveals Development Stages Of Several Assassin's Creed Games

Prototype footage from several of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed titles has leaked, revealing early stages of their development.

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Community74d ago

The Best Pirate-Themed Video Games (Not Skull and Bones)

BY JASON MONROE: The very best pirate-themed video games that you should play instead of the disappointment that is Skull and Bones.

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Community113d ago
thorstein113d ago

PoE: Deadfire, Unless you have a or PS5 or an SSD don't bother, loading times are insane. A minute and a half to go into a room to investigate a desk in an inn and then an additional 1 1/2 minutes to leave the room and then load to leave the inn???

And they never fixed it.


Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag vs Skull and Bones Video Comparison Is an Eye-Opener

Ubisoft has just released Skull and Bones on PC and consoles. And, from the looks of it, the game wasn’t received well by some gamers. Not only that but it appears that Skull and Bones can be worse than Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, a game that came out a decade ago.

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Community127d ago
OtterX127d ago (Edited 127d ago )

I wanted a Black Flag sequel so bad. It's still my favorite AC entry. The fact that they ignored everything that we loved about that game in this "spiritual successor" is making me enjoy watching this game crash and burn quite a bit. Either do it right or don't do it at all. (I understand the legal binding they got themselves into with the Singapore government to release this game at all costs)

/grabs popcorn

isarai127d ago

My thing is, if the Singapore govt was forcing you to do it at all cost, why not make what people wanted? How did ubi delay it for 5yrs, then again for 1yr and not just make a similar experience to black flag? How do you spend so much time and make so little?

Chocoburger126d ago

Ubisoft did make a sequel, Assassin's Creed: Rogue. It has a short campaign, and its packed with filler side quests for upgrades, but it's still a decent time.

It released on the same day as Assassin's Creed: Unity, so it was mostly forgotten.

porkChop127d ago

11 years of development. Multiple restarts. All the while people have been saying they don't want some pirate game where you can't even get off your ship. 11 years of people telling Ubisoft all they want is a pirate game that's basically Black Flag without any of the assassin or animus stuff. Yet they still served up this trash that no one wanted, charged $70 for it, and had the balls to call it AAAA.

The Guillemot family honestly needs to be forced out of Ubisoft. They've doubled down on everything players don't like about their games, they want AI to create "rough drafts" of their stories rather than letting their writers do their jobs, and they literally do not give a shit what their playerbase actually wants. 5-6 years ago their stock was worth more than 4x what it's currently worth. The company is dying.

Jin_Sakai127d ago (Edited 127d ago )

What has happened to developers? How can you possible make a worse looking game 11 years later? It’s honestly mind boggling.

darksky126d ago

It's because the older developers were better at it. The new generation pass most of their exams by copying code from around the web so are not nearly as good at understanding what they are developing.

LucasRuinedChildhood126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

No, here's the truth:
This was made in Singapore and it's the first game of this scale to be made there. Ubisoft would probably cancel it normally since it clearly wasn't shaping up well but they were getting government grants to try build up the industry there.

Do you really think game developers are radically different than just 10 years ago? And this game has been development since Black Flag released.

Using one crap game to trash a whole industry of developers is stupid. It's like saying "Alien Colonial Marines proves that game developers suck now."

yeahokwhatever126d ago

i know this to be at least part of the puzzle from experience.

senorfartcushion126d ago

It's the multiplayer aspect of the world. MP games look worse than single player games, period. Every comparison we keep seeing are for games like Gotham Knights, Suicide Squad and Skull and Bones. They all have multiplayer focusses.

SyntheticForm127d ago

God, I'd love a remake of Black Flag.

Yi-Long126d ago

Enough has been said about this game already. The gaming world shrugged when it was announced so many years ago, and instead of listening to all the criticisms from the community back then, Ubi just sailed on and kept making a game nobody really wanted. What a waste of money and effort.

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