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Microsoft to reveal EA partnership at Next Xbox event

As the industry prepares for a highly anticipated Microsoft press conference in which it will showcase a new console for the first time in eight years, publisher Electronic Arts is preparing to step on stage to announce a key exclusivity agreement.

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bicfitness4227d ago

Its almost certainly not an exclusive, its a strategic partnership. I wish people would read the articles before commenting.

pompombrum4227d ago

Yeah but they'll treat it like call of duty, get timed exclusive DLC and have the world exclusive reveal at their conference to make it look like it's better on xbox.

ArmGunar4227d ago Show
Good_Guy_Jamal4227d ago (Edited 4227d ago )

What are you on about? Who said anything different?
You guys were falling over each other when Destiny was at the ps4 event even though its a multiplatform game but when Microsoft does it they are the bad guys. How about we wait and see what else they announce before we go trolling up and down this cess pool and circle jerking one another?

raytraceme4227d ago

With ea I know they hate the used games market and I can only imagine that their partnership has something to do with it.

ArmGunar4227d ago

I don't care about Destiny and the DLC exclusive for PS4 ...

DLC exclusive (thing useless) and timed exclusive are USELESS for industry of video game ... That is a waste of money ...

I have both consoles (PS3/360) and I don't like this kind of deal ...

But at least, Sony invest in new IPs so it doesn't matter.

MS just does this kind of deal, where are exclusive games ?
50 millions $ for GTA add-on ? How millions for DLC useless of COD ?

DragonKnight4226d ago

Hmm. EA absent at the Sony event. EA announces microtransactions will be part of every game from now on. Could this be further proof that MS will block used games? <- You just know that an article like that is coming.

Saigon4226d ago


Yeah I read that, but you can't expect some exclusive deal because EA wasn't at the Sony event. From last I recall, it doesn't work like that. Though they were the only major publisher not at the Sony event, means nothing. And the biggest fault regarding this article, speculation, rumor, opinion piece is that EAs event yesterday was all praise the PS4. I expect them not to hold a separate event when the Next Xbox is revealed, I actually expect EA to be at the Next Xbox reveal event, but it doesn't mean anything.

MikeMyers4226d ago


Whatever EA does on the next Xbox they will do the same on the PS4. Perhaps EA does not want to release disc based games anymore? I know Sega is going to go that route.

I have to agree with some of the other comments, this exclusive content often times doesn't help gamers. It is just a tool to block gamers to help hardware sales. It's not like Microsoft started all of this, we seen it on the PS2 and Rockstar making GTA exclusive on the console. Microsoft needs to focus on creating its own identity by getting serious with their own ip's and not investing into timed exclusives. If it is something totally designed for the new Xbox hardware that makes use of Kinect or something then yeah, I can see EA wanting to do something exclusive. However the PS4 is going to have an advanced camera so I'm not sure yet what the next Xbox does differently.

Old McGroin4226d ago

For all the Sony heads in here saying M$ are wasting their money on timed DLC and that they can't invest in new IPs, how do you know they haven't invested in IPs? Have you traveled forward in time to all their announcements for the Next Xbox or something?

ZeroX98764226d ago

using more of their cash flow to buy timed exclusive, instead of reinforcing their own portfolio of studios...
well if something good comes out of it, nice move, but I suspect a timed exclusive.

dcbronco4226d ago

People say timed exclusives and DLC are useless but if you look at a game like CoD where Xbox sells 2 or 3 million more copies with a smaller install base and it made a difference. That's an extra ten-30 million dollars for Microsoft. So if you pay 5 million to net 30 million that is money well spent.

Look at Gears. Pay ten million in advertising campaign and get 5 million in sales at $10 per copy royalty for a profit of 40 million. Those deals are very profitable.

NewMonday4226d ago

came across 2 interesting points about this news:

* licensed sports games can't be exclusive(or have exclusive content) to any platform.

* whatever happened to the EA's "unprecedented partnership" with Nintendo?

Daver4226d ago

That is too bad, I liked the Microsoft with Activision and Sony with EA competition.

DOMination-4226d ago

"using more of their cash flow to buy timed exclusive, instead of reinforcing their own portfolio of studios... "

You obviously haven't been keeping tabs on Microsoft - They have purchased a few studios but have put most of their resources into building new ones from the ground up, stealing the best talent from the worlds greatest studios.

22 studios. 7 of which are casual based. Of the 15 remaining, Lionhead, Black Tusk, 343i, Turn 10, Twisted Pixel and Rare are confirmed to have multiple teams working on seperate titles. Is that enough reinforcing for you?

greenpowerz4226d ago (Edited 4226d ago )

Battelfield 4 related

The devs said they would take turns showing love to each company. Probably why Sony payed bungie for the PS4 reveal/deal to supposedly even up the score.

You never know though it could be anything to an exclusive game to online social structure cooperation. EA has some good online ideas.

Lot of people voting the article down all upset LOL. Reminds me when Sony fans voted down superdae finding of the 720 article as fake then after Sony revealed the PS4 what superdae found was written in stone and became gospel, literally.

Ju4226d ago

First time I agree with Green. Sony got Activision & Bungy, I guess MS is getting BF4.

I'm a little bit disappointed, because it obviously runs on the PS4 already (and most likely Durango). But not nice teasing us like this, EA.

SilentNegotiator4226d ago

4 comments before and Jamal pulls out the handy Playstation hater "circle jerk" comment?

And he gets a well said? How about an "immature"?

Anon19744226d ago

Timed exclusivity and exclusive DLC can eat me. I don't care who's doing it.

007Bond4226d ago

Either way this is how to run a business, they get the companies that make the most and then partner up with them. Unlike Idoiots at $ony that just kiss the fans ass and lose tons of dollars.

kreate4226d ago


Its now Sony/Activision vs MS/EA

At minimum, Blizzard wants world domination using Sony.

_-EDMIX-_4226d ago

@ArmGunar- Agreed 100%. Sony didn't buy into a lot of those timed exclusives and used there money to buy teams.

I'm sorry but I don't see what that DLC did for a 360 gamer when its also on PS3 and PC.

It actually hurts them if anything else, 50 mill is a lot for conent that is just going to be released else where. So...your paying for someone else to not have it? How doet that help 360 owners?

Bioshock, Lost Planet etc are all on other system, what did that do for any 360 owner here in 2013?

I mean, they would had got Bioshock, Lost Planet etc either way, but now its money that won't be spent making a new team to make core games.

MS has like 10 kinect studios! (hate to sound like a broken record, but I still can't get over that)

Now, EA won't make any exclusives for anyone...period. I mean, its funny cause EA would pretty much be hurting themselves, Activision, Ubisoft and Take Two would just be so happy to have EA make a dumb move like that. No game will be exclusive. DLC maybe, but hell, I don't even care for Destiny's exclusive DLC for PS4 and I'm pre-ordering both! LOL!

NateCole4226d ago

Funny. Xbox fans getting excited over time exclusives or exclusive DLC's for multi-plat games. How far they have fallen not just as xbox fans but as gamers.

Enemy4226d ago

Microsoft already starting up the DLC bullsh*t. No new IPs planned confirmed.

BattleAxe4226d ago

EA is making a poor strategic decision and are really pigeon holing themselves. If true, they are not serving my two favorite platforms for buying games with Playstation and Steam.

joab7774226d ago

Of course it is. Sony has a similar agreement with Activision, or at least a growing partnership. It's like everything is upside down. Activision is giving ps4 Destiny and exclusive content, while blizzard is partnering with Diablo 3. The witness is a timed exclusive for the ps4. Assuming Sony had kept previous partnerships, it looked like they were gaining an advantage. Then, we hear that EA, which has had strong ties with Sony is partnering with Microsoft. Very strange. I am sure it involves Respawn. This could be huge for Microsoft. It still doesn't address their 1st party concerns but it hints to the idea that they will continue to buy exclusivity to appease hardcore fans.

The bigger question is this. Does Microsoft think Battlefield or Respawns new game is going to be the new Call of Duty? And even more important, important is this an arrangement between companies with the same to play and microtransactions. Will we see mmos, games going f2p? Will Microsoft sell their console dirt cheap and charge a subscription fee. It does make sense for what both company's visions.

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Pandemic4227d ago

''Just to clarify, the CVG story doesn't suggest EA titles will be exclusive to next Xbox. No one has said that to me''

bicfitness4227d ago

Please don't bring your reading skills, information hunting or facts to N4G. They're not welcome here. This place is only for rabid speculation and delusion. /s

finbars754226d ago

I know people are blowing this right out of proportion.EA is still with Sony especially BF4 which they made clear was going to be shown at E3 for the PS4.Im sure they will have lots of cool stuff wiht the new xbox.We will just have to wait and see but I guarntee its not going to be Respawns new game especially after the bad fallout they had with Microsoft.I was thinking more along the lines of Fuse due to te fact Insominac was part of the Sony era and would like show they can do more with MS then Sony.You never know.

nukeitall4227d ago

I don't really like EA, and by far prefer Activision.

Activision is a straight shot company with no BS. You get what you pay, take it or leave it. With EA, you got the online pass BS and their Origin crap that has nasty end user terms that are known to be used against gamers.

If EA doesn't like what you say on a forum, they will ban your access to all your Origin games!

InMyOpinion4227d ago

"Activision is a straight shot company with no BS."

Don't know if serious...

WarThunder4227d ago

Activision is as s**t as EA along with MS, 3 greedy companies.

listenkids4227d ago


I wouldn't say they're as bad, they both release the same amount of games, the difference for Activision comes from never forcing an online pass, even fucking Dead Space 3 had it, which meant I couldn't rent it. Server wise, EA are running on ancient also, and pass the blame if something doesn't work.

pompombrum4226d ago

Activision are hardly saints but next to EA, they're certainly the lesser of two evils.

ziggurcat4226d ago

"Activision is a straight shot company with no BS. You get what you pay, take it or leave it."

tell that to PS3 owners who have paid full price for broken ports.

KwietStorm_BLM4226d ago

Activision is a what? head

Ju4226d ago

I always preferred EA. EA created new IP; Can't say that from Activision. Bungie is an exception; but they bought into it. What else is successful (recently) besides CoD???

_-EDMIX-_4226d ago

@Ju-Agreed! I mean people can hate EA all day, but EA really has some of the best teams in terms of 3rd party's. I see me owning like 3 EA games before next year is even done. BF4, ME4 (if the rumors are true) and what ever else is made by them.

Bioware, Dice, Visceral etc are all great teams. And yes EA made a bunch of new IP's this gen, I sorry but I just can't not support such a thing. New IP's are always welcome and EA did a great job this gen.

joab7774226d ago

Did u even read about what Activision did to Infinity ward, or west and zampella? If u believe their story, it was beyond messed up. Anyway, all gaming companies r up against it right now. There is a lot on the line this gen. Most are branching out to remain viable. EA has talked about what they want to do. I don't blame them. Their first priority is making money. Yeah, they are dicks sometimes but not everyone can be valve.

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Persistantthug4227d ago

I don't think Microsoft GAMES has the budget to outright buy exclusivity on popular games anymore.

But who knows?

bumnut4226d ago (Edited 4226d ago )

Microsoft has lots of money, mostly from the software side of the business.

The gaming division could run at a loss forever and it wouldn't matter, thats how much money they have.

Daver4226d ago


That is not true. They dont have unlimited money for their gaming division just because they are making money in other things. You need some economy basis

Persistantthug4226d ago (Edited 4226d ago )

Microsoft has virtually unlimited money, but Microsoft GAMES does not.
Did you ever wonder why MS had to close ENSEMBLE? Why did they have to shut down ACES? DIGITAL ANVIL? Why FASA?

Did you take notice how, for a while, BIOWARE was practically in bed with Microsoft? Then did you notice that EA came right in and scooped up MS's good buddy BIOWARE without hardly any protest?

The reason, is because MS GAMES has a budget.
And while MS Corp has lots of cash, it cant be discounted how under fire MS is from the likes of GOOGLE and APPLE ( phone & tablet market ), as well as the rest of the web and internet factions that are preventing Microsoft's foothold.

Microsoft Corp has its hands firmly full atm, and video games is clearly not a priority for them.
Microsoft GAMES clearly has a budget.

Kurt Russell4226d ago (Edited 4226d ago )

Careful of those, too much and you could get cancer.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4226d ago (Edited 4226d ago )

DLC timed kinect exclusives hope..
BF4 kinect!!!

JamieL4226d ago

Dude F#%k your money, just shut up.

OmegaSlayer4226d ago

I wonder how much money EA gets from MS, because for EA (or whoever signs these kind of deals) this is only bad pr.

AngelicIceDiamond4226d ago

I don't understand the anger, Sony has partnerships to? Sony was only taking a page out of MS's book with the whole exclusive content buissness.

So MS could be partnering up with EA boo hoo. The sun sets in the west and rises in the east the world keeps on spinning fanboys should of saw this coming a mile away. This is nothing different considering its MS.

xtremeimport4226d ago

So Sony and MS flipped partnerships.

Sony announces exclusive content for Destiny which is an Activision game and now they're saying MS is gonna announce something along the lines with EA.

Honestly, I'd rather Sony have kept their deal with EA than Activision. But if this wins them the CoD crowd,I suppose thats a big win for Sony...if thats what's happening.

purely speculation.

donman14226d ago

Well this now explains why EA was missing from Sony PS4 reveal press conference. Hmmm I wonder what this exclusivity will be.

showtimefolks4226d ago

EA has always had a great partnership with sony and have done exclusive dlc too

EA may show up at MS event but i wouldn't read too much into it, the days of 3rd party exclusive games are done

Blasphemy4226d ago

DLC on the disc and microtransactions. Have fun with that xbots. LOL

OneAboveAll4226d ago

To hell with Respawn, show dat BF4 with 64 players!

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Cocozero4227d ago

First Activision now EA, MS sure knows how to work with third parties.

bicfitness4227d ago (Edited 4227d ago )

Did you actually read the article? Its referring to timed DLC or staggered release (at best), not an outright 3rd party exclusive.

Those are dead.

What we will see is something like the Activision/ Sony partnership. A "strategic" partnership.

Edit: Well your point about Activision was either erroneous or lacking clarity, as THIS next gen, Sony had them up on stage. LAST gen, Sony had a similar partnership with EA. So either way your comment is misguided. In the context of your own words, you aren't making any sense.

fermcr4227d ago (Edited 4227d ago )

3rd party exclusive is not dead, and to prove it there's Bayonetta 2 for WiiU, Gear of War series for Xbox 360 and quite a few 3rd party exclusives for PS3 (last one coming to mind is Ni Nu Kuni).

If a company, like Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony, pay the costs or make some kind of deal with the developer, they can have a exclusive with 3rd party.

@Kingdom Come.
I did read his comment. He said 3rd party exclusive was dead, and I proved him wrong by giving him examples... then he edited his comment...

@grayfoxx881 "The reason Bayonetta 2 is on the WiiU is because both Sony and Microsoft passed on it"
That's my point. Nintendo payed for the development or made some kind of deal with Platinum to have a 3rd party exclusive.

Kingdom Come4227d ago

"Did you actually read" his comment?

grayfoxx8814227d ago

The reason Bayonetta 2 is on the WiiU is because both Sony and Microsoft passed on it. It's not like Nintendo threw the most money at Platinum. Nintendo was the only party interested.

greenpowerz4226d ago (Edited 4226d ago )

No he read the article and it assumes what the deal is as you are doing/hoping.

Those devs that were at Sony's reveal will probably be at MSFT's reveal with exclusive deals with MSFT as well(even Destiny no doubt about it). Why didn't EA show up at Sony's reveal?

Timed exclusive content/timed exclusive games can make or break a game on the mistreated platform. Many people smell decay on games not on their platform at the same time.

EA must be impressed with the 720 hardware and software to not show up at Sony's reveal then make a exclusive deal with MSFT.

_-EDMIX-_4226d ago

@Green- Sorry you didn't hear the news.


LOL....WRONG!!!!!!!!!! "“Not being at PS Meeting was not indicative at all. We’re maintaining a balance between other parties."

"We're very excited about Sony's platform"

Why on earth do you guys read so much in to this crap. So...EA just hates money now? LOL! Mind you they stated BF4 being shown on PS4. Now that doesn't mean it won't be on 720 or that its a timed exclusive, I'm quite sure of it, they are just saying it based on 720 not actually being fully unveiled. Nothing more.

To hear "timed exclusive games" LOL! When this is what EA JUST SAID is too funny. I don't think you even know what EA has stated about the PS4. Nothing stated points to any partnership with anyone. Other then for some stupid DLC crap. This would be EA's most dumbest move, based on Activition, Ubisoft, Take two etc capitalizing on it.

If anything, this is what EA wants teh most, 2 powerful systems along with PC. Knowing PS4 has PC architecture is something they clearly LOVE, it now means its easier for them to port there games. Being on one platform gives pretty much zero advantage sales wise. Even if you are taking full advantage of the system, is there a reason why they can't make 2 versions then? LOL. Its not going to happen buddy. This might be the stupidest ideas I've seen any tied to prove.

Those days are over. LOL.

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bicfitness4227d ago (Edited 4227d ago )

@ fermcr

PAYING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT of a licensed IP kind of guarantees it will be exclusive for a while. Unless the person paying for it is an idiot. That's what we call 2nd party, not 3rd. And essentially what Nintendo offered with B2.

Edit: Also, nitpicking examples of 3rd party loyalty, when Mass Effect, FF, and almost every other 3rd party AAA game is multiplatform doesn't support your argument very well. Please stop stealth editing too. Stick by what you said. Ni No Kuni was exclusive because Level-5 hate MS since the cancellation of that game way back and have a great relationship with Sony. That is a RARE and ISOLATED instance. It is not the norm.

I'm out, this place is a real circus today.

Edit #2: I find it funny that you would accuse me of editing when I've watched your comment change the initial body of the text 3 times in less than 5 minutes. When I "edit" something, I mark it as such.
3rd party exclusivity is no longer the norm with AAA releases. It is something that happens on a case by case basis or it porting to another platform simply doesn't seem financially appealing. When you look at the PS2 era and the sheer volume of exclusives on ALL platforms (GC, Xbox, DC) and compare it to this one just passing, I don't know how - or why - you would deny that.

supremacy4227d ago

Well what about Yakuza, or Tutsunoko vs Capcom, Sonic colors, Diablo 3, Dust 514,Steel battallion, Lost oddassy,blue dragon, Valkarie chronicles, and those 3 exclusive rpgs coming to ps3 this year.?

kupomogli4226d ago (Edited 4226d ago )


Diablo 3 isn't exclusive, even if it isn't on the 360 and Next Box, although I doubt that, it's still on PC.

Yakuza has a high fanbase in Japan. That's PS3 and Nintendo country over there. Even if it didn't, the game is very story heavy with a ton of voice acting and CG cutscenes. It'd be like Metal Gear Solid 4 being released to the 360. 27 DVDs.

Microsoft bought exclusive rights to Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, as well as Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia. Namco's titles didn't sell well and were timed exclusive so were eventually ported to the PS3, although Vesperia PS3 was never localized in the west :(. Other RPGs have also released on the 360 and they've sold poorly. Multiconsole titles.

It's a miracle that Namco even localized the RPGs they've released. I'm assuming they never intended Graces F or Xillia to be released in the US, and changed their minds afterwards.

As for NIS, Compile Heart, and Gust. They're extremely niche developers who happen to have good ties with Sony. These developers are the ones you see multiple games on the PS3 every year.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4226d ago

Yep, this is HUGE! Even if it's time DLC, or staggered release dates. Funny how many SDF disagrees you got already. Funny how they say if Sony has the presser first,.. that's a win for them. They came out first.

But now, huge game releases could come first to Xbox, or Map Packs.. just like COD this gen. And they're acting like this is no big deal.

I'll tell you what... being able to play BF 4 two weeks to a month earlier on the xbox will sure suck for people waiting that time to play the game on the ps4.

chela4227d ago ShowReplies(1)
4227d ago Replies(1)
shikamaroooo4227d ago

Read the article first ladies an gentlemen.

"Due to the necessities of multiplatform development and publishing, it is likely that such a partnership will not extend beyond exclusive downloadable content, or staggered release dates. An outright exclusive EA game on the Next Xbox would be unlikely, and certainly a major coup for Microsoft if such a deal were to be secured".

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Ex-343 QA Claims Microsoft Contracting Policies Main Issue MS Exclusives Seeing Downturn in Quality

One former 343 Industries QA Tester blames Microsoft's contracting policies for the Halo franchise's hardships and MS' exclusives downturn in quality.

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Sonyslave35h ago

Microsoft biggest opp is the main stream media lol suda 51 hit it on the head on metacritic and media bias.

Sciurus_vulgaris4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

The contracting policies do cause a decrease in developer productivity. New contractors are continually having to adjust to new dev tools and workplaces. Once a contractor has fully adjusted to a studio and its development tech, they are often let go and replaced.

ThinkThink4h ago

Downturn in quality? Aside from redfall, they've been doing pretty good.

isarai2h ago

You're not living up to your username bro, nearly every MS studio release has been met with sizeable disappoinment of some kind besides Hi-Fi Rush for the past decade.

BeHunted2m ago(Edited 2m ago)

Concord, the PS5 game that cost $400 million, flopped within 12 days of its release, surpassing E.T. to become the biggest flop in gaming history. What happened? Did they forget to include gameplay?

XiNatsuDragnel2h ago

I am not surprised Microsoft is there own enemy.

Knightofelemia2h ago

I found that after Microsoft bought 2 certain ip's from Bungie and Epic their quality has gone down. The exclusives are boring Gears 4 and 5 I thought were boring Halo 5 I also thought was boring. And yes the quality was there when XB360 had exclusives. But since XB1 and Series X the quality and lack of exclusives has gone down. And yes it sounds like Microsoft is a prick to work for. Work today get turfed tomorrow.


Microsoft Reportedly Spends $1 Billion Annually To Get Third-Party Games On Game Pass

Uncover the spending behind Xbox's Game Pass subscription. Discover how Microsoft invests a billion dollars annually in securing third-party games for the service.

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danno_omen3d ago
Obscure_Observer3d ago


Now that you´re releasing games and making big money from every gaming platform, you should double that amount and give us even more day one third party games!

Jin_Sakai3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

You’re delusional beyond belief. Businesses wise it doesn’t make sense and sooner or later they’ll be raising prices again to cover that billion they’re blowing every year.

outsider16243d ago

Lucky for xbox that papa microsoft is rich.

purple1013d ago (Edited 3d ago )

As someone else said earlier today, they are past the growth stage, it’s been stagnent for last 3 years, they are now in the money making stage, prepare to be goosed for as many dollars as possible for the least amount of content. It may not be bad now, (actually it is) but it will be soon (even worse) this year you got hellblade and starfirld and a load of other games that could be bought in bargain bins for about $5-30 and for that you pay them monthly

To add I honestly don’t know how you put up with the barrage of Xbox negativity (which is deserved). I put it down to:

A) you are being paid
B) you may have a problem thinking clearly
C) prefer rooting for the underdog, that’s a legit thing too. English people do it by default

Profchaos3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Yeah Aussies also love an underdog as long as that underdog isn't Xbox as they were too of the game with the 360 then lost their minds

Chevalier3d ago

3 straight years of missing Gamepass targets. Some people are just blinded by their own idiocy. Will be interesting to see if COD does anything this fall

CosmicTurtle3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

He is a troll. Designed to stoke people up on here. We know this.

It’s quite funny.

Popsicle3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Yet people still allow the troll to derail an entire topic. I don’t understand how moderation allows it.

I literally just skip the comment. This may be the best comment obscure ever made. I don’t know because I didn’t read it. I have read to many thread derailing post from this person to ever devote any time to reading another.

I wish everyone would ignore the trolls so we can have a genuine discussion. Stop feeding it and it will go away. Even just hitting the disagree button feeds it. Thats what it wants. This is the last post I will ever post about obscure because I am feeding them now.

Legit question to Mods. After such a long history of being a troll, how has this poster not been banned?

Profchaos2d ago

Is he though or does he just blindly love Xbox in the same way Sega fans loved the Dreamcast even though it was clearly dead they thought it could be redeemed

Ok yeah he's saracstic and does troll but I enjoy seeing what he comes out with it would be boring here if we never had conflicting opinions

Sonic18813d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money 🤔

Hofstaderman3d ago

Correction....XBOX is already dead.

Obscure_Observer3d ago

"Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money"

As long we get the games I couldn´t care less about a trillion dollar company losing money. That´s their business to worry about. I only care about the games.

And "struggling and losing money"? Really?

"Microsoft reports Xbox’s revenue is up 61% in Q4 FY24 thanks to Activision"

61% more revenue and BO6 is not even out yet.

MS will make a sh!t ton of money with that game alone in all platforms. So 2 Billion yearly invested in their *core* business is nothing!

So yeah, I want them to double the investments on Gamepass. Period.

Sonic18813d ago (Edited 3d ago )

"So yeah, I want them to double the investments on Gamepass. Period."

That ain't going to happen. Just because you want it 😂

fr0sty3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

They'll do that, after creating 4 more higher-priced tiers and making the one that currently includes everything only contain games that have been on the market for 4 years.

"Gamepass Ultra to the MAX: Now only $299 per year!"

MrNinosan1d 12h ago

Already $240/year, so we're there within a year, without new tiers.

jznrpg1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

It will be 29.99$ a month eventually 360 a year

Profchaos3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

They are trying to get a return on abk and Bethesda they won't double day one we're lucky we are still getting them now that day one has been removed from base tiers

They want to make money not give it away

OlderGamer172d ago

Sorry O_O, I tought you where loosing it, but i now come to the conclusion that you realy lost it.
The coping from you is not on a stellarr level....

Flakegriffin2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Homie got 77 dislike and his brain rot will still help him think that he’s right.

2d ago
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MrDead3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I like how they twist cannibalising game sales into "invests".

No lifetime sales with MS, they'll F-up gaming the same as streaming services have done to the movie industry and it's workforce.

Fishy Fingers3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?

Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games.

TheNamelessOne3d ago


Pretty much. There's a lot of hate on this site for Gamepass, but put games on the different tiers of the PS subscription, and whenever they get that free day one release, it's an entirely different tune. No talk about how this choice is killing devs.

DarXyde3d ago

Do we think they're unhappy?


They literally need to be paid up front to put games on the service. It's become a way to gain a foothold on the platform.

Do you think Atlus would launch on Game Pass otherwise?

MrDead2d ago

"Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?"

I think you mean severance... and I've noticed you don't know what it means either, MS aren't firing the third-parties they're purchasing from.

"Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games."

I'm not a console gamer, but yes I do have Epic with a library full of free games... but guess what Epic rotating free games every week doesn't do. It doesn't destroy lifetime sales and cut workers out of residuals. Then you bring up PS+ a service that also doesn't destroy lifetime sales as their model allows for new releases to earn.

DivineHand1253d ago

There are pros and cons to everything. Streaming services like Netflix is no different than cable tv except it is on demand. Services like Netflix has made it so that more studios can get a share in the profit where they can reach more consumers worldwide compared to the old days where the masses will only watch a few new titles per month.

The only negative about streaming services is that it no longer makes any sense to sell DVDs and Blu-rays though it can be argued that those persons may have moved on to building digital libraries for the sake of convenience.

The reason Xbox is doing so poorly is because they are not doing enough to be competitive. Their output of AA and AAA exclusive titles are extremely low compared to the competition and they haven't had a game of the year nominee in years.

Releasing their games the same date on PC is also hurting their console and it would have been more strategic for them to delay those releases by a year similar to what Sony does to maximize profits.

Gamepass alone is not to blame for Xbox's current position because it can be argued that if the service didn't exist and they had the same gaming output as they have now, they would be in an even worst spot.

MrDead2d ago

"Streaming services like Netflix is no different than cable tv except it is on demand."

It's nothing like cable. My comment isn't a guess lifetime sale of films has shrunk to a point it's almost gone and so has the revenue it generated, that is money from competing TV networks, cable/satellite and physical media sales.

Lack of revenue transparency with streaming has meant workers job security and pay has massively diminished, earnings from residuals is almost gone for example the writer for Squid Games because of streaming gets no royalties despite series earning $900 million for Netflix, before streaming he would have royalties form lifetime sales.
Or another example Willow the series was pulled and is no longer watchable here's why: “Willow” was one of nearly 50 titles that Disney+ pulled from its streaming library in May. Other titles included the series “The Mysterious Benedict Society” and the feature film “The One and Only Ivan.” Disney CFO Christine McCarthy explained that Disney was expecting to take a write-down in the June quarter of $1.5 billion-$1.8 billion by removing content from its streaming platforms. By writing down the value of the content assets, Disney can remove that from its balance sheet and reduce its tax bill." Also when you pull a show you no longer need to pay residuals to the workers.

Have you also noticed the drop in quality on sfx or thought some older films look so much better then they do now? This is because the industry now relies on cheap labour for sfx outsourcing abroad, more green screen instead of location shooting and a lot less real extras bring life to a scene.

Streaming in gaming is going to be far worse as we've seen with MS consolidating a massive part of the industry to try and make the service sustainable, lifetime sales being cannibalised by gamespass and a work force that has no unions like SAG is already paying the price.

All streaming does is remove income transparency, cuts the workers from the money and sets flat rates and removes consumer ownership... but CEO's and shareholders will still be ok as they benefit from the industry consolidation.

Huey_My_D_Long2d ago

MrDead is absolutely on fire with the post.

Nothing else I have to add other than that.

DivineHand1252d ago

@MrDead like I said pros and cons. Some of those issues can alleviated with alleviated with regulatory intervention to give more transparency to the industry but unlikely anytime soon with all the lobbying going on.

The issue with the squid game's writer can be attributed to the terms and conditions he agreed to. It happens often in business as no one really knows how popular something will be until you catch that lightning in a bottle. I remember reading about how Nintendo hardly made anything off Pokemon Go dispite Niantic making Billions.

I don't blame streaming services for studios finding was to reduce the cost of making films. That stuff would have happened regardless because of the greed of these corporations. We see that same cost reduction happening in every industry from food to Aerospace.

shadowT3d ago ShowReplies(2)
CrimsonGuardVII3d ago

@badz148 its not, it just straight lied.

gold_drake3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

we know this, we have known this since last year.

this is not new or news.

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Electronic Arts CEO: AI Is "At the Very Core of Our Business"

Today EA hosted its Investors Day, and Chief Executive Officer Andrew Wilson talked about the company's dedication to generative AI.

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Chocoburger6d ago

He's so excited to layoff more employees for FAKE STUPIDITY computer programing to replace them.

Hopefully EA takes a nosedive just like Ubisoft is currently doing. Lack of money is the only thing that can hurt them and possibly change them.

DarXyde5d ago

Knowing EA, I think they're more likely to sell their games cheaper or make Access the only way to play their titles than change course. They seem committed to destroying their labour force.

And the sad part here is that the proof of concept is there, where games can be made using AI.

I hate to say it, but those working in the gaming industry might be cooked. And unfortunately, I'm doubting most people will care as long as they get games they want. EA would absolutely dangle Dead Space 4 or a new Burnout in front of us, developed with AI. I wouldn't take it, but I think most fans would.

CantThinkOfAUsername5d ago

If AI does a better job then yeah why not? Though, I have massive doubts it will. If developers aren't willing to put effort in their games then they shouldn't be surprised that they're replaceable.

Chocoburger5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Damn, a new Burnout, don't even bring that up. It hurts just to read those words.

The indie scene is massive theses days, but the big budget scene is mostly trash. I wouldn't mind to see these big publishers suffer or crumble away.

But that can only happen when the casual gamer stops buying yearly roster updates or whatever garbage is marketed to them on TV.

DarXyde5d ago


I disagree. I don't believe the developers are at fault here. I would think those people don't like what EA is doing, but it's EA and they have tremendous power in the industry. Not everyone has the leadership qualities to peel off and form their own company. Add to the fact that falling out of grace with EA might just be an industry kiss of death. These people don't have any power, so I really don't agree with saying they're not willing to put in the effort.

thorstein5d ago

Now we just need to develop AI CEO and sell it to the board of trustees.

staticall5d ago

Hopefully, the only people who're going to be replaced by an AI are Andrew Wilson and his top management goons.

TheNamelessOne6d ago

And EA games aren't at the core of my purchases.

XiNatsuDragnel6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Lmfao ea needs to do an ubisoft rn

ApocalypseShadow6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Of course it is. EA has been lazy for years. Profiting for investors and themselves without putting in the work. Having AI write code or build graphics for them just makes them even more lazy.

I'd laugh if those same investors built "executive code" and got rid of EA's CEO and board of directors and replaced them with AI.

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