
Spotify won't be coming to the PS4

PSX-Sense writes: "The PlayStation 3 has several media services like VidZone and Netflix. We've heard from Spotify Ltd. that they won't bring their service to the PlayStation 4. Head over to our website for more details."

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Arai4135d ago

Unless there's enough demand, it's subject to change.
So not really news at this point as it's an undecided matter.

jujubee884135d ago

Make an uproar, ppl! Show them we want cool stuff with your voices and your wallets!!!

(The latter being what these companies care for)

Rockefellow4135d ago (Edited 4135d ago )

I've always liked Last.FM more.

--Oh, not to mention Music Unlimited! I caved and bought it for $12 when it was on sale, and I was way more impressed than I thought I'd be. Not exactly worth $120 a year to me, but it's a great service.


Introducing the Mini Wired Gamepad for PS4

New controller for the little kiddie hands.

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alexgibson2438d ago

I think the controller also helps disabled people who suffer hand cramps using the larger DS4. Good thinking, Sony!

Death2438d ago

if I was going to rip off the design of a competitors controller the least I would do is have the courtesy of changing the color.

Eonjay2437d ago

You know its impossible to rip off of yourself right...

Death2437d ago

I wasn't aware the Nintendo Joycon was a Sony design. I stand corrected, thank you.

darthv722437d ago

looks more like the wii classic controller.

ocelot072437d ago

If you are going to accuse Hori of ripping off a competitors controller with this design at least get name the correct controller it's apparently ripping off. It actually looks near identical to the Wii classic controller except for the colour.

The joy con is much smaller and has less buttons and only 1 analogue per joy con. The colour is also different. Hori one is dark blue the Joy con is neon blue.

bouzebbal2437d ago

Looks like wii controller.
Sits very well in small hands my kids will be happy.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2437d ago
PhantomTommy2437d ago

I know everyone is saying these are for kids, but they look awesome to me. Reminds me of the Wii classic controller and that was a lovely little pad! Wired too so maybe less latency?

2437d ago
DirtyPete2437d ago

Love seeing things like this. This will be great for kids. I try to play with my niece and shes just 4. I feel bad because she can't reach all of the buttons. This will be perfect for her; now to make it seem glamorous for being different or else she'll still want to take my controller x) haha

ecchiless2437d ago

I know that, my niece also play games with me, since she was 3 now she is 6, but she only plays fighting games and tera, so she is used to kb&m too xD

DirtyPete2437d ago

haha yeah? Im just glad she likes to play. She does pretty well considering. I'd be proud with what ever she tried to use x)

Yohshida2437d ago

More options are always great

Tazzy2437d ago

I should buy this I think the PS4 controllers lose power to fast my controllers don't stay charged long they get low battery quick.

Skuletor2437d ago

You can change the light bar's brightness in the options, to make them last longer.

Tazzy2437d ago

Oh thanks I didn't know that I appreciate the tip.

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5 of the Best Playstation Exclusives Coming This Holiday Season

Sony has a slew of hit titles releasing before this year's end, so let's take a look at 5 of the best coming Playstation exclusives for the Playstation 4.

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meka26112458d ago

Well looks like neither console have great exclusives this season. None of those look appealing to me and one is just dlc.

Lynx02072458d ago

Do we know if Hidden Agenda can be played singleplayer and with dualshock (not smartphone)? If so, it would be day one for me. Other than that, I'm waiting for The Frozem Wilds.

_-EDMIX-_2458d ago

I'm not really sure but based on what I'm seeing it's kind of like a party game.

Like you play a character and your friends play other characters making decisions or something like that.

RagingGazebo2458d ago

It looks like Hidden Agenda can technically be a single player game, but in order to get the full experience of the game, you'll need other players.

No info (that I could find anyway) about dualshock.

DigitalRaptor2458d ago

Between indie games, AAA games, DLC expansions and VR games... PS4 has it covered.


Sony Need To Update The PlayStation Trophy System

PlayStation trophies have been around for several years now, but have been given very little maintenance. Sony need to improve the trophy system to keep up with the updates Microsoft have made to Xbox achievements.

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2pacalypsenow2514d ago

I love Ms's tracking system with achievements, I hope Sony implements that in the future.

NerdBurglars2514d ago

steam achievements have the same thing, its a cool touch

Genuine-User2513d ago

Yeah the trophy tracking system is pretty cool. I hope Sony are able to implement it soon.

ziggurcat2513d ago

I agree - the tracking system is great, and I hope they implement something like that with trophies.

sinspirit2513d ago

I think they should have a trophy viewing mode similar to Smash Bros. Like the room where all your trophies are on the table with classic consoles on a shelf in the background. If you have PSVR you can get up close to them on a virtual table. With the camera you could snap a pic of your room for use. If you platinum a game you could unlock a room themed after Bloodborne, God of War, Uncharted, etc. and view your trophies there.

I don't get why people are so hardcore about trophies or achievements though. People used to commonly act like they were the decision on whether they would buy a game or not. I like the RPG-like level system to trophies though.

Ceaser98573612513d ago

being a noob here... whats this tracking system with achievements??

Mr_Writer852513d ago

It basically keeps track of how close you are to unlocking said achievement.

An example to unlock Achievement A you must kill 500 zombies, the tracker will tell you how many of that 500 you have killed like 100/500.

Its useful when the game doesn't have tracking like PvsZ garden Warfare.

Ceaser98573612512d ago


Thanx a lot .. got you now.. I have seen that mainly while playing The Division and always wanted that feature on the PS.. hopefully Sony takes a notice and brings it on their next update or following ..

RommyReigns2512d ago (Edited 2512d ago )

Track gameplay hours - psnprofiles.com
Track game stats on the network - Good idea
Copy Microsofts Idea – 'Show a progress bar toward individual trophies', A bit convoluted to introduce atm because of save files, what if you delete the save file of the game you've given up trying to get a particular trophy for example the lamppost trophy on Planet Kerwan in Ratchet and Clank PS4 (not hard to find tbf, but just using this as an example), does the progress bar reset when you replay the game? Would be useful if it does reset and show progress properly.
Customise the trophy ding sound – Nah, the trophy ding sound is legendary and is associated with PlayStation and the trophy system.
Create a public API – psnprofiles.com
Network leaderboards – psnprofiles.com

At least with Trophies anyone can see what games you have worked on specifically with the Percentage and the Platinum Trophy, compared to just a vague number on a user's profile.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2512d ago
PiNkFaIrYbOi2514d ago

Eeeee, never really got the trophy system or the achievement system.

MegamanXXX2514d ago

I know right. Even Steam have their own achievement system that I could care less about.

NerdBurglars2514d ago

steam doesnt put much focus on them though. most people go for the trading cards

MegamanXXX2514d ago (Edited 2514d ago )

I agree with the trading cards. I actually like that feature

Brave_Losers_Unite2513d ago

Achievement for PC is garbage. If it was universal under 1 system, then it would be better. Trophies and Achievements for Xbox and PS are waaaay better

SonyWarrior2513d ago

no one cares about steam achievements because you could use a hack to unlock the achievements very easily which takes away from the appeal of them

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Big_Game_Hunters2512d ago

I think its one of those things teenagers compete over. Even when X360ps3 came out with them when i was in HS i never really understood them.

FallenAngel19842514d ago

I wish they automatically synced

Genuine-User2513d ago

They do now. Some people on neogaf tested through psnprofiles.com and PS4's quick menu.

SoulWarrior2513d ago

They do sync automatically now, it was implemented a few weeks ago.

segamaniaco2513d ago

They made some improvements, now you can see secret trophies.

RommyReigns2512d ago (Edited 2512d ago )

Secret Trophies were always accessible to see, you just had to press square to view them.

DialgaMarine2512d ago

@Rommy That was a feature introduced just a couple years ago on PS4 (I think along with the trophy screenshot). You could never view them on PS3.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2512d ago
-Foxtrot2514d ago

No synching....that's all I want

I'm sick of doing it...it's such a small thing but by now it shouldn't even need to happen.

InTheZoneAC2513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

they've automatically sync'd since the beginning of their existence for ps3/ps4, the only time they don't is if you have a second system that isn't set to primary.

-Foxtrot2513d ago

When you click on it it still has to load up and new trophies will pop up you've recently earned. Achievements don't do that, once you get them BAM...they are there.

Mr_Writer852513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

That's only to view them on the system trophy list.

If you unlock a trophy and then go on your feed it will show as unlocked even though you haven't synced it on your PS4 trophy list.

My brother doesn't click on his trophy list ever but I can see every trophy he has.

NerdBurglars2512d ago

every time i get a new trophy i need to go to the trophy menu on the PS4 and sync manually. Maybe it does it once a day, but i think people want a real time sync

Sonic_Vs_Mario2513d ago ShowReplies(5)
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