
Fans express outrage at offline/LAN play for console version of Diablo III

Already expressing bitterness of a console version of Diablo III, the word that the PS3 and PS4 versions of Diablo III would support offline play have made them even more angry.

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aliengmr4121d ago

Okay, that sucks.

Didn't really care about it going to PS4/PS3. But that does upset me.

ApolloTheBoss4121d ago

Yeah that's not right. I'm glad us console gamers get to experience Diablo but PC guys always having to play online is unfair.

aliengmr4121d ago

You should be glad. I'm glad console gamers don't have to put up with insufferable always-online DRM.

Its hard to articulate how frustrating it can be to be kicked from a single-player game. Its a stark reminder your experience isn't your own in D3. They expect our trust to buy the game and give none in return. What we did get was an average ARPG that took 10 years to make.

My first thought playing D3 was, I really wish I could play D3.

My second thought was, 10 years? Really?

BattleAxe4121d ago

Not really a surprise when piracy is out of control on the PC.

miyamoto4121d ago

Dude, Diablo can be played offline on PSOne PS2 and PS3 so its natural and no surprise there


Linsolv4120d ago

@BattleAxe : And the 360, though.

Seriously, go onto any torrent search engine, search for any multiplat, and you'll find that it's pirated on 360 too. In fact, you'll find that 360 games are generally pirated before PC games--most 360 pirates get games 1-2 days before the street date, whereas PC pirates tend to get them 1-2 days after. Sometimes, when the DRM is really good, 1-2 weeks after, but that's rare.

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ZeroX98764121d ago

well I'm expecting a PC patch for offline play near the PS3-4 release date.

Mounce4121d ago

It's just another step in which Blizzard fucks over their PC fanbase, bluntly. I'm a D3 Collector's Edition owner, and I know all the shit Diablo 3 IS and Was.

No Lan, always online, the bullshit cycle of the auction house....none of it is 'Diablo' and Path of Exile is more of successful Diablo than Diablo 3 itself will ever be....but this? I feel bad for those who easily pushed or forced themselves to be fans of Diablo 3 in any way since Blizzard simply cock slapped them with one subtle blow.

3-4-54121d ago

wait..so we people can play it offline too ?

old school style. nice.

MiloGarret4120d ago

Feel the same way, didn't even care about it, but this is just insulting.

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GrandTheftZamboni4121d ago

Did this somehow make the game you bought less enjoyable?

Letros4121d ago

You clearly never experienced the lag...it was god awful

rdgneoz34121d ago

And as others have said, getting DCed when playing by yourself...

GrandTheftZamboni4121d ago

Oh, okay. I didn't know that developing a console version of the game could cause the PC version to lag.

aliengmr4121d ago

You mean the game I rented for 60$ from Blizzard?

StrawberryDiesel4204121d ago

I fear for a digital future which is inevitable. It will simply feel like a rental and nothing more without the physical copy to enjoy. Online only games are the future of gaming sadly. Not yet, I'd say in about ten years from now online only will be much more common.

MiloGarret4120d ago

Don't defend that which doesn't deserve it. I love Diablo 3, it's one of my favourite games, yes really. But this is insulting.

Studio-YaMi4121d ago (Edited 4121d ago )

And they have every right to rage for this,needing to be online always to play a game with mostly single player elements & then giving another version of the same game with that said option turned off while ditching your first consumers & fanbase !?

That's harsh :\

porkChop4121d ago

Well I don't think Blizzard had a choice. Consoles online infrastructure don't work the same way as PC, and I don't think it's possible to make a console game require a constant internet connection, unless of course it's a multiplayer game.

Karlnag34120d ago

This is Sony though. They're certainly a lot more open to letting devs use their own online infrastructure... more than Microsoft are anyway. Valve with steam on Portal 2, for example.

auragenz4121d ago (Edited 4121d ago )

You know what. Nevermind, let the whining continue.

Studio-YaMi4121d ago

I'm not a PC gamer,I'm a console gamer and a Sony fan,but when it's not right,it's not right!

karlowma4121d ago

I wonder what the setup of the RMAH will be on PS3/4. That was the real killer for me.

sashimi4121d ago (Edited 4121d ago )

that alone makes the game a lot better. Though i wouldn't recommend anyone to buy the game anymore after playing it on pc.

R_aVe_N4121d ago

If that is the case omg I might get it lol. RMAH ruined the entire game in my opinion.

ziggurcat4121d ago

oh, pc elitists.... you so funny.

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The Greatest Video Game Comeback Stories in Gaming History

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Dirty_Lemons125d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein125d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff2183125d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


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Palitera434d ago

Are you comparing a continuously improved 10+ years old masterpiece with the... beta of an unreleased game?

kevco33433d ago

Heh, yeah. There's no comparison in here! Its a commentary on how III is still very playable over a decade later.


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