
‘Colonial Marines’ tester claims bad minigames all that’s new in Wii U version

The rabbit hole goes deeper. In the latest bit of Aliens: Colonial Marines drama, an anonymous tester on the game has taken to Reddit to answer any and all questions pertaining to the game. And boy, is it a doozy. The tester’s account has since been deleted, along with all the answers to the great questions being asked. But that hasn’t stopped the internet machine to get some great quotes from the AMA.

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AsimLeonheart4144d ago

Man, this game is one of the biggest gaming debacles in recent memory. So many conspiracy theories and controversies. I wonder what kind of effect it will have on Gearbox and Sega.

GenericNameHere4144d ago

One things for sure after this: DON'T BUY LICENSED GAMES FROM GEARBOX!

They fooled you once with Duke Nukem Forever, and they foole you AGAIN with Aliens Colonial Marines!
Duke Nukem Forever was announced in the late 90s, switched consoles and developers over the next few years, and finally released by Gearbox in 2011. However, THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE RELEASED THE GAME! They should have just scrapped all the past resources, and created a new DN game from scratch.

As for Aliens, Randy Pitchford lied. He is not an Aliens fan like he claims to be in interviews. If he really was, he would have not outsourced most of the game to Timegate. Then, there was Sega saying Gearbox did not outsource. Well, if that's so, they should not have worked on two games at once. They should have focused everything on Borderlands 2 first, and then focus everything on Aliens. I mean, really, if YOU were a fan of Aliens, and had the honor of making an Aliens game, and having your script OKd as "canon" to the original Aliens movie, WOULD YOU LET SOMEONE WORK ON IT INSTEAD OF YOU??

From the interview videos, I though Randy was cool. But, he fooled gamers twice

admiralvic4143d ago

I don't see why people constantly mention Duke Nukem Forever. I mean what about the game made you think it was going to be an amazing experience? Everything about it was said to be a train wreck and color me surprised when the game was far less than amazing. Also I am happy Gearbox released it, since now we know what Duke Nukem Forever was like. Hopefully they make another title, but based off how they're treating Borderlands 2... it might be for the best to let it stay dead.

zerocrossing4144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

I can't see Gearbox coming away from this unscathed, even if only half of these rumours about their wrong doings were true they don't deserve to get away with the huge lie they've been telling, IMO.

Sega will probably be OK in the end, though they were the publishers they weren't directly involved in the development of ACM since Gearbox were in fact the developers. Still it' not like Sega shouldn't take some of the blame, they must have bee aware of the mess to some extent.

Reborn4144d ago

I dont see this 'saga' ending any time soon.

Thirty3Three4144d ago

Aww. They added more horrid things just for the WiiU :)

Flyingdog6704144d ago

I REALLY wanted this game to be good!!! :(

Myst4144d ago

Same here :( Same here.

ceballos77mx4144d ago

At least a MP horde mode would have been perfect for this game.

JaredH4143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

The funny thing is they announced a horde like mode, Bug Hunt. But it's DLC and one of the four packs of the season pass...

PopRocks3594144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

Well. Goddamn it. I mean I hope that isn't true, but damn it. Bad mini-games? Really? No extra effort in the AI, not closer to the demo, I mean what the hell? I mean, I still want to try the game, but why would the Wii U version's only difference be something like THAT?

Summons754144d ago

Because that's what happens when you get a new generation system and everyone demands a current/last gen game to be ported to it when devs should just be working on brand new titles for next gen.

madjedi4143d ago

"Well. Goddamn it. I mean I hope that isn't true, but damn it. Bad mini-games? Really? No extra effort in the AI, not closer to the demo, I mean what the hell?"

What the hell were you expecting, a totally revamped game talk about delusional.

If it's a pos on pc, why would the wiiu version be magically better, oh right because randy is bff's with the wiiu lol.

Yeah gearbox gives the ps3,360, pc and the butchered version and the wii u, get the real version.

"I mean, I still want to try the game, but why would the Wii U version's only difference be something like THAT?"

Because it's a 3rd party multiplatform game trying to make money not a 1st party exclusive, showing off a unique feature or gameplay opportunity of the wii u.

I love the nintendo guy assuming everyone else but them got screwed.

This a surprise to you, wow.

PopRocks3594143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

"What the hell were you expecting, a totally revamped game talk about delusional."

Wow. A strawman argument. Nice goin' stranger.

Actually no, I expected the primary difference to be better graphics like randy Pitchford said, duh. It doesn't take rocket science to figure that out.

Also, if the rumors are anything to go by, Timegate and Gearbox managed to botch the 360/PS3 and PC versions while Demiurge managed to handle the Wii U version more smoothly. Also the Wii U version of Ninja Gaiden 3 was best, was it not? And now that version is also getting ported.

Seriously, there's no reason to be so condescending about this. Your base is all about this being impossible when it's anything but.

EDIT: " I love the nintendo guy assuming everyone else but them got screwed."

When the hell in my original comment did I say anything even remotely close to that? All of the versions were screwed over, you goober. If the Wii U version was botched as well, it's not exactly the largest of shockers. My point was there should be more to it than some minigames if there is going to be some boasting about this version being the definitive one.

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Roundtable: Games That Should Have Received a Sequel

Too many games aren't given a second shot. We at VGU choose which games we would love to see receive a sequel.

JonTheGod1021d ago (Edited 1021d ago )

The Saboteur - criminally underrated and a fantastic mechanic of bringing colour back to Nazi-occupied Paris.

The article lists Bulletstorm, Sleeping Dogs, and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


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SpamnJam1599d ago

Can't argue with any of those really, but I would add Resident Evil Operation Racoon City and Metal Gear Survive to that list. Both terrible games from good franchises.

AK911599d ago

Bulletstorm, I actually liked the gameplay but the atrocious writing and characters made me despise the game by the end of it.


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FTLmaster1668d ago

I still play AvP on PS3 to this day. That game had fun multiplayer too.