
The Lack of Manners When Playing Online

GamerFitNation talks about the lack of manners that gamers have when they are playing online. "This is especially prevalent in younger gamers. The games that have the worst language are the ones where professionals of that game dont show good manners, and it trickles down to the causal gamers".

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DigitalSmoke4239d ago (Edited 4239d ago )

People change, one asshole ingame triggers the rest to a point of not giving a damn.
Iv'e had this happen as well, i always made a point of being my normal self, thanking ppl for ammo or health and whatnot.
But after the 569,928 th attention seeking doushbag cursing yelling screaming to a point where i just had to tell them to Shut The ^@% Up! this and that.

Then i found myself being infected by the lameness, which is halve the cure really.

I then noticed that when somebody would be a dick, i just asked them why they acted so weird...

Worked as a silver bullet to a vampire, they melted.

to many beers, off to bed.

black9114239d ago

They must be Steelers Fans.

darthv724239d ago

how about the complete lack of respect to fellow gamers in general.

I mean, we are all on the same side here when it comes to enjoying what this industry has to offer. But its like we cant just simply let each person be themselves. We have to gang up on each other because one may like a certain game/platform over another.

I am old so I wont bore you with the details but since the internet its seems like its been getting more and more immature when it comes to enjoying games.

i wont pretend to be the voice of reason but i will say that I prefer to game alone rather than succumb to the ill wills of the younger generation.

I keep my kids off services like PSN and live and steam for such reasons. The belittling and bullying of kids at schools is bad enough.

TyBREAKR4239d ago

Its so enfuriating to me. You cant fight fire with fire especially in this case. What do you do? A 12 year who hasnt even begun puberty is screaming foul language at me. Whether to impress friends, or because no one can do anything idk. I can only laugh at him. The digital age gives kids a place to say whatever they want with no repercussions. They hide behind a screen. Where are the parents? Where is the discipline in these kids? Where is the respect?

xursz4239d ago

My style is to be classy and invite my fellow teammates to a cup of joe. Nothing like sharing hot coffee with strangers I've never met.

Sandmano4239d ago

thing is I bet most of those guys are like cats in real life situations

DFresh4239d ago

So, your complaining about bad language in a rated M game that your playing?
That makes a whole lot of sense.
Even if people cuss so f***ing what it's called freedom of speech and guess what there's an optional mute button use it already.
Anytime I go online I expect people to be frustrated, complain, get aggressive, call out info to team mates and what not.
Nobody likes to lose but for every loss you learn from it and get better.
If you can't appreciate losing how can you appreciate winning.
Nowadays I just don't give a crap anymore if I win or lose or get bad scores because there's more important things to worry about then some virtual scores that mean nothing in the real world.

MikeMyers4239d ago

I go to M Rated movies and I don't hear anyone swearing their heads off. How do you even know if the people playing those games are really of age? That's one of the problems right there.

We live in a society where the parenting now comes in the form of a TV and game console with kids growing up thinking they are entitled to everything.

There is also a huge difference between someone swearing randomly and someone being very aggressive with their language. I doubt many of these people would act this way in public but you never know nowadays.

MysticStrummer4239d ago

>_< I really wish people would get it through their heads that freedom of speech has nothing to do with the worldwide web.

Reality is that people playing online know they can say anything to anyone without much, if any, consequence. Anonymous and brave.

romancer4239d ago

Of course, this article should be headed: "the lack of <i> good </i> manners when playing online. There's no lack of bad manners.

Perhaps the solution is to host multiplayer games yourself and make it clear that you are not looking to be infested with bottomfeeding players who have speech and personality disorders.

In Multiplayer, the bad often drive out the good; and no one, as yet, has figured out a way for serious players to meet one another on a regular basis without having to put up with idiots who in addition to being idiots, are drunk or high and working out their aggressions.

Maybe we need a new tier of XBox Live, where we pay a small premium to play with "vetted" players to whom gaming is the main thing, not working out their demons and demonstrating their immaturity through video games.

DFresh asked: "So, your (sic) complaining about bad language in a rated M game that your playing?"
Just because one is playing GTA or Battlefield doesn't mean that one has to do poor imitations of the characters in those games; in fact, most videogame characters i have observed could not proficiently play the games in which they appear. They tend to be knuckleheads -- great at using weapons and that's it.
It's not "bad language" that is the issue (for me); it's the moronic way that expletives are used by some multiplayers, reducing the speaker to incoherence.

In a work of art (which the best games are) profanity may well be justified (and even funny), but at the level of multiplayers who use their limited vocabularies repetitiously, the sounds are just senseless, boring and irritating.

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Knightofelemia88d ago

People can be pretty stupid when it comes to money. I mean there was an article on here about a moron who spent $1 million on a skin for a gun. And look how many suckers feed Star Citizen cash as well. So I would not be surprised if some dumbass was or is dumb enough to buy this skin. $500 for a skin nah I would rather use the money towards something tangible like food, rent, gas, bills.

Vits88d ago

I doesn't matter if we boycott or not. This Skin was never meant for the western market. Korea and China are the true targets and they will buy it like there is no tomorrow.

Chocoburger87d ago

You don't need to give us reasons why to boycott the skin / game / company. We already know to do so.