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Microsoft: “Everybody Knows” PS3 “Isn’t as Good of an Entertainment Console” as Xbox 360

Right before Sony had to eat humble pie when the PS3′s launch cost them billions and market dominance, they were criticized for being arrogant and cocky. Now they’re seen as a much more likeable and respectable company that doesn’t tell people to get another job.

Clearly not having learned anything from Sony’s past, Microsoft is now playing the villain.


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Community4147d ago
Dylila4147d ago

it isnt as good because its better

Enemy4147d ago

Microsoft has no games left, no blu-ray, inferior Netflix, and a subscription-based service. Sony is opposite to each of those things.

PS3 isn't as good,'s better.

BattleAxe4147d ago Show
patterson4147d ago

Ah this just sounds like Microsoft playing the FOX News game of declaring something as true without backing it up with facts.

morganfell4147d ago

I would like to see the face of Yusuf Mehdi when he realizes that as he was talking nonsense all of the lifeboats left.

007Bond4147d ago

Yea it's better at being horrible! JK although PS exclusives are mostly overrated and most do not look interesting at all as well as xbox's

4147d ago
rainslacker4147d ago

I hope when MS announces their new platform, Sony just wishes them luck, like they did with the Wii U. It's so much classier.

Darth Stewie4147d ago

No its because the PS3 is the better gaming console.

nosferatuzodd4147d ago

Microsoft is always like that,they never take their lumps like a gentleman.

Instead they bash and sabotage just like how they made that scroogle add when Google is kicking their cheep windows phone ass, or when apple came out with the iPhone.

They find all kind of horrible crap to say about how bad iPhone was, then they copied the siri app lol i hate that company no offense to Xbox owners, the 360 isn't a bad system its just Microsoft i cant stand there greedy snobby cunt.

blackbeld4147d ago

I think Microsoft is loosing they're grip of reality. They loosing battle on every front from phones to operating systems. Except for office 2010 great software btw.

In other words Microsoft is run by teenagers with bold heads.

Ritsujun4147d ago Show
zeee4147d ago

I think they are right. As entertainment console, 360 has the edge but when it comes to GAMING console, you know, the reason I bought both 360 and PS3, I find Playstation 3 much... MUCH better.

mayberry4147d ago

Sony doesnt showcase the PS3's superior sound output either, imho. True digital optic 7.1 surround sound only on the PS3.

pixelsword4147d ago

The Myans predicted the end of the world December 26, 2012 but with calendar adjustments it's actually February 20, 2013; and they were talking about the end of a certain type fanboy's world.

Let the apoc4ypse begin.

RumbleFish4147d ago

The Mayans didn't see anything coming. Not even the spanish!

EVILDEAD3604147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

Heres my honest opinion as someone who loves both my Xbox 360 and my PS3 for entertainment.

Forget the PR stuff as both of em are taking shots at each other.

If you are strictly talking physical entertaimnent SONY wins handsdown for the Blu-ray. Plus I've always been a huge fan of the music player. Throw a CD in and nobody is touching that Earth Screen saver.

If you are talking in the digital space then MS wins handsdown. The content on Live is like 3 times as much. Especially if you are a fan over music, when Xbox music, Last FM, and I heart radio are all great. But when it comes to sheer entertainment apps..My god. It's not even a contest.

Overall, it's all in what you like.

I love the internet now through smart glass, Youtube, The news stations, HBO GO, Gamespot and IGN TV, NBA through Live.

I love the NFL Pass, the 3D movie selection, the alternate way to view my Netflix menu, and I honestly used to be obsessed with the PSN Store.

At the end of the day, it honestly depends on what your system of preference is. If your on Xbox Live every day you tend to grab more content from there and vice versa for the PS3.

But, I'd say if you didn't pay for alot of Blu-Ray movies then MS has a point.

But, I couldn't live without either one.

Next gen will be interesting though.


TheBeastX4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

the Ps3 doesn't have any shooters that have such lighting and animations like halo4, or even as remotely as top selling, and that's a fact! NOTHING!

and the last of us and two souls are coming in way too late, and they look dated anyways. by the time these games come out preorders for new hardware will made, and then they will both be conflicting with their sales.

and for the record the 360 had a way better launch than the vita!!

Moentjers4147d ago

I just want a new GAME console. I have a computer/iPad/even a stereo for radio to have my entertainment. On a GAME console I want to play games. So MS Just call it XMediaBox and STFU.

MaxXAttaxX4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

It streams Netflix in 1080p. It outputs sound in 7.1 optical and HDMI. It plays Blu-ray movies.
But Sony doesn't constantly tout that. They seem to focus more on gaming overall, whereas Microsoft is really heavy on the "entertainment" part. I think they're using the Xbox to infiltrate different markets with minimal focus on gaming.

GribbleGrunger4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

Wow, look at all those disagrees. This is really hurting the 360 fanboys in ways I have never seen before. Why? It's just another console.

MysticStrummer4147d ago

I'll be forwarding this story to all my gaming friends who bought 360s, then got rid of them in favor of PS3s. Apparently they aren't included in "everybody".

lol @ all the above disagrees from the 360 fans. Your cover is blown, and I never again want to read any of you claiming that N4G is dominated by PS3 fans. Too funny.

MS really does look desperate with that quote, no matter who in the company said it.

Good times.

Ares84HU4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

People say that n4g is full of Sony fanboys. Look at this shit. This article is a joke. How is the 360 better? When it comes down to which system is better you have to look at the exclusives because that is the only thing that makes the difference. The exclusives on PS3 are far better and there are far more than on the 360. Yet when people point this fact out they get more disagrees than agrees. How many AAA exclusives will the 360 have this year?? I haven't heard of a single one. It's all about kinect and casual play on the 360 for the past two years.

N4G is full of Sony Fanboys???? Look at all the disagrees from 360 fanboys! Far more 360 fans on this site. I don't want Anyone claim that this site is full of sony fanboys after this.

TheRealSpy4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

This is a troll article and the person that chose to make this the headline is a completely POS. Don't you idiots get tired of voicing the same tired opinions about your favorite console? NOBODY cares what you think about 360 or ps3. You can sit there and say "but but psn is free and blah blah."

yeah? good for you. I'm still going to play and enjoy my xbox AND my ps3. GROW UP!

insomnium24147d ago

Like gribble, mystic and ares said this news really proves how much of a PS3 fanboy driven site this is.

Even perfectly sane and truthfull comments get almost 50/50 ratio for agrees.

Look at patterson's and blitz's comment's disagrees. Am I seeing things or did they actually get way more disagrees?

also @ evil

"Forget the PR stuff as both of em are taking shots at each other"

So here we are once again trying hard to make all companies look the same. If Sony lies 2 times and MS lies 10 times then MS is 5 times bigger idiot. You simply cannot run with this "oh they both do it" attitude and expect it to stick. That's BS and you do it ONLY because MS is the one with the most cheap shots. We would never hear the end of it if it was Sony doing it.

JamieL4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

@ all the PS3 trolls above, saying "I don't want to hear this is a PS3 fanboy and PS3 ego-petting haven", Yes it is. Did you ever for one second think that these disagrees could have come from anyone who thinks trolls are a joke. Any comment with that number of disagrees is just plain fanboy propaganda, or someone spouting slogans. Every comment that happen to was fanboy garbage plain and simple. This does not "PROVE" anything like what you're claiming, it just proves not everyone wants to hear that trash. The fact they had as many agree's is much more telling.

Elit3Nick4147d ago

@Ares84HU Seriously are you even looking at the other comments? There are a staggering number of sony fanboys who misinterpret Microsoft's statement as "xbox is better than ps3".

1nsaint4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

Lol almost everyone that posted here should be voted down for being immature.
Really guys.. You are defending your console like you're getting paid for it.
Both consoles have their flaws but you guys are even disagreeing with cold hard facts just to defend your console.

Just calm ur tits, they're insulting your console, not your mom

Also, for all you saying: just wait untill the 20th
We don't really know what Sony is announcing on the 20 February, but it seems highly likely that it'll announcement its next-gen PS3 successor, presumed to be called the PS4

Nothing is sure yet though.

Gamer19824147d ago

No sony isnt as good as an entertainment console its a better GAMES console though. Sont doesnt care about Hulu and Netflix, it give consumers that as they want them but it gives gamers games first and foremost. The fact MS said this just shows they are completely out of touch with gamers. Even 360 owners cannot deny this. We buy consoles for games first and foremost and if you dont then your just silly as theres a lot cheaper ways to get the same content your 360 offers you and no live needed to use it!

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Sharingan_no_Kakashi4147d ago

And here comes the pr bullcrap. It took 4 years for them to stop bashing each other this gen. Now they're back at it. Obviously, MS is feeling threatened by all the buzz that Sony has been getting involving their feb 20th conference.

aceitman4147d ago

the bluray player alone makes it better, and u not having to pay to use the same features the 360 has makes it better.the 360 is good but he ps3 is just better. I have them both its my opinion.u can see it in my profile pick.

007Bond4147d ago Show
4147d ago
CryofSilence4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )


The majority of games today (moins PC) are peer-to-peer rather than dedicated servers; therefore, your point is invalid.

Eldyraen4147d ago

@CryofSilence: PSN servers do suck when it comes to download speeds for many people. I have a 30+ download speed and its practically a snail's pace for me no matter if I only have the PS hooked up to my cable modem. Not sure if it has to do with launch PS3 (a friend had similar problems with his), some hardware issue, or simply PSN itself.

My PC can download infinitely faster, my 360 the same, and even my cell phone on wifi can download faster than PS3 hooked up to the modem. It doesn't matter what PSN settings are, its just pathetically bad for me. Granted I download most things over night on it fine but when I bought DC Universe to play with console friends... omg that sucked.

If for some reason download speeds weren't so bad for me I probably wouldn't think so poorly about PSN though as I do like it being free, PS+, and the overall feel of the store. The new look though blows the old out of the water however download speeds are still terrible for me. I just hope when I get a PS4 it was a hardware problem.

RumbleFish4147d ago

I don't think that his point is invalid. Many games I played had match making issues on PS3. That's not peer to peer, that are server issues.

CryofSilence4147d ago


Yes, their download servers are pretty slow, but I said games and the act of gaming, not downloading.

THC CELL4147d ago

Ps 3 has crap servers bwhahha. Mag played better than most games on Xbox, Xbox would cripple if u put 128 people in one area and dropped a air strike on them. And why is dust514 a exclusive and the only games that are inferior are the games that bum Xbox call of duty then again I hardly note on my console but its the game most people bitch about been laggy.. Ive had some great times on Xbox live but to say this is too much of a laugh, bwhahha, developers make.a server not Sony unless it's a exclusive.

kenshiro1004147d ago

Crap servers? Right...

And I suppose the ones you pay for on the 360 are any better?

TheRealSpy4147d ago

1) PSN doesn't have the same features.

2) You don't have to tell us that your opinion is your opinion.

@Kratos_Kills: You mean like when FF13 was announced as a multiplat so you all went nuts when FF13 VS was announced as an exclusive? Or do you mean like when PSN went down for a month and as compensation for not encrypting our credit card information we got a couple cheapo games? Or do you mean like when Bioshock finally came to ps3 a year later? and on and on and on...

don't be so immature man. who cares how people react to news? i can't think of anything less interesting. plus, it makes you sound like a hypocrite.

Eldyraen4147d ago

@CryofSilence. The only reason I mentioned psn servers dl speeds was you were you responding to a more general (trollish) comment about servers in general. That and the flamebait article was actually about multimedia and not gaming side of consoles so dl speeds are more important as it does make a differencs in which is "best" for some people (for multimedia purposes). Again its all dependant on connection and whatever is causing all the bottlenecks with Sony's servers for those of us that experience the problem.

I havent had many problems while gaming though (depending on the game which usually gets patched at some point anyways). Its just as you said most games use peed to peer so that isnt a PSN issue anyways. If they fixed download speeds though psn would be much better all around for everyone. Streaming is fine too though which is why I just wish I knew what the issue was as psn really is great otherwise.

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Root4147d ago

This is hilarious

Sony marketed the PS3 when it came out as an entertainment system. I mean thats why blu ray was such a big thing for them at the time

Now that MS is trying to catch up they are saying they are better....come on MS you guys are becoming a tad jealous don't you think

Seriously Microsofts arrogance is going to hurt them next gen, it hurt Sony....least they learnt from their mistakes

dubt724147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

It's hilarious how sonyboys talk about how arrogant MS is when they were the ones defending sony's arrogance before the PS3 came out. Remember Kutaragi? Y'all were suckling at the sony teat! 599 US Dollars!!! Unbelievable...
@root, not so much your comment as the ones earlier in the post. I was just too lazy to scroll all the way back up, lol.

steven83r4147d ago

Ummm ya PS3 was 599 and you got your moneys worth. Bluray was expensive back then. Also 360 was 399. Then 150 for HD Dvd, oh you want Wifi too well that is going to cost you another 50, Memory card readers..dont think so, play files offline off a USB not happening, bluetooth nope! wireless controllers..Nope. Tell me again how PS3 wasn't worth the extra 200.

nirwanda4147d ago

@dubt72 and if it launched on the same day as the 360 it wouldn't have had bluray either at the end of the day if you look how fast gpu tech moves it should have battered the 360 but instead they had to work around it with the cell.

TheRealSpy4147d ago

"Tell me again how PS3 wasn't worth the extra 200."

Cuz it didn't have any good games. I waited a year, paid much less, and by then there were some good games for it.

BlackTar1874147d ago

The question is what were the good games 360 had at launch?

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Persistantthug4147d ago

I'd be interested in seeing it for myself.

Muffins12234147d ago

This article title is full of bullshit.." "isn't as good of an entertainment console " as xbox360 " Notice how they dont quote the last part because they did not say that..

Thatguy-3104147d ago

It fills in the gap for the entertainment I need which basically are hulu+ and Netflix. It thrives as a gaming console which is basically the reason I bought it in the first place. Don't want all that extra apps that I won't be using what so ever.

MGS_fanatico_4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

Oh, Mehdi... What have you done!?

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

yes it is kaz as superman. Starts of behind and with and iron fist still ends up in front!! Just like ps3!

Know I really believe the ex exec who said they only want to stop sony.

"PS3 now the top device for Netflix streaming to a TV
Even outstrips PC viewing at times "

MS so mad and scared.. They thought sony was gonna wait for e3.

This is awsome why? It's like to e3s!! PS4 now and ps4 later nice.

It will be a big show. They just booked a ballroom that holds 2,800 people.

And now sony has the new marketing team who are ex google chrome marketing team headed by creator of Halo 3 Believe + Gears 2 Rendezvous campaign.

They are good.

showtimefolks4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

oh yeh its starting and we are months away from launch or even E3

its gonna be a fun ride


VTW the advertisement firm sony just hired did a lot of work for MS and did the campaign for Halo 3 lol

this is gonna be a fun time to just sit back and watch the PR war. I like how sony's side is fighting back lol

remember this lol

you are hurting my elbow he says in the end lol.

i want to see more advertisement like that, imagine kratos standing outside MS offices and calling out master chief lol

sorry about all the LOL's, i am actually laughing since watching the crash commercial

AngelicIceDiamond4147d ago ShowReplies(1)
Chris5584147d ago

I guess microsoft's jimmys are rustled

kenshiro1004147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

I love the silly PR talks. Microsoft is running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

IAmLee4147d ago

Does this really matter?
People can slag off each console, but in the end it all comes down to personal preference. I prefer the ps3, due to its exclusive, where as others prefer xbox for halo and shit.
Don't see much point in sparking a riot over something as pointless as this..

Tonester9254147d ago

I remember when the PS3 was released and Microsoft was criticizing the PS3 on how it was just for entertainment and not for gaming. I'm sure they're biting their tongue off lol

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Foolsjoker4147d ago

Yeah, because I love watching Blurays on my 360...

PeZuS4147d ago

So...PS3 has more Netflix use, Blu-Ray, 7.1 DTS Master-Audio support and it goes on. Meanwhile, you have to pay a yearly price just to unlock most of the entertainment features on 360.

RuleofOne343 4147d ago

Does it bother you that people prefer to pay for something than be a welfare recipient or expect things for free or given away.

poopsack4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

So every PS3 and PC user is a welfare recipient, because thats what getting access to the internet you already paid for is, receiving welfare.

one2thr4147d ago

Better yet, to support the only gaming platform that has its customers/gamers pay to use their very OWN bandwidth... Yet thats right Witwicky your paying to use YOUR OWN BANDWIDTH to use/access Xbox Live... Sad reality, yes?

PeZuS4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

@wit: Some great "wit" you've got there. So because we don't have to pay we are "welfare recipients". Amazing analogy, almost this-will-go-down-in-history-b ooks amazing

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poopsack4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )


MasterCornholio4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )


"Yeah, because I love watching HD-DVDs on my 360..."

LOL remember what happened to the accessory and the format?

mr_kubrick4147d ago

Yeah watching 1080p mp4 on xbox is fun and working like a charm.
Who cares buying BluRays when u can play downloaded HD-Files on the xbox?

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Snookies124147d ago

Wow Microsoft, wow... *shakes head*

LackTrue4K4147d ago

dam....this is like the 3rd articals about MS, trolling Sony. Are they really that shallow??
is that there strategy?? just down talking Sony??

yavorsv4147d ago

M$ trolls $ony trolls Nintendo

UltraVegito4147d ago

Console warz 2 is around the corner.

Find your nearest popcorn stand now.

DonFreezer4147d ago

Wow PS3 fanboys, wow *shakes head*

Snookies124146d ago

What in the world does this have to do with PS3? I certainly didn't say anything about Sony. It's just idiotic and way too arrogant to claim something like this on Microsoft's part. A little trash talking I'm okay with between competition, but to blatantly say that EVERYONE knows they're better than competition is completely stupid and Microsoft employees should think a little more next time before saying something like that again.

Which is better solely depends on OPINION, so no, not EVERYONE knows it's better...

Chaostar4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

Sony: Your overconfidence is your weakness.

MS: Your faith in exclusives is yours.

LOGICWINS4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

Either way you slice it, both the figureheads at Sony and Microsoft were jackasses at some point. Sony in 2006 and Microsoft now. Sure hope Microsoft learns to swallow that humble pie like Sony did.

Gaming_Guru4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

You do realize a company will never say their product is not as good as the competitor's. I just don't understand why people thought Sony was arrogant and now think Microsoft is, hate the game not the player.

This is why we have journalists to filter what is bullshit versus what is truth. Would you tell your potential customers to go to the competitor's while you lose money?

LOGICWINS4147d ago

"You do realize a company will never say their product is not as good as the competitor's."

Of course, but companies CAN neglect to talk about their competitor's all together if they choose too.

rainslacker4147d ago


true, but they don't have to outright bash them...and that goes for all sides of the fence. It's one thing to say your better, and quite another to prove it. Talk up your console, and leave the other out of it. There are enough fan boys to do the dirty work for these companies, and it's better they stay above it.

Snookies124147d ago

That link gave me a good lol. :]

Chaostar4147d ago

Thank you, I was worried that my obviously light-hearted comment was being taken too seriously when I saw the disagrees piling up.

-Mika-4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

That true. PS3 does have essentials apps like Netflix and Hulu but it also missing stuff like the HBO,Comcast and TMZ apps. MS really did turn the 360 into the ultimate entertainment console in these 7 years it been on the market. Hopefully next gen, sony isn't playing catch up and it has it own unique and innovative ideas of it own.

Omar914147d ago

lol 23 agrees for a dot. lmao thats awesome

DarkBlood4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

lol what can i say i try my best :P

NameRemoved00174147d ago

Yes but you have to pay extra $ for Hbo, Comcast and TMZ. Why watch something on your xbox that you already pay a fee for a dedicated cable box for.

Codeman4204147d ago


Enemy4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

The more apps, the more subscriptions. So, on top of having to pay the annual subscription fee for Xbox Live, you have to pay the additional fee for each app. At least PSN is free, and the optional PSN+ gets you free games every month.

@ below: And you're paying for Xbox Live which gets you what for free? I'll answer for you, actually; nothing at all.

ALLWRONG4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

hdshatter but you don't mind paying for those "free" games you have to pay for do you?

The mind of a PS fanboy = "ha ha you pay for Live! now excuse me while I go pay for my rental service"

Skips4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )


LMAO, the free games aren't the ACTUAL service we're paying for smart one. The service is cloud saving, automatic updating while you sleep, early access to beta's, 1 hour full game time trials, discounted and FREE DLC's etc.

The free games are just bonuses. Pretty effing damn sweet bonuses if you ask me.

DigitalRaptor4147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

ALLWRONG, are you special?

PS+ is a subscription service for access to games. "Free games" is a figure of speech, and it goes without saying that a subscription service isn't free. Yet you keep repeating "it's not free" like we don't actually know that. Highly amusing.

So, PS+ is a SINGLE barrier to entry, and will ALWAYS be optional. PS+ is also about MUCH more than "free games", but as an Xbox fanboy you might not know that.

XBL is a subscription service, but you have to pay for that subscription service to get access to services that you also pay subscriptions for: Netflix, ESPN et al. That's a DUAL(!!!) barrier of entry, which quite frankly is completely disrespectful to a consumer base and should be illegal. Do Microsoft care?? Ha! Most sane people would say that's bad enough, but Microsoft also put a barrier of entry before basic P2P online play that (if you know how that works) is another "what the hell, how can they get away with charging for that?" moment.

But Microsoft just don't care. They just want to pad out "value" to their service even to the cost of their consumers. If you can't see the difference, you might just need help.

Next generation is going to be very telling indeed, and with comments like this you can tell it's just baseless damage control against the buzz for the upcoming Sony press event that will have the Internet buzzing even more.

BlueTemplar4147d ago


The mind of an xbox fanboy - mocking people for paying for a service where they get games they dont already have, while happily paying to rent the multiplayer portion OF GAMES THEYVE ALREADY PAID FOR

The hypocrisy astounds me.

THEDON82z14147d ago

Right I don't own a home theatre system for nothing!!! f@@k Microsoft!!!!

rezzah4147d ago


Your name suits you well.

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wolokowoh4147d ago

And PS3 has all the sports packages, both have Amazon instant video but PS3 had it first, and a lot of other stuff(country dependent) to counter 360. It doesn't matter. They can keep going back and forth but what matters is games and Microsoft needs to invest more in that next gen. How about a new Killer Instinct from Rare instead of generic Kinect titles. As long as Microsoft markets it, it will sell.

Heisenburger4147d ago



omi25p4147d ago

You cant speak the truth on N4G's so dont bother.

Hicken4147d ago

So if I speak the truth and say you shouldn't have to pay a DIME to a console maker to play the online portion of your game, is that something that shouldn't be allowed here on N4G?

Should I not say Sony is showing the PS3 more support than the 360 is getting from Microsoft at this late stage of the generation?

I imagine those are truths you'd rather not know, huh?

Bladesfist4147d ago

@Hicken I don't think you understand that word. True truth has to be a fact and not change from person to person.

Pillsbury14147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

@ bladefist TRUTH: Sony released more exclusives than Microsoft last year, FACT.

dcbronco4147d ago


Truth, non of them really sold many copies. Silent trees buddy.

And poor Hicken. Nice to see you haven't given up the fight to determine how other people spend their money.

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Microsoft's Xbox gaming handheld will fail unless someone else makes it

Despite Microsoft's experience in hardware manufacturing, I don't trust it not to fumble its first gaming handheld device which may eventually lead to a successor not getting released.

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Community3d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil3d ago

Unless it has some fature that really makes it standout I don't think someone who wants a handheld will pick it when the Switch 2 is just around the corner and the Steam Deck offers a huge library with much better prices worldwide

OtterX3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Especially since the existing PC handhelds (Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc) can already run Gamepass. I don't have a Steam Deck yet, but I did see Forza Horizon 5 already running pretty well on it natively, so I'd imagine most XBox exclusives on Steam would run pretty well too. The most Microsoft could do is try to brute force a more expensive, higher power handheld. I doubt it would do well if that were the case.

ABizzel13d ago

This has been my point. It’s too little too late, and there are too many options out now that can already do the same thing with similar or better tech, in a similar price-range. A best case scenario for them is slightly above Steam-Deck performance at $100 less, but that’s not a huge selling point for anyone who has already jumped into the handheld PC market, and people still on the fence. Or go the other route of as cheap as possible but making it a streaming only device around $199.

It would do well and reach over 1m sold just because of the Xbox branding, but their consoles are already selling less and less (by the looks of it), so I don’t see a handheld being this great savior for them.

They simply need to rebrand one of the Surface tablets into the device with dedicated controls and more gaming focused, and call it a day instead of heavily investing in a handheld

VariantAEC3d ago

I'm guessing Xbox Wireless will be a streaming system like PS Portal. And yes I fully expect their portable Xbox to be given a really stupid name like "Wireless." Maybe even a dumber name like the Xbox Series W.

Jingsing3d ago

Doesn't make much sense to have a handheld that is locked down to the Xbox ecosystem when the PC handheld can run everything. I'm sure the same people that bought the Xbox fridge will give Microsoft their free money though.

XBManiac3d ago

Microsoft handheld Qualcomm based... you will see it next year... and you will see it sink.

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The Xbox showcase brought the E3 magic

After having to prove itself for years, Xbox doubled down and pulled it off..

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GaboonViper13d ago

Yep Xbox absolutely knocked it out of the park with that stunning show, it was everything a gaming showcase should be, games games and games, well done team Xbox.

CrimsonWing6913d ago

It really did. Like I came out of that with the hype for new games I haven’t felt since… well the better years of E3.

monkey60213d ago

It was without a doubt one of the better showcases in years. There was plenty there that excited me. Something has been lacking in years on all platforms

EasilyTheBest13d ago

It was an amazing showcase I loved everything about it. Can't wait to play some of those games.
What's going on. 4 comments & no negatives yet. Wow, what's going on with N4G.

ThinkThink13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Show was so good, it made me forget about that blue dragon rumor until the next day. Too many games to process.

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Is Xbox Going Multi-Platform The Right Decision For The Console Market?

Shahmeer from eXputer: "The new Xbox strategy to go multi-platform could eventually change console gaming as we know it, and I am concerned."

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Bathyj14d ago

Can we stop pretending that Xbox has any great influence over the console market?

All they can do is try and steer their own Destiny. They have very little to do with what the other players in the console market are doing.

And yes, going 3rd party is pretty much their only option and is good for them.

RaidenBlack14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Still whatever little direct competition they're offering against Sony ... that'd be gone, which is never good for consumers.
I know Sony will continue to apease the gamers but without any proper competition in same space, they might not work at the fullest efficiency.
(Taking into account, thats generally been agreed here, that Nintendo has long been not the direct competitor to either MS or Sony)

xHeavYx14d ago

The " without any proper competition in same space, they (Sony) might not work at the fullest efficiency" narrative has been proven false for years. Let's stop pretending that, in terms of games, Xbox has been any competition to Playstation.

fsfsxii14d ago

Sony had 0 competition for most of its playstation business, and they still succeeded, the only thing xbox introduced was paid online and dlc

maniacmayhem14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Sony had little to no competition during the PS2 era and they have an iconic catalog.

I don't think Sony needs competition in the console space to still release great games. It would be the games that would be competing against each other.

Einhander197214d ago

Xbox does not need to exist for PlayStation to have competition.

They compete with Nintendo, PC, streaming and countless other devices.

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neutralgamer199214d ago

Yes release games on other platforms

Your own gamers still get the games day one on GP. So GP will grow and stay stabilize

By releasing the games on PC,PlayStation and next switch they can get $70 for their games.

MS didn't invest 100 billion for nothing. This way Xbox generates way more revenue

GhostScholar13d ago

And Sony is doing the same thing whether you want to admit it or not.

anast14d ago

The show was like a sub-show for Sony. All these games are coming to PS5.

14d ago
outsider162414d ago

You gotta admit showcase was actually really great.

RpgSama14d ago

I mean, yes, it was an Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda presentation, they just so happened to buy all of those publishers, nothing we would not have seen on any other award show if they had not bought developers that were and STILL are developing multiplatform games.

If you remove them you are left with Microsoft game studios, another Fable, Another Gears, Perfect Dark which for me didn't look all that great, Avowed, Age of mythology and south of midnight (might be missing something I guess)

anast14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

No better than any other show. There weren't any major new announcements, which is what everyone has been complaining about. The bar shouldn't get lowered for a trillion dollar company.

crazyCoconuts14d ago

"another Fable, another Gears, Perfect Dark"?
That's a lot of pretty great "anothers".
I could use a few of those "anothers" from Sony right now.

helicoptergirl14d ago

Yes it was a really great showcase that Xbox had. Multiplats and all. Overall it was really cool

Terry_B14d ago

for pc and playstation..yes it was. Not a single reason was given to buy an xbox.

MrBaskerville12d ago

Perfect Dark looked amazing! Wouldn't mind seeing something like that from Sony tbh.

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thesoftware73014d ago


"All these games are coming to PS5."

Very disingenuous statement... Some, but not all.

Oh, so that is the new narrative, "sub-show for Sony." lol, wow.

The sad part is that you are clearly and fully aware that it is very unlikely for any 1hr and 30min gaming presentation show to showcase ALL Exclusives, it just doesn't happen.

And don't you think it sad that MS had a better Sony showing than Sony? If I were you, I wouldn't consider that a flex, lol.?

anast14d ago

They are coming to PS5, the ones that matter of course.

There is nothing sad here. You might need to start your argument without an emotive.

I don't think they had a better showing. Unless we lower the bar for only Xbox.

crazyCoconuts14d ago

None of us really know how much they're going third party. They're still ACTING like they want to protect the platform - no mention of PS5 in their show, still marketing the console, still using the Xbox logo.
Yeah Phil acknowledged more is coming to PS5. But is that Indiana Jones? Perfect Dark? Gears?
If they keep those key properties in their stable it's not accurate to label them as simply 3rd party.
They may very well still be in the game after all...

anast14d ago


Sony did the same in their last. They showed games that were already announced.

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Giga_Gaia14d ago

We need to stop pretending like Xbox matters and has any influence in the industry.

By entering the industry, Microsoft made it worst, everything bad in the industry can be tied to them (like paid online and DLCs). The industry would be better off if they had never been in it.

Before you say Sony would have no competition, they would still have PC and Nintendo. As they are right now, Microsoft are not competition, they don't actually matter.

crazyCoconuts14d ago

I think you're mostly right. They've been failing on console and will most likely drop out.
But the concern a lot of us had was that they would use their $ to win monopolistically. They've already bought a huge number of big studios. Going multi-platform would alleviate that concern.
But they could still turn the screws, this game isn't over quite yet... They're sending mixed signals.

CrimsonWing6914d ago

I think in Xbox’s direness it is, but let’s not pretend like they don’t understand the value of exclusiveness to their platform. Not every damn Xbox game is coming to PS5 and the stuff that has hit have either been GaaS games or games that didn’t exactly sell gamgbusters and are extremely niche.

When Halo, Gears, Forza, Perfect Dark, Fable, etc. start coming to PS5 then that’s pretty massive and also diminishes any reason to own an Xbox.

LucasRuinedChildhood14d ago

Doom isn't niche. It was heavily implied that all Bethesda games, outside of games with contractual agreements and the existing multiplayer games, would all be exclusive to Xbox.

CrimsonWing6914d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Ok, sorry, Doom is the exception.

My point is Xbox is still keeping exclusives for their bigger games. What’s been released are GaaS: Sea of Thieves, Grounded aka Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and then niche stuff like Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush. Then you got Doom coming out, which is an outlier, I suppose.

crazyCoconuts14d ago

It's not niche but it's not everything.
MS has got a HUGE cache of IP and studios now

Scissorman14d ago

It's the only decision. Hardware sales are on a sharp decline and Game Pass growth has stagnated.

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