
Did Yakuza Director Confirm Prototype Drawings for New PS4 Controller/Kinect-like Peripheral?

Some interesting news from Toshihiro Nagoshi, the creative mind behind the Yakuza series, that Yakuza 5 would be the last version to hit the PlayStation 3; all but confirming that this would be the start of the PlayStation 4′s life cycle. While we all know about the big February 20th reveal that is seemingly confirmed to be the PlayStation 4 event, Nagoshi may have dropped some news in the interview that Sony may have wanted to keep under wraps.

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Root4181d ago

God I hope not

Imagine if that was the new DS4 controller....urgh

Gr814181d ago

I'm with you, I'm not even a Sony fan, but for the sake of the Sony fans I hope this isn't true.

Merrill4181d ago

How can you not be a Sony fan?

Do you dislike good games? I can understand not being a Microsoft fan, but that is it. If you care about gaming at all you have to be a Sony & Nintendo fan. They're the only two companies with actual IP's that matter.

ChickeyCantor4181d ago


"Good" is subjective. So your whole point is moot.
Excluding one company surely makes you miss out on "good" games. But you will never know cause you never played them. So why even bother Arius with your nonsense?

TongkatAli4181d ago

"I'm not even a Sony fan" *looks at the avatar*


Merrill4181d ago


I'm not going to argue semantics with you, I think most people understand my point.

If you choose to exclude Sony(PS3 for example) games from your playing schedule then you're clearly missing out on some classic gaming experiences, i.e. Demon's Souls.

You must have just learned the word "subjective" and wanted to use it because your point is rather moot.

X-Alchemist4181d ago

congrats you (and everyone else who agreed with you)are what's wrong with this site.
You're a sony fan great, the problem is you're forcing it on other people like some jehovah witness. How can you honestly give him sh*t for having different taste? grow up

Xenomorph4181d ago

I'm a gamer through and through. I like games for their devs and the time and consideration put into them. I went with PS3 because I like free online, and I love franchises like Killzone (obviously) and Uncharted. But I also like Gears, and I own a PC/Wii that I play a lot.

Putting yourself as a "fanboy" just shows that you put limitations on what games you will actually enjoy.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4181d ago
JoGam4181d ago

If its true, i will buy the controller just to throw it at a wall. Smh. Please god hope not.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4181d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

I wouldn't mind if the controller can come apart and be used like move. They just need to chop the balls of first. Plus I wouldn't have to buy a move or ps eye if it's all in one box.

Good way to get devs to make good content knowing everyone has one.

I am starting to think the concept of having separate peripherals are behind us.

I would expect better experiences since devs know everyone has one. This is maybe why standard controllers don't suck.

A regular DS4 that comes apart wouldn't bother me. We will see on the 20th.

I sense they will take the controller apart and shoot arrows in heavenly sword 2. That would be better than six axis.

HyperBear4181d ago

Please Sony, don't do this to me. Only reason I moved back to PlayStation from Xbox was because M$ only focused on Kinect and motion crap, instead of actual full-blown new gaming experiences and genres. Don't make the same mistake Sony, or else I'll be going back to PC full-time...

golsilva4181d ago

You know I am now thinking that the ds4 may have better motion controlling but I think one rumor said move would be compatabile with the ps4. Now its likely that the ps4 wont be backwards compatabile so whats the point of using move on ps4. I think that the new dual camera will be paired with the current move controller to continue sony's motion controlling games. This would make sense as move was introduced in 2010 so only 3 years have past and the main limitation to why move couldnt do more was the camera.

So having the move with a better camera would be economically better for consumers and sony as already 10-15 million moves have been sold so there are some people that have it. Plus they could do a new bundle with a move + new camera + game for around $100 which what the original move bundle cost.

GribbleGrunger4181d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

'Instead, Nagoshi’s claim that the game would be a more physical experience lends credit to the drawings and blueprints of a PlayStation controller.'

How the friggin' hell do you draw that conclusion from the fact he said it would be a more physical experience? It might just use MOVE or he could just be saying the game's more dynamic.

Qrphe4181d ago

That's what I exactly came to comment. These titles are ridiculous.

WooHooAlex4181d ago

That's exactly what I thought as well.

And how about that line in the article about you strapping each one of the controllers to your legs? That was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read.

If anything all this does is speculate that there will be some form of motion control option for this game.

BitbyDeath4181d ago

I was thinking of this patent when reading that -


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Sony Music Entertainment Japan, Aniplex, and Pocketpair jointly establish Palworld Entertainment

Sony Music Entertainment Japan, subsidiary Aniplex, and Palworld developer Pocketpair have announced the establishment of Palworld Entertainment, a joint venture that will be responsible for developing the reach of the intellectual property and for expanding commercial business endeavors, including the global licensing and merchandising activities associated with Palworld, outside of the game.

16d ago Replies(1)
Eonjay16d ago

Does this mean that Palworld is getting an anime?

Abnor_Mal16d ago

Crazy that they’ve formed a partnership of sorts, but the game itself still haven’t been released on PlayStation

badz14916d ago

It's still in Early Access. If it ever goes gold, there will definitely be a PS5 version, might even be a PS4 version too

Abnor_Mal16d ago

I still have no clue what this game is all about, to be honest.

badz14916d ago


If games like ARK is not to your liking, then Palworld wouldn't be your cup of tea either...I think.

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10 Best PSP RPGs Of All Time

The PS1 and PS2 both had strong RPG libraries, so it’s not a huge surprise that the PSP saw numerous excellent RPG releases, covering original releases, ports, and spinoffs/sequels to major franchises.

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jznrpg27d ago

Great list but needs to be 12 you don’t have Star Ocean First Departure and Second Story!


New Sony Controller May Let You Draw Your Own Buttons Using Conductive Ink

Sony has published a new patent about a controller that can be completely personalized by a user, including its shape and layout.

TFJWM31d ago

It is just a patent if it is new tech you file it

S2Killinit30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Dont get me wrong, I love that Sony does these research into new tech and all, after all it led to something as fun as the Dualsense, but im just asking why this particular tech would be useful in any way.

Profchaos30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Interesting idea likely something that will never actually be produced but Sony's simply securing the paten

Profchaos30d ago

Common practice really so many companies pattern troll because they either intend to make a product or just want to hold onto the rights of the idea there's some insane ones out there especially at the dawn of the internet.

You can have no intent to use it but this is just saying you thought of it first

kylegeorge8830d ago

yeah no, the controllers need the hall effect before investing more time and money into quirks.

BlackDoomAx30d ago

But how will they sell as many controllers if they do that?

fsfsxii30d ago

Maybe consider your personal hygiene before blaming someone else for your controller defecting

DustMan30d ago

I doubt @FSFSXII even knows what hall effect is. What a turd.

y2mate30d ago

great idea, but will it fully distributed to other continent ?