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GameStop: 60% of consumers will refuse to buy a console if it doesn't play used games

GameStop's CFO said today that 60% of consumers would refuse to buy a next-gen console if it didn't have the ability to play used video games.

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Community4241d ago
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mrbojingles4242d ago
LOGICWINS4242d ago

Bull. If consoles stopped playing used games, nothing would change besides the fact that keyboard warriors would create dozens of petitions to boycott next-gen consoles...and we all know how well Internet petitions work :)

Jobesy4241d ago (Edited 4241d ago )

Speak for yourself, I WOULD NOT by a console if it didn't play used/rental/borrowed games. Gaming is only one of my hobbies, I have others to fall back on. Because of Blockbuster, Gamefly and the used market I got to play EVERY PS2 game I wanted, and so far most of the PS3 games on my list. I buy games, when I can from devs that deserve a sale, but thats part of the problem, a lot of devs and publishers dont deserve sales. They hype up games that are garbage, ship broken games and kill good franchises. I'm not going to spend my money just to be disappointed, been there done that too many times.

LOGICWINS4241d ago

Ud still be in the minority.

Gamer19824241d ago

Yep nobody would stop buying a console thanks to no used games. Its like the upraor with ps3 and no backwards compatibility. They finally shut up and just used it as ammo for the 360 which didnt play every xbox game.. (not that there was many to play)

nrvalleytime4242d ago

And 100% of people will stop shopping at GameStop.

LOGICWINS4242d ago

"And 100% of people will stop shopping at GameStop"

Obvs. There wouldn't be a Gamestop to go to lol.

nrvalleytime4241d ago

Haha that was the logic behind my statement.

LOGICWINS4241d ago

Ah yes, that flew right past my head lol

nrvalleytime4241d ago

Haha no worries man. I was thinking my statement could have been clearer.

Kamikaze1354242d ago

Of course Gamestop would say that.

DivineAssault 4241d ago

I'll still buy it cuz I want the opportunity to play all the new AAA titles but ill episode off & won't be in any rush to get it

Canary4241d ago

I'm sick to death of having to lower my standards with each passing year.

If the rumors about the next gen 360 and PS3 pan out, I won't be bothering with either. Being able to play used-games is a must-have "feature." Hell, it's not a feature--it's a basic, fundamental requirement.

And you know what else is?

Backwards compatibility.
And not having superfluous online fees.
And not having advertisements embedded in the UI.
And being able to back-up game saves.
And being able to play media off USB devices.

Remember when the PS3 launched back in 2005? God, that was a thing of beauty. I want the next generation to be a sequel to THAT, not a sequel to the mess we've got now.

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GameStop Retro: Too Little, Too Late? | 1-up Geeks

GameStop is one of the last remaining relics from a bygone era where stores like Blockbuster, Game Crazy, Hollywood Video, and many others were found on every corner. If you…

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deanomac9818d ago

GameStop Retro could work if it's inspired by the UK's CeX

Don't laugh at GameStop Retro. If it turns into anything like the United Kingdom's CeX, it might be onto something.

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OtterX19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Eh, I have a love/hate relationship with CeX. We have several dozen of them here in Portugal.

I've found some really good deals sometimes, especially like PSP games. But at the same time, it's absolutely insane that they charge full price for a number of used consoles. I've read the reasoning is, they're made for people who are trading in stuff and can turn around and use their credit towards them. As a Walk-In though, it's absolutely crazy. I went in a bit over a week ago to look at the Playstation Portals. They had them priced at €220 used! I walked away and found them brand new on a Sale for €175 at FNAC, so I finally picked one up.

Gamestop Retro could do good by looking at stores like CeX, learning what they do well, but also acknowledging where they lack, and try to improve upon it. It's funny, I was working at Gamestop in the States back in 2005 when we were removing all the Retro product from the store, and we were even ordered to field destroy a ton of low value games, such as old PS1 sports games. (They actually had us snip the discs, then throw them in the dumpster) my, how we've come full circle now with Gamestop Retro!

Gamingsince198119d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Here in Australia they sell used ps5s for pretty much brand new retail price, they are crazy, they give good money for stuff though but their prices are way too high on alot of stuff. My local cex is selling used gpus for more than retail lol

andy8519d ago

Honestly don't know how CEX are still in business. Half the shop window you can go out and buy the same things new for cheaper most of the time 😂

Inverno19d ago

I don't think it can work at all in any way tbh. They are mostly just trying whatever they could to get people into their stores and retro gaming is a bit of a enthusiast hobby. Anyone who wants anything related to retro gaming won't consider going into a GameStop.


GameStop pivots to retro gaming at select locations

GameStop is pivoting to retro games at select locations. As the industry moves to digital media — and the retailer struggles to adapt to the shifting landscape — the company is betting on the old school.

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Community24d ago
cammers199524d ago

They better do something. The stores near me only sell mostly collectables and a very small amount of games.

FinalFantasyFanatic24d ago

Compared to say 2 years ago, I barely see any games in my town's either, there's barely one wall of games (almost half of it is taken up by controllers and other stuff anyway). I don't even walk into there to see what the new releases are anymore.

24d ago Replies(1)
Inverno24d ago

Used to be you walked into their stores and see GB/GBA/N64 games behind the glass despite the PS2 being the newest console out at the time. Now it's PS4/Xbone in the far right corner of the store with a tiny current gen section up front and the rest of the walls covered in ugly Funko pops and a whole lotta collectible figurines. Lame as hell dood, their stores are depressing. Same with Hot Topic, it's like games and goth/alt stuff have been completely replaced with this weeb stuff.

SonyStyled24d ago

Looking through those glass cases at Funcoland with your GameBoy to try each one was childhood bliss

FinalFantasyFanatic24d ago

Is it really weeb stuff when it's all Funko pops, T-shirts, Minecraft, controllers, mice and keyboards? Or at least, that's all I see in my local store.

I also thought Funko Pops were falling out of popularity, but I'm still seeing them everywhere.

Profchaos24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

I love this move with more games going digital there clearly more shelf space and going retro via a chain gives us more choice for how and where we buy retro games and more regulated pricing which since covid retro game pricing has gone batsh"t insane.

I hope they take this international as EB games in Australia these days is like 20 percent games and 80 percent junk items like Pokemon Ramen Bowles and geeky clotheslines and just clearly dumb items. And we do have retro stores but they are few and far between here your basically forced to ship items around which is another expense

ZoboomafooFan24d ago

I for one would love this change. I miss wandering in and walking out with a used retro console and a few games

JEECE23d ago

Seriously. I'm never going to buy modern games in there but I absolutely would go in if they had a decent N64 selection.

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