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Metal Gear Rising producer clarifies clear time, game is longer than you think

GE: "Some folks have already managed to get their hands on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Moreover, there's at least one gamer who has already completed the campaign and uploaded his/her game results screen online."

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LOGICWINS4244d ago (Edited 4244d ago )

The internet is what keeps publishers/devs/companies/poli ticians on their toes. Its so easy to get information these days.

If gamers get even the slightest whiff that something is off..then they will make sure their voice is heard. If it wasn't for the internet, Cole would have had hair in Infamous 2 and Kratos wouldn't be in MK9.

If it wasn't for the Internet, we wouldn't know about how Obama's drone strikes have been killing innocents or that Romney bullied gay kids in prep school.

We use the internet to read reviews that help us determine what products we buy, what restuarants/bars we go to, which doctors we go to etc.

Don't care what anyone says, the Internet has done more good than harm.

If theres misinformation out there, then its up to the devs/publisher to clear up that misinformation. We're spending SIXTY DOLLARS on games these days. Devs/publishers should CONSTANTLY be trying to give us the right information...just like the one in this article is doing.

Nimblest-Assassin4244d ago (Edited 4244d ago )

Dude... we are talking about a video games clear time... simmer down a bit... he was joking

I mean hack and slash games tend to be 5-10 ish hours long, its replay ability that adds value

Im picking up revengeance day 1

Hell today I learned that you can dodge in this game

LOGICWINS4244d ago

Joke or not(frankly I don't care), I said what I needed to say.

Omar914244d ago


you can dodge in Rising?! seriously? I tried in the demo and never found out how

LOGICWINS4244d ago (Edited 4244d ago )

There are MANY things you can do in Rising that the demo doesn't really explain too well.

-Force push(quickly flicking L3 left to right)

-Stealth kills(you can also stealth kill mechs)

-Dodging(I knew about dodging, but just yesterday I learned that you can use it to dodge Bladewolf's super attack)Dodge is X + Square.

-Apparently you can juggle enemies too. Haven't figured out how to do that yet.

MoveTheGlow4244d ago (Edited 4244d ago )

It's up to users to share info, I agree, but it's up to journalists to investigate and expand upon that initial info if need be. As it happened in this case, for instance - those were high scores, and it's pretty much confirmed at this point that this is a high-score kind of game, which makes me undue kinds of excited about it. So yes, I agree, this article is doing just that!

"If it wasn't for the Internet, we wouldn't know about how Obama's drone strikes have been killing innocents or that Romney bullied gay kids in prep school."

Nope. Even if we only had paper, that news would be on old-time broadsides, distributed on the streets and on college campuses, and the publishers would make a killing. Publishers would know via telegraph, carrier pigeon, whatever technologies you want to include or disclude when you get rid of the Net as it is.

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Godchild10204244d ago

This will be the first Platinum Games title, I will support day one.

Batzi4244d ago

It's P* + Kojima Productions

Godchild10204244d ago (Edited 4244d ago )

I know. But that doesn't change the fact it will be the first Platinum Games title I buy day one. I bought Kojima Production's titles day one before, hence why they weren't mention in my original post.

Not trying to come off arrogant or anything.

Batzi4244d ago

Don't worry :P Just making sure you knew :P

GaySkull4244d ago

that makes it doubly awesome!

showtimefolks4244d ago

P-Games one thing but what I am excited about is the fact Kojima productions taking care of story aspects. So we know the story will be good and coming from P games combat should be good too

Godchild10204244d ago (Edited 4244d ago )

Its like getting the best of both worlds.

franwex4244d ago

First Platinum Games I supported day one was Vanquished! I loved the demo that much!

scofios4244d ago

Vanquish is platinum but created by Shinji Mikami father of the real resident evil.

yami9304244d ago

Just like LOGICWINS said devs / publishers should constantly be trying to give us the right information and I'm glad Platinum is trying to tell people themselves the game is longer than the stats chart shows it to be, because sometimes people dont take the time to think about anything they read, they just read / see something and automatically take it as truth negative or not and either set themselves up for disappointment or mistake something for being worse than it actually may be. I'm sure Metal Gear Rising is going to be a great game, have a good length to it and very good amount of replayability which satisfies me.

LOGICWINS4244d ago

I'll buy it along with with Ascension. It should be $30 or $40 by then.

Genuine-User4244d ago

It won't. The time between the release of Rising and Ascension is less than a month.

LOGICWINS4244d ago

Well either way, I'm getting it lol.

admiralvic4244d ago

You realize that you're doing the EXACT same thing right?

For starters, a good portion of comments towards the image mentioned they either skipped cutscenes or they weren't included in the total. Now that this has been confirmed, it means the game will take longer to beat, but no clue how much longer. If we go off past Metal Gear game, then we could VERY easily see 5+ hours of cutscenes. However if we go off Platinum Games history, we might be looking at an hour of two of cutscenes. The simple fact is that we don't know.

We also know the game only tracks your fastest clear time, but looking at the persons 59 deaths, its hard to tell what happened. On one hand it's completely possible that they rushed every situation and died, but it's also possible that they're just simply awful at the game. In either case we yet again don't really know...

These tweets do nothing but clarify the information, which is great, but doesn't really explain much. While I don't personally mind the length (because PG typically makes good games), I suggest anyone that isn't sure to wait till others confirm their clear times.

BanBrother4244d ago

Lol same things happens with a lot of games. Halo 4 didn't count the cut-scene times in the total time played either. You'd think people would have figured that out, but imstead think they are some super gamer who beats everything'in 2 seconds lol.

The game looks pretty cool so far. I love cut-scenes anyway, which means I'm in the minority sadly.

franwex4244d ago

I'm not sure why the developer thinks this is bad press. That's a pretty reasonable time for the first time through. I'm sure the game is meant to be played over again too due to the rating system given out at the end.

jetlian4244d ago

you got people like logicwins who make a stink about it and is now trying to play it off when made to look the fool. "Ooh the internet does more good than bad."

its normal game time for this type of game.

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Konami "sorry for getting people's hopes up" as PC version of Revengeance still not available Japan

"Firstly, we owe all our Japanese fans of MGR: Revengeance a big apology for that," said Jiro Oishi, Metal Gear series producer.

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Community9d ago
Gamehard9d ago

Wish they'd do a current gen console release of this. Hopefully on MGS Master Collection Vol. 2!

Venoxn4g9d ago

Revengeance should come to Master Collection


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