
David Cage is wrong: Violence is essential

Destructoid: "Our perception of reality is guided by our senses. The pavement impacts my feet, the grass crunches as I walk upon it, the sky surrounds my area of vision, and the bayou across the way brings about a strong scent of human feces. I couldn't be anywhere else, even if I wanted.

If I were to put a gun in my hand and fire aimlessly at the houses, would I become even more immersed in my environment -- that is, would I become even more aware and emotionally invested in the current moment? Yes, I would. And so it is with videogames."

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JBSleek4242d ago

David Cage sounds like a silly man if indeed he suggested less violence just for the sake of non violence.

Games should reflect real life? I wouldn't want a game in which I wake up go to classes study and sleep.

DigitalRaptor4242d ago (Edited 4242d ago )

In the same way that not all films need violence to be entertaining, Cage is bringing about what should be more developers attempting to put a stronger emphasis on character and mise-en-scène and a stronger emotional arc, rather than violence for the sake of rushing our emotions in stereotypical and instinctual fashion.

I'm interested in games that challenge my emotions, thoughts and general intelligence, not just my trigger-finger instinct.

QuebecSuperstar4242d ago


I agree with every single word you wrote.

MmaFan-Qc4242d ago

pretty much what i was about to post, thx for saving my time.

Thatguy-3104242d ago (Edited 4242d ago )

He isn't against violence. He basically says that there has to be a motive behind ones action. Take for example the violence in COD games and compare it to the one in The Last of Us. Both use violence but The Last of Us takes a more mature approach because the violence adds to the story in oppose to a shoot em' up FPS that the objective is to run and kill. In all accounts I strongly agree with Cage. It's nice seeing a game evoking the same type of emotion a film gives because it blurring the lines between video games and movies more. That being said I do enjoy games that I'm able to just have fun and enjoy.

Nimblest-Assassin4242d ago

Your comment reminded me about that stupid moment in MW3 when you are that father recording his daughter then they all die

Probably the cheapest method of getting an emotional reaction I have ever seen this generation

plmkoh4242d ago


I just discovered that they literally traced that scene from an Anime Show: Ghost in the Shell SAC 2.

But it's exactly that, by transferring someone else's scene without context for that violence, it just looks stupid.

kowan4242d ago

There's a game called persona 4 in which you wake up go to classes, beat up monsters, study, go to sleep and repeat. It's universally acclaimed and is considered one of the best rpgs today.

Donnieboi4242d ago

Heavy rain has some of the most realistic, brutal violence scenes ever portrayed in a non-fantasy themed game. Cage is a hipocrete if he is indeed talking down games that have violence in them. Fact.

ziggurcat4242d ago (Edited 4242d ago )

"Games should reflect real life? I wouldn't want a game in which I wake up go to classes study and sleep."

i'm sure peter lolyneux would work on that kind of project, and claim it as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

@ Donnieboi:

disagreed because there's a great distinction between the violence that occurs in heavy rain, and the violence in, say, GTA, CoD, god of war, and so on...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4242d ago
Walker4242d ago

lmao, David's head on that pic is epic :D !

Parapraxis4242d ago


I really wish Journey had more decapitations....


akaakaaka4242d ago

you are a !@#!@$# you should say JOURNEY SPOILER ALERT you @#$%R##

TuxedoMoon4242d ago

As far as I know, 98% of games have some or violence in them. Mario punching, spinning, and stomping on enemies is VIOLENCE! Unless you're playing Tetris or a puzzle game of the same nature...then it's not violent.

Keeping more to the topic, I disagree with David Cage wanting games to reflect real life. Why? Cause I think that most gamers play games as an ESCAPE from real life. Games shouldn't aim to mimic real life, but give players different experiences away from the shackles of reality. I don't want to play a game where I'm taking care of a baby or going to work or school. I'd rather play a game where I fight dragons or pilot a mech to save the land/world.

Thatguy-3104242d ago

Gamers play games to escape THEIR life. Wouldn't mind reading, watching movies, or play video games regarding real life issues or scenarios.honestly the more real the story is the more immerse I get because it becomes relatable. That being said no one minds having other worlds or dimensions to play in too. But I agree to the extent that some not all developers should tackle down more realistic issues. Variety doesn't hurt.

wishingW3L4242d ago (Edited 4242d ago )

I like how one writer from Destructoid writes something and then other Destructoid writers like Holmes are disagreeing with the piece. XD

If only all gaming websites were like this. ;)

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25 years of story-driven titles, the present and future of Quantic Dream - Interview with David Cage

Ruliweb interviewed Quantic Dream CEO David Cage at G-Star 2022.

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jznrpg674d ago (Edited 674d ago )

Heavy Rain was my favorite . Fahrenheit was great too

MadLad674d ago


Beyond Two Souls and Detroit were alright for the most part.
They're still making games, so something going decent for them.

Supermassive is definitely beating them in this genre though.


David Cage defends response to allegations of unhealthy studio culture at Quantic Dream

From Eurogamer: "David Cage has responded to allegations of unhealthy studio culture and inappropriate behaviour at Quantic Dream, which he previously described as a "smear campaign".

Published in this month's Edge Magazine, Cage discusses in depth the company culture of the studio and denies a lack of humility in its response to allegations.

"I don't think we had an aggressive attitude," he said. "When you're accused of things that go against everything you believe in, everything you've done in your life, it hurts. It went beyond just attacking the studio culture."

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jznrpg776d ago

Hasn’t this been a story for years now ? Doesn’t seem like anything changed or they have some very upset workers who lie for a long time ? Seems like it isn’t the latter .

SegaSaturn669776d ago

They should hire Kevin Spacey as a janitor. That would be awesome.

sourOG776d ago

The people who use words like “unhealthy culture” are usually mentally ill themselves. Not saying it’s not true, just sayin.

MadLad776d ago

Interesting comment to make ..

sourOG776d ago

Lol just saying. The last person I want to hear about “healthy culture” from is the people who use those words. Ususlly some kind of identity theory-ism. Commie talk.

jartoon776d ago

Okay... How would a mentally healthy person describe a shitty work environment?

sourOG776d ago

Shitty work environment

sourOG775d ago

I’m getting some disagrees so let me elaborate and try to change your mind.

Do you want to hear about healthy culture from people who celebrate fatness or put kids on puberty blockers as a few examples? That’s the kind of people who say shit like that and they are the most destructive force I’ve ever seen in my life when it comes to culture. Easily.

When you say culture what do you mean? The very core, right? The soul. QD is rotten to the very core and it needs to be replaced. With what? Ask whoever is using that term. I’m sure they have an idea. And I’d bet money their idea of healthy culture is ass backwards and not profitable lol.

Another example. I just saw a Kellogg ad that said “Food Justice for black communities”. They think they can trigger black folks into buying cereal with words like justice lol. They might be right, who knows. I laugh at shit like that though because I see right through these idiots.

Some people use words to communicate. “Shitty work environment”

Some people use words to manipulate. “Unhealthy culture” “Food justice”

776d ago Replies(2)
generic-user-name775d ago

Sites like Kotaku have been crapping on Cage for a long time now, to the point where I'm suspicious of if he has earned the bad rep he has. Go read Kotaku's review of Detroit, I recall it being borderline unprofessional.


Heavy Rain 2: Should David Cage Work on a Sequel?

Cage has confessed he has no plans for Heavy Rain 2, but fans have been quite vocal about their love for the game. Perhaps now that the PlayStation 5 is revolutionising the gaming landscape, we might get a proper sequel to one of the best games David Cage has ever made.

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CrimsonWing691119d ago

If he did it’ll probably be toned way down.

Ninver1119d ago

No! Leave the IP alone. It's a classic.

NecrumOddBoy1119d ago

No need. Heavy Rain was incredible as it was. Detroit Become Human was the next evolution. I do think they should continue with a new story but perhaps something less dark drama. I think it would be really cool to do something lighter with humor. The fantasy demo they showed off was pretty cool. If Kara became a full game, that would be great too!

smashman981119d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Detroit become Human the full game for kara

NecrumOddBoy1118d ago (Edited 1118d ago )

Yes. Kara became Detroit. Also the job interview trailer demo back in 2007/8 became Heavy Rain. There was also a video about an actor who was portraying a dark sorcerer. I think that could be something too. I was saying since Kara did become a game, then their newer demo trailer could have too.


smashman981118d ago

Oh ok I misunderstood. I see what u meant now.

Muigi1119d ago

Lol I’m actually replaying that now love this and Detroit. Doesn’t need a sequel imo.

Orchard1119d ago

No. One of the most boring games I’ve played.