
DmC excites critics, fans less so - as Metacritic users strike back

BeefJack writes: What do you get when you cross a well-loved franchise with an ambitious reboot? DmC is the latest game to discover that the answer to that question is quite often the same - a Metacritic trashing.

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kenshiro1004210d ago

...Now this is going too far.

I understand if you hate the game to the point the names Capcom and Ninja Theory makes your blood boil. But seriously, this is immaturity at its finest.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4210d ago

As DmC supporters have said to prior fans

Personally I don't agree with this either, but enough of the double standard, you can't say older fans are being immature, if they act the same way as the supporters do.

LOGICWINS4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

I have nothing against older fans. They're entitled to their opinion. What I have a problem with is these people REPEATEDLY coming into DMC articles/reviews to remind us, like a nagging middle aged wife who just realized she married the wrong guy, of how much they dislike the game. And like a nagging wife, all they accomplish is making themselves look/sound crazy.

Why devote THAT much energy to a game that you know your not interested in?

kenshiro1004210d ago

Then both sides should stop. We're all gamers here. You buy what you like to buy. No one should be telling someone don't buy this game or that game because they don't like it.

Temporary4210d ago


No we're not ALL gamers. This game has proven that to us.

The people who refuse to play a game because of preconceived notions are not gamers.

I hated this reboot when it was announced, I hated it before the demo even came out, and I was one of the people expressing disappointment...you can dig up my post history and check yourself.

After i played the demo, my tune changed, I accept the game for what it is, it's an excellent reboot and i'm going to fork over my cash for it happily.

ZombieNinjaPanda4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )


Think of it this way: If DmC succeeds, the franchise people loved is now dead and will be repeatedly trashed (or rather developed) by Ninja Theory and Capcom. So now instead of having to deal with one bad game, they need to deal with a trilogy or more.

Put it this way: How would you feel if your favorite franchise, whatever it may be, was taken from whoever develops it, handed to a lesser developer who has shown their incompetence in the past and then makes it into something completely different. And then to make things even better, they trash talk you for voicing your disapproval. Then they mock you in game. How would you feel about that?

Is this really the only industry where the people who buy products are worthless? Whatever happened to the customer is always right? From what I see everyone is bashing the people who bought the series in the first place and the ones who loved it.

LOGICWINS4210d ago

"If DmC succeeds, the franchise people loved is now dead and will be repeatedly trashed (or rather developed) by Ninja Theory and Capcom."

Your opinion. As a person who enjoyed DMC1 and DMC3, I ALSO enjoyed DmC. And even if DmC didn't succeed, what makes you so sure that Capcom would have reverted back to the old DMC gameplay style for the next DMC? For all we know, DmC's failure would have resulted in the ENTIRE franchise being scrapped.

"How would you feel if your favorite franchise, whatever it may be, was taken from whoever develops it, handed to a lesser developer who has shown their incompetence in the past and then makes it into something completely different."

Then I would find a new favorite franchise among the hundreds of thousands of pre-existing franchises...simple.

"And then to make things even better, they trash talk you for voicing your disapproval. Then they mock you in game. How would you feel about that?"

Would never happen because I would never voice disapproval due to me not caring. As I said before, if a game doesn't deliver what I want, I simply ignore it and move on to the next.

"From what I see everyone is bashing the people who bought the series in the first place and the ones who loved it."

It's a videogame, not your high school sweetheart. Your too emotionally attached to a piece of software. Find a new one that fits your tastes.

ZombieNinjaPanda4210d ago


Please for the sake of everyone who enjoys this hobby, stop gaming. You clearly have no empathy for anyone else other than yourself.

MikeMyers4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

ZombieNinjaPanda, so since you don't like Logicwins opinion he should now stop gaming? No wonder people don't take you radicals seriously. You guys want everyone to respect your opinions but are unwilling to do the same towards anyone else that may like the new game.

Perhaps it is you, who wants to keep living in the past and can't seem to let go, that should give up gaming. Do you own the intellectual property? No you don't. If the movie studios want to reboot The Bad News Bears and market it at a new generation so be it, I can always watch the original.

"Is this really the only industry where the people who buy products are worthless?"

No, that's the power of being a consumer. You have a choice to buy it or not.

"Whatever happened to the customer is always right?"

First you need to be a customer. Maybe if you gave the new game a chance you might like it.

"From what I see everyone is bashing the people who bought the series in the first place and the ones who loved it."

No, I think people are getting sick and tired of the same old rhetoric. People are growing tired of seeing the same people spamming reviews and every article surrounding the game. Which of course will clash against those interested in the game. Start a Facebook petition or something but you're not going to get anywhere by trolling every article because not everyone agrees with you.

ZombieNinjaPanda4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is the only industry where people who make products can make crap, insult their consumer base, and people like ^^^^ will defend them.

What a sad time to be a gamer.

Also, if I was trolling, you'd know it. Not everyone who disagrees with you or someone else is a troll.

N4Flamers4209d ago

The main problem I've had with the reboot is the rather simplistic dialogue. I mean the original DMC games did not have anything that was worthy of an academy award so I fail to see how they actually made it worse. Throwing in f bombs for shock value?

I think what upset me the most was that they had a chance to remake this game into a masterpiece if they just would have sat down and thought a little more about what the series was lacking in the first place.

I don't see the new Dante as an improvement, the dialogue isn't either, the combat mechanics are basically heavenly sword so that's not an improvement, there's not any sibling rivalry anymore that's a wasted opportunity. Overall the game doesn't improve on the previous iterations and I'm supposed to applaud that just because it's different?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4209d ago
Kyosuke_Sanada4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

It's not like developers didn't ask for this, from laughing at fan feedback in interviews to the in-game trolling it was destined to happen.

Root4210d ago

They even did that Easter egg when they basically ticked off old DMC fans even more


They deserve this because they asked for this

N4GDgAPc4210d ago

And you really going to be upset with that scene? Get over yourself. U have no sense of humor do you?

Kurt Russell4209d ago

I thought that scene was an amusing touch... Subjective I guess.

Godmars2904210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

If the mere names of Capcom and Ninja Theory makes your blood boil, then wouldn't the easiest thing to do would be to mark down DmC on Metacritic?

Its all really going to boil down to sales, and by fan reaction things aren't looking good.

The thing to wait for and see is if sales are poor will some critics change their minds, jump on the hate bandwagon, or double down and defend their original opinions.

OptimisticPrime4210d ago

I don't know man. Just picked my copy up at 11:15am and there was a line of 8 of us picking up dmc. Sales won't be so bad. In fact I bet a lot of the flamers in here are in line picking it up right now.

Information Minister4210d ago

I really don't think critics will change their minds and jump on the hate bandwagon. I've never seen it happen before and besides, most reviewers seem to be rating the developer and not the game.

Godmars2904210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

ME3 and most COD titles, Skyrim. At the very least admissions of being caught up in hype, excusing issues in previews, have happened.

And from most DmC previews I've seen and read there are some technical issues which should make a few reviewers handing out 5/5s and near 10/10s offer revised opinion in three to six months.

Though really, if a game-breaking bug shows up as was the case in most of the above mentioned games, reversals of opinion would have to happen. Along with discussions of how games in general are reviewed.

nukeitall4210d ago

Other games this happened to went on to do fine in sales, so I doubt this will change much. Based on the reviews the games seems to be a pretty solid game.

A shame with the user reviews though. Shows you can't trust those either!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4210d ago
aquamala4210d ago

Most of them never even played the game, that's how useless these user "reviews" are

thaking1554210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

The Game is only at best 6-7 hrs long guy... Most people played thru the game last night after the midnight review...

Especially being that the first 2 difficulty levels is a CAKE WALK/Easy where Nephilim is where the difficulty level starts picking up in which it's still easy.

Thatguy-3104210d ago

It was destined to it but who cares? What will be the affect the game will receive? Like someone said I don't see why people put in so much energy on something they dislike. Why waste the time? But what ever makes them sleep at night I guess.

wishingW3L4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

because DMC is a series we love and to see it butchered like this only pisses us off. We dislike DmC but not the series prior it. It's not like the game's a new IP or series we didn't care before the reboot about you know.

Skyrim got amazing scores across the board but guess what? I didn't give a crap about it because I didn't like the game nor the series of Elder Scroll games.

DevilishSix4210d ago


you said fans don't want to see the franchise butchered. Well I am a fan and DMC 2 & 4 sucked butt, the last great DMC game was 3 and that was like 9 years ago, so stop fooling yourself talking about butchered. This new game is pretty good, which makes it the first good DMC game in nearly a decade.

rainslacker4210d ago

What's funny about the whole situation, is that all this contention between the fans and the developer is only bringing more exposure to the game and reviews themselves. The "haters" may want the game to fail, but the fervent negativity they have directed towards this game is only going to help it in the end. Think about how many times positive reviews actually get any real heat, particularly a great many of them like this game has. Hell, I personally was kind of "meh" about this game, but after noticing all the positive reaction among some sites I actually respect giving it good reviews I'm more interested in trying it. I'm probably still going to wait for a price drop though.

TheTwelve4210d ago

I don't think that'll work this time.

TheTwelve4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

This is a combination of Ninja Theory acting like complete pricks (even as far back their handling of poor Heavenly Sword sales) and ignoring the community's desire. Sucker Punch listened to fans when they didn't like Cole's look. I believe the Bioshock cover was changed due to fans' complaints. Fans have always been directly linked to the success of games, and with the high price of games, even more so now.

I mean, c'mon, new Dante looks like Hilary Swank from Boys Don't Cry:


It's normal for people to be upset with that! Why would I want to buy a game that emo-feminizes one of my favorite characters? How can I enjoy it?

I'm not going to do a fake bad review but I've no desire to buy the game.


csreynolds4209d ago

I agree. These bad user reviews from the butt-hurt collective that wanted Dante to have white hair are beyond ridiculous...

To those of you who have played the retail release and genuinely don't like it, for whatever reason, fair play to you. To the remaining 90% who hate on it without any credible reason or justification - and probably haven't even played the demo, let alone Ninja Theory's final product, you make me ashamed to be a gamer. Entitled isn't a strong enough designation for you anymore...

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4209d ago
jslash4210d ago

Ninja Theory have the right to laugh - people have no right to feel entitled to anything. At least you're getting another freaking DMC game - it's better than nothing.

Not to mention that the game is awesome and totally deserving of the praise it's receiving.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4210d ago

The series was never in risk of doing badly. You're acting as if the old Devil May Cry was on it's dying breath. I honestly would have preferred if they just continued the current story.

Saying the game is awesome is purely subjective, by the way.

jslash4210d ago

No, I'm saying that the sense of entitlement people seem to feel these days is ridiculous. They rebooted the series and that's the way it is - like I said, I'd rather this than no new DMC game at all.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4210d ago

There's no sense of entitlement involved here. It's simply a matter of expectations.

Capcom has displayed bad business sense this whole gen. Ninja Theory has only made average games. Of course fans aren't gonna like what's happening. If it's their money that allowed the series to exist this long then they have a right to be disgruntled if their expectations are shat on so heavily.

I'm not gonna say this game is bad or good, but is it what I expected from being a fan of the series from day 1? Hell no, and that's why I won't buy it, because it's not what I wanted to play. Some people will take those feelings farther then others.

vallencer4210d ago

I whole heartedly believe DMC was going nowhere. 4 really wasn't that good. I liked Nero and his devil bringer arm but the rest of that game wasn't that good. Especially the laziness of it. Half way through the game you switch to Dante and then retrace all the places you've been?? I mean really!? But like you said calling a game is purely subjective and an opinion and this is just mine.

Baka-akaB4210d ago

" I'd rather this than no new DMC game at all. "

To each their own , i'd rather have no new games for a while than this .

And i felt the same way about dmc 2 btw . It's not like i ever felt like requesting a DMC title every XX years or so . I'd be fine with fewer titles of all great quality , or what i feel is quality .

But then again to each their own

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4210d ago
specsmatter4210d ago

Let me get this straight the ppl that buy the products and literally can make or break a company arent entitled to anything? hahahahahaha yeah right.

PooEgg4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

You know what is really sad? Every time anyone uses the word 'entitled' I just cringe and stop reading.

I don't know what is worse, fans unfairly bashing a game on metacritic, or fans who call anyone who doesn't step up to kiss the boots of developers/publishers 'entitled'. Both sides are very silly if you ask me.

I highly doubt anyone takes fan reviews on metacritic seriously anymore, which is kinda a shame, since there are probably a lot of fair honest reviews mixed in with the fanger, but when you need to sort through a huge pile of crazy in order to figure out if a game is any good it is really too much work.

wishingW3L4210d ago

"entitled" is the new "overrated". Now people just uses it without really understanding its meaning just like "hater". You have a negative opinion about something these days and you're seen as nothing more and an "entitled hater".

N4GDgAPc4210d ago

The guy said it was a good game but not DMC so he rated it 0/10? Yeah thats why he doesn't review games for a living.

wishingW3L4210d ago

it's fair. I mean, he wanted DMC, not a casualized reinvention of it. I mean, the game's not a new IP you know so there are expectations to be met. And like Jim Sterling said:

"There is an argument to be made that, when judged alongside the rest of the series, DmC is a bad Devil May Cry game. The suggestion may be debatable, but there's a potential case to be made. It's more streamlined, it's not as challenging, and ultimately it has stripped away what a significant portion of the fanbase love most of the series. However, even if one sides with the argument that this is a bad Devil May Cry game, that does not preclude it from being deemed a terrific videogame on its own merits, and in my estimation, that's exactly what DmC: Devil May Cry is."

Jim judges the game on its own merits but the fans don't and that doesn't mean that they are wrong either.

papajag4210d ago

How is that fair? Give it the score it deserves and then argue that it wasn't the same DMC. People need to have an open mind. When I played this game I did so thinking it's another franchise. Capcom never said they were done with the old Dante forever.

Krimmson4210d ago

This is Dragon Age 2 all over again. Glowing reviews, fans absolutely hate it.

Root4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

Why does this happen every time a bad game gets bad user reviews despite reviews "liking" the game...people are striking out against the reviews that journalists have done because they don't make sense, most of them don't actually talk about the good things in the game and the ones who do contradict the things people experienced first hand in the demo, which was taken from the final version of the game.

It's a bad DMC game, users are speaking out about it, Capcom obviously learnt there lesson from RE6 reviews, they thought the brand name would automatically give it good scores but they were wrong. I don't know what they've done behind closed doors but they've done something and I've said so since last year this would happen. You don't say nothing about the fan back lash for two years, do your normal previews then SUDDENLY a month before release, defend the game as much as you can with article after article...then funnily enough that site is the first to give it a good score.

A sequel in a popular franchise is supposed to evolve, not take a step back. If everything seems more dumbed down, easy and accessible then the past games, especially from 60fps to 30 then sorry but it doesn't deserve high scores. Most of the things they've "praised" this game for they criticized for other low scored games they've reviewed.

Rather listen to fan feedback then reviewers.....they could either be payed off or threaterned that there mag/site won't get the next scoop on a new Capcom game, thus giving there site/mag lower sales/hits.

Maybe a zero is extreme but NT has ticked off the fanbase....it's their own fault

DragonKnight4210d ago

Dude, you know I'm no fan of DmC, but these people are making fools of all of us, not just the people who have legitimate complaints against DmC. DmC is not Devil May Cry the way we want it, true, but it's in no way a 0/10 game. 0/10 are unplayable messes like High Heat Baseball 2K3 that I mentioned below, or Chicken Shoot, or Mindjack, or Sonic Freerunners. That kind of stuff. DmC may not appeal to everyone, but you can at least play the game from start to finish with graphics that are at least an acceptable average for the gen and it isn't some unresponsive pile of dung.

Pick your battles. You don't like DmC, cool me neither, but these people lashing out on Metacritic are a problem for everyone, not just Capcom or NT. They make all gamers look bad.

wishingW3L4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

they are just expressing their opinion now deal with it. If I don't like a game that is part of a series because it's very different to past iterations and I want to give it a 0/10 then what is the problem?

You're just trying to push your definition of a zero on everybody and that is wrong because we all have different opinions.

DragonKnight4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

Excuse me? Deal with it? I don't have to "deal with it" just because some random person agrees with trolls. 0 out of 10 is not "expressing an opinion" it's trolling. And it's not my definition of the number, it's the industry wide standard. 0 out of 10 means utter unplayable garbage, not "I don't like this game." You're defending trolls that ruin the legitimacy of REAL complaints and make people think that that's how every person who dislikes DmC perceives the game.

Some of us don't like DmC because of actual legitimate reasons. Like a cliche story, or unchallenging gameplay, that kind of thing. But sitting on a site like Metacritic saying "this game is terrible, I give it 0 out of 10" or creating paragraphs of rambling nonsense that doesn't really touch on what's actually wrong with the game does EVERYONE a disservice.

If you can put DmC into your console, and it turns on, has comparable graphics to other games of the genre this gen, you can make it from start to finish without random crashes and unforgivable bugs, the sound quality is good, and looking at the game doesn't make your eyes bleed due to terrible graphics and a framerate of 1FPS, THEN THE GAME IS PLAYABLE AND DOESN'T DESERVE A 0!

Honestly. The way numbered reviews are abused is bad enough when the journalists do it on their own, but when trolls do it and then others try to defend that garbage? It's indefensible. What these people are trying to say is that DmC is on the same level of crap as Mindjack. I'm sorry but, for all that's wrong with it, that is NOT true.

DevilishSix4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

No wishing

There is a difference of expressing ones opinion and just plain troll hating and that is what Metacritic user ratings have become, a big hang out for troll hating. Many of the top games from last year have lower than should be user ratings. It has become a problem and makes the industry and its consumers look bad and metacritic should shut user ratings for all games down on that site.

I will defend anyones right to their opinion but I draw a line at baseless trolling.

vallencer4210d ago

I was wondering where you were root I haven't seen you on the other DMC articles. So your logic is that NT/capcom paid of all these review sites to give it a good review?? Or threatened them? Maybe if it was one or two I could see that but it's a giant handful.

I don't understand people's hate for this game. It's obviously good but I mean if you don't want to enjoy games that are good regardless of your personal feelings for it that's fine.

Tinfoil hat man take it off. By the way I just want you to know I'm not bashing your comment I just feel you have these conspiracy theories that are pretty obtuse.

Xklaw4210d ago

It´s not hate for the game, is disapointment. If the originals Devil May Cry had the same effect on you as it had on me growing up, you would understand. This game may be a good game, but no way is a good Devil May Cry game.

pandehz4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

''A sequel in a popular franchise is supposed to evolve, not take a step back''

This is not a sequel, its not DMC 5.

It does not continue from DMC 4.


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Capcom's Latest Shareholder Q&A Is a Terrifying Indictment of Capitalism

Capcom has released its latest shareholder Q&A, and while there are some smart questions in there, you'll find some not-so-smart ones too.

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TheColbertinator2d ago

Capcom is our hero and champion in the gaming industry somehow. Everyone else is straight up Dr Doom

Darkegg1d 14h ago

Somehow? You mean the people who put their money into the company and wonder how their money is being used? The hero borrows from others bc they are not using their own capital hence why they are public company. It’s a responsibility to communicate the idea, and having an open mind to bridge various opinion. Branding questions as smart and not smart is a terrible way to focus an article on. Rather, explain the concerns and the response to them intelligently and compassionately.

VersusDMC1d 13h ago

And most of the questions are what journalists and fans ask as well.

Why not release it this holiday season? Everyone complained it's 2025.
Why is MH Wilds not on Switch? There is currently an article posted here that Capcom abandoned the switch.
Where are the Megaman games? We all want more X games.

Truly terrifying questions...

OldDuffer1d 13h ago

This story is literally nothing, ? I should have expected as much from this 'source'.
Nothing terrifying and nothing that's an indictment of capitalism.
If you somehow believe a publicly traded company should only have shareholders who know the ins and outs of the business, then you may get a chuckle out of some of the questions asked. In general they are exactly the types of questions you would expect from someone with a stake, who does not understand the business well. Asking questions is surely the way these people learn more about the investments they have made? I wish I hadn't of bothered clicking! :)


Capcom Has No Plans To Discontinue Availability Of Games Via Physical Media

Capcom has announced that it has no plans to discontinue the availability of its games via physical media.

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shinoff21833d ago

Interesting. Then where the fk are the new moster hunter games , physically in north America. Hell I'd even import but the 2nd game is a digital code. What's up capcom?

VersusDMC3d ago

Obviously they don't mean 100% of their games are going to be physical.

And considering 90% of their sales were digital last year you're lucky they are still releasing physical at all.


Vits2d ago

90% is ridiculously high. I honestly wouldn't blame them if they decided to go fully digital. I still mostly buy physical copies for the PS5, but for Capcom games, I usually opt for the PC version, so my library is completely digital, so I can sort of understand why is so high. But still.

Cacabunga3d ago

I will support them going forward! No physical no buy

CobraKai3d ago

They got my continued support for sure

DarXyde2d ago

I generally agree regarding all games.

But I do make a carve-out for indies that don't have the budget for physical releases

shinoff21832d ago


Whats crazy is indies do a better job releasing physically then games from the bigger publishers.

QuantumMechanic3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Great news! I'd also like to see their PS VR2 experiences released on physical media.

ravens523d ago

👏🏽👏 27997;👏🏽㈇ 9;🏽. I will continue to purchase their games!

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Best Steam Deck verified games in this year's Steam Summer Sale (up to 90% Off)

Steam's Summer Sale looks primed for Steam Deck players - with a huge collection of titles on offer for the handheld.