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Ten Of The Biggest Gaming Disappointments Of All Time

Non-Fiction Gaming writer Steve B pulls his palm dangerously close to his face for this list of Gaming Disappointments.

Of course gamers are nothing if not full of opinion. Let us know what should have made this list or should have been left out.

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Community4179d ago
Excalibur4179d ago

For the life of me I don't know why Duke gets so much hate, DNF (IMO) was actually a pleasant surprise and was a little better than I expected BUT I didn't expect the greatest game ever made either.

MikeMyers4179d ago

Because it was so long in development and when it was finally released it still didn't have the refinement of a finished game.

Doom 3 and Rage are also games that were disappointments to me.

PopRocks3594179d ago

I don't think that's a fair reason because that build of the game was not in development for that long. The designers had to stop development and start from scratch a few times over for the past decade and a half.

This last build was probably made over the last three or four years? Not to mention Gearbox had to step in just to finish the code when 3D Realms went under.

I personally liked the game. I didn't expect the next coming of shooters. Instead it was a nice little parody of what modern shooters are like. I never saw why everyone, critcs and gamers alike, hated it so much.

Nerdmaster4179d ago

I'm always surprised when people say that they were expecting DN Forever to be an awesome game because of the development time. I thought it was common knowledge that it went through a development hell, and that's why it took so long. It was not because they spent so many years refining it.

MikeMyers4179d ago

But when the game came out it didn't compare well to games at that time. You could tell that some of the assets were now old.

PopRocks3594178d ago

Well no kidding man. It's a game that was designed ten years ago and had to be started over for different engines multiple times. Take the old design and release it now when the game is finally finished and what do you get? A bunch of antsy reviewers throwing a shitfit because they expected the next Halo or Call of Duty.

People attacked that game for having long corridors, two weapon slots and recharging health. Those features are all prevalent in other shooters and no one criticizes them for it, only this one.

MikeMyers4178d ago

PopRock, you talked me into trying the game out again.

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NukaCola4179d ago

DNF wasn't a disappointment. It was a failure that had to get finished, so Gearbox could move on and make the real nextgen Duke they wanted to. It was going to be a flop.

admiralvic4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )


Though I think all the hate from DNF comes from misconceptions and people assuming the best for the game. Like most of the hype for DNF didn't come from the company, but people referencing it / talking about it. (think FF Versus / The Last Guardian) Also a lot of people went in assuming that it had been in development for 10+ years, when the game had plenty of set backs and was remade a few different times.

In a lot of ways I think DNF did a lot for the industry. Not only did it FINALLY end the DNF jokes, but it also proves that a long development cycle doesn't always mean success. I think a lot of people forget that there ARE reasons for delays and titles that end up in limbo typically have a reason for ending up there. Hopefully now people will learn to manage their expectations a little better.

Tetsujin4179d ago

I actually liked DNF mainly for the 90's parodies and references it had; reminded me of the last decade with some sort of common sense. No it wasn't the greatest game but it at least put a smile on my face knowing there's people who still remember some part of the 90's and poke fun at it.

If anything I'd put Activision on that list as #1.

Excalibur4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

I played ALL the Duke Nukem' games back in the day with every mod and every extra level that fans made for it.

The Duke games were never AMAZING feats of technology or breakthroughs in graphics or anything of the sort BUT they were fun as hell to play so no one really cared about that stuff.

TBH I got exactly what I was hoping to get, a fun and Cheesy Duke Nukem' game.

I seen some of the reviewers giving the game a 1/2 star out of 10, really? REALLY?

To the reviewers, Did you stick the game in and your console or PC explode because that is about the only way anything could rate a 1/2 star out of 10.

If you finished the game on the hardest level it opened up a timeline from conception to completion in one of the menus.

The game went through a true development hell, from story changes to various engines to various owners, for the game to even hit the shelves was an Amazing accomplishment.

Kuddos to Gearbox, when the next duke title comes out I'll buy it day one as well.

NFGaming4179d ago

There are a number of factors in why DNF gets a lot of hate. This is of course just opinion and I have nothing to really back this up.

We tend to go to extremes:
When discussing an issue or even an opinion we become very polar with our wording. "Worst game ever", "Funniest thing ever", "Nazi slave driver communist". Possibly because starting at a polar position makes it easier to compromise and still sit on the side of your opinion. That topic is best left for a longer discussion.

Long time between games:
We have a tendency to expect more over a long development time. Even though as PopRocks359 pointed out here the game wasn't in development the whole time. We did see bits and pieces, then it was scrapped, then it started again.

The Humour:
I'm a fan of Jon St John and the Duke one liners. But I can see how they can rub people the wrong way. Even gamers that grew up playing Duke Nukem I, II and 3D have aged and perhaps have changed their tolerance on the jokes degrading women and abortion.

You've Changed Duke:
While I enjoyed the game for the most part, I was a bit dissapointed that despite making fun of other games (Like Halo's power armour) Duke had regenerating health and could only carry two weapons. I was hoping for a modern Duke Nukem 3D with a Half-Life size arsenal of weapons.

We hear more bad that good:
Have you ever been in a customer service job? In induction they usually tell you something like, "If a customer has a good experience they might tell one other person. If they have a bad experience they will tell ten people" Or something along those lines. I assume this holds true to video games as well.

Any one of those or a combination could see hate spew forth for DNF. I'm sure there are probably some other reasons I haven't though of. For one I enjoyed the game and hearing the Duke catchphrases playing on the Ultra Action Hero type with some self awareness. It wasn't what I was hoping for and that could be the biggest issue of all. Do we just expect too much?


(Crap, that was longer than I was expecting. Maybe I should just write it into an article next time :D )

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Hellsvacancy4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

Im a gaming "disappointment" I cant believe I didnt buy/play Portal 2 when it came out, I only got it last week, its absolutely amazing, one of the best games ive played this gen

I feel very disappointed with myself for not playing it sooner, I probably would of had a co-op partner then, theres no players online now

thebudgetgamer4179d ago

Pac Man for the 2600 could also be on the list.

CommonSenseGamer4179d ago

And yet how many drones proclaimed each of those games as going to be AAA before they were released.

PopRocks3594179d ago

Justify your opinion by attacking others for theirs. I look specifically at the word "drones."

Stay classy.

BlaqMagiq244179d ago

And I'm pretty sure you were one of those "drones".

CommonSenseGamer4179d ago

I'm pretty sure I wasn't. I often get slammed for disagreeing with opinion before a game is released.

Blastoise4179d ago

Devil May Cry 2. What a disaster. I'd say Resident Evil 6 but after playing the demo I already knew it was gonna suck.

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2024 Xbox Games Showcase: Top 10 Reveals

Rayan from NoobFeed writes - The Xbox Games Showcase 2024 unveiled several titles that are anticipated to be released soon. Exciting new trailers for games like Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, State of Decay 3, Gears of War: E-Day, and Doom: The Dark Ages are just a few of the many franchises fans can expect to play soon. While most of us have already watched the showcase, we've decided to pick the top 10 most highly anticipated games.

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Community12d ago
GaboonViper12d ago

So many great games shown but for me Perfect Dark took the cake.

Jingsing12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Looked dated to be honest, simple cpu character pathing mixed with gameplay and graphics resembling a 360 game. It is clearly an indie effort. Perfect Dark Zero was a better attempt despite not having the best controls.

Lightning7712d ago

Quick look at your comment history it's pretty obvious on your little crusade so why would anyone take your comments seriously?

GaboonViper12d ago

LOL i think you're talking about Concord.

Jingsing12d ago

Perfect Woke Starring John Dark for Xbox 360

Lightning7712d ago

Perfect Dark trailer looked better than I thought. People are down on Dragon Age or has a mixed response but I have to see gameplay im still hyped for it. People want the big titles. I know AAA guys are closing down studios and doing massive lay offs but ppl need to get excited for PS5 and Series X and still need a reason to buy these consoles. The small AA stuff that Geoff showed off was fine, It's not a reason to pickup consoles, hell even turn on your console for some.

Ranting. Anyway Avowed I'm definitely looking forward to also.


Fable Confirmed for 2025, But is it a Reboot, or Prequel?

Fable got a whole new trailer at the recent Xbox Games Showcase. It was breathtaking and left so much to interpret for fans new and old.

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Community13d ago

Fable – What the Heck is Going On?

Announced in 2020, Playground Games' open-world action RPG has seen sporadic updates and departures but still no release date.

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Community64d ago
PhillyDonJawn64d ago

I expect it to be released by 2026

Sonic188164d ago (Edited 64d ago )

I expect it to release by the time the next Xbox releases. Can that be 2026? Sure

DOMination-64d ago

You could say the same for any number of games that were stupidly announced during pre-production. Elder Scrolls 6 & Perfect Dark are current examples, Blade is another recent one and in the past Mass Effect Andromeda and Cyberpunk 2077 come to mind.

I don't think this game is in any trouble. For a start, Playground Games are one of the few under MS Studios that actually have a track record of delivering on time and with quality. We got a trailer last year and I'd fully expect there to be something more substantial at the next showcase in the summer.

No dramas here - just another victim of Microsoft's incompetence. They simply had to announce several games way too early because they had nothing else to talk about.

Michiel198964d ago

how are they a victim when they are clearly being given enough time? They haven't set any release date, haven't had to show any trailers, how is that being a victim? You even say yourself that you think it's not in trouble.

MrBaskerville63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

TESVI was mostly announced to stop people from asking. Like how they gave us a roadmap of first Starfield, then TES then Fallout. So people keep asking whether they'll do another one or not.

But Fable and Perfect Dark was defineately too early.

RNTody64d ago

The same thing that happens to any project when you announce it far too early. Perfect Dark, Fable, The Elder Scrolls 6, Star Wars KOTOR actually have to, I don't know, make the game?

I'm fairly confident this game will see the light of day, as Playground have released 5 Forza games of quality and on schedule. Think it was just revealed too early.

Charlieboy33363d ago

The only issue I see is that, as you mentioned, they have only done Forza games. An RPG is completely different requiring completely different facets.

Whole new different open world....not just tracks. Character designs and animations, dialogue, combat systems, quest systems, equipment and inventory managment....the list is very long and none of it falls under their previous experience.

Even with assistance from other studios I believe they are still far off from delivering a complete version of this game.

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