
Lost Planet 3 could be the biggest surprise this year, says producer

According to Lost Planet 3 producer Andrew Szymanski, this game could be one of the biggest surprises this year.

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kratos1234272d ago

just no!!!!
the game really looks bad.
Plus the devoloper behind this has never made a good game in their career

Summons754272d ago

neither has Ninja Theory but they were trusted with a huge franchise and look how that turned out....

Yodagamer4271d ago

Um they have 2 great games under their belt, granted it depend who you ask but they are good in my book

t0mmyb0y4271d ago


*2 EXCELLENT games :)

t0mmyb0y4272d ago

"My game will be the best!!" -Every developer ever.

Perjoss4272d ago

Watch one of John Carmack's keynotes, he's very honest. For example admitting to mistakes they had made on Rage before it had even released.

Root4272d ago

I'm sure it will sunshine <pinches cheek>


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Lost Planet 3 - Lost in Time

Lost Planet 3 launched 10 years ago today, with an unusual take for it's time; casting the layer as an everyman opposed to an action hero.


Latest Humble Bundle packs ten Capcom games

The Humble Capcom Heroic Collection Bundle just launched recently. It has ten items including Monster Hunter Rise, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, and more.

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darthv72500d ago

I took advantage of the $1 deal for lost planet 3, strider, bionic commando and mega man. 3 of them run great on my steam deck. bionic commando sadly does not.

Father__Merrin500d ago

ive left humble bundle long time ago the pricimng is now off as well as game collection. humble monthly used to be excellent but thasts also downhill


New Games with Gold for August 2021

Dean Shimabukuro (Sr. Marketing Program Manager) - The August Games with Gold lineup is here. On the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, return to an apocalyptic Earth in Darksiders III, and embark on an epic adventure in Yooka-Laylee. And for our classic lineup via Backward Compatibility, discover the hidden truths of Lost Planet 3, and become the ultimate fighter in Garou: Mark of the Wolves

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darthv721152d ago

Not too bad. Lost Planet is a series Id like to see get a reboot. And i have not played Mark of the Wolves since the DC. Great fighter though.

HankHill1152d ago

First month in a long time that GWG is better than PS+ imo. I'm sure Sony will step it up next month and hopefully Microsoft does too.

Father__Merrin1152d ago

Not too bad but what ever comes out I never get the time to complete any of them. I more look forward to the back compat as they are for keeps.

BLAKHOODe1152d ago

Darksiders 3 has been on PS+ before. But I'm going to give this month to Xbox.. just barely. Still a weak month from both companies, but probably the best Xbox lineup in a long time.

autobotdan1152d ago

Garou Greatest fighting game of all time

Deathdeliverer1152d ago (Edited 1152d ago )

I wouldn’t go that far. It’s definitely top 20 though.

autobotdan1152d ago

The best there is, the best there ever was, the best there ever will be

Deathdeliverer1152d ago

Who used to say that?!?! I could easily google it but noooo….. Did Triple H used to say that? The Miz?

Deathdeliverer1152d ago

The hitman hart! Sure did 😂🤣 I’m so lame cause that was my favorite wrestler as a kid!

autobotdan1152d ago

Yeah he had some of the funniest wresting quotes. So memorable. I miss the 1990's when wresting was fun to watch

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