majiebeast4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

Not impressed its like Ouya with a screen and prob alot more expensive at that. Lol it crashed multiple times and the pc connectivity didnt work.

tachy0n4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

its basically a PSVita for the PC platform it even has remote play but with the PC and has steam and the android market(google play store).

i recommend people to see the press conference when they show this thing.

SPAM-FRITTER-1234219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

"its basically a PSVita for the PC platform"

Really? The Vita gets watered down ports of full retail titles with content missing and a different name.

This device is a portable PC/Console with the same games we play at our TV's, The PSVita is more of a portable Mini-Game device.

Day 1 for me. i have been waiting for a true hand held device that plays full AAA titles and works with my steam account.

tachy0n4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )


somebody didnt read the article nor watched the press conference.

if you did you would understand what i said.

shield cant play full PC games on the go, only through nvidia's remote play, just like the PSVita with the PS3.

still the PSVita is better, since it has the OLED screen, games look better(PSVita is still the portable graphics king) and you can actually play REAL games on the go, unlike shield which will only play those crappy games from the android market(google play store) on the go.

if it could actually handle PC games on the go it would be a serious threat for the PSVita, but since it doesnt i smell a huge flop, and the sad part of this is that it looks like nvidia will spend the rest of 2013 supporting shield and mobile devices which is a huge slap to the PC gaming community since we were expecting the announcement of the GTX700 series video cards :(


im deeply sorry for that typo, is not from me its from Cnet lol

BattleAxe4219d ago

Looks interesting to me, can't wait to see the final product.

EddieNX 4218d ago

It looks like an irrelivant PoS

Vita and 3DS for the win...

geth1gh4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )


Well crappy android market games to date, yes. Games possibly in the future? no.

Last I heard in the spring, the Terga 4 processor was supposed to have better graphical potential than the 360. Not sure how the ps3 holds up in comparison but it has to be extremely close, if it isn't better.

Last I checked vita didn't have the graphical power of the ps3.

So, game selection might be better on the Vita. Games that are developed for shield are gonna be much more polished and just better looking though.

sikbeta4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

It's kind of a mockup of those Xbox-portable rumors from years ago... and honestly, did Nvidia not saw what's happening with dedicated gaming handheld or what?

Doesn't matter if it runs Android or anything, people will not give a S#*T and procede buying Ipads + Galaxy tabs like they're doing right now

Oh... and doesn't look portable at all... guess Vita will share space with a new partner in the bargain-bin a couple of months from now

Zhipp4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

The Android market may not have many proper videogames as of yet, but as products like the Ouya and these gaming tablets grow more popular, they may attract the interest of big-name companies. After that it'll only be a matter of time before companies like EA begin to target Android(at least Tegra) for their multiplatform PC/Console titles.

EDIT: All the website says is that Shield has a retinal display, but it's going to ship for $400-$500 like I suspect, it'll probably have an IPS display. I personally prefer OLED for its true blacks, but a lot of people prefer IPS because they're considerably brighter than OLED/AMOLED, and their colors are more accurate as well.

MmaFan-Qc4218d ago

@SPAM-FRITTER-123 "The Vita gets watered down ports of full retail titles with content missing and a different name."

like what?

deadpoole4218d ago

I might buy this device after all as for the following reasons.

1. Gamepad is like proper gamepad with L1R1 and L2R2.
2. Second it supports native output and playback of 4K resolution video over HDMI.
3. Games aren't gonna cost fortune like other handheld devices.
4. Longer battery life.
5. Finally the real talent (which are freelance people) will be able to release games without the need of greedy publishers, scrutinizing/micromanaging studios and art hating/color hating/bunch of corporate high level staff who wouldn't know even how to play a game but rules and interferes or restrict talented skilled geniuses from bringing some new ideas in the gaming industry.

1. Screen ... is it an OLED/LED/LCD???
2. Will there be charge for accessing Tegrazone.
3. Latency when streaming game from PC.
4. Will u be able to stream just video games or can also stream video files/audio files???


4218d ago
deadpoole4218d ago


OLED is the future, colors can be calibrated to heart's content ... whereas on IPS Panel True Blacks cannot be achieved because any variance of LCD based tech simply cannot generate it at all. It is because of its lacking ability and dependence on light source being used in the back or side of the panel.

So yeah ... OLED is the true Successor of CRT tele when it comes in true blacks, colors and visual fidelity.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4218d ago
SilentNegotiator4219d ago

"It's pure Android"

Sounds pure pointless, like all of those gamepad attachments for Android devices. Hardly any games make use of dual sticks (and well) because catering to the standard control - touch - is more cost effective.

metroid324218d ago

Stick with my wiiu HD6770 eats that gpu alive,and i can play on Gamepad.

DeadlyFire4218d ago

Its basically PC Remote play device like WiiU tablet controller. If they can show NVIDIA GRID + Shield then it might work out alright.

Only impressive feat I see is Tegra 4 outpowering OTON, Ouya, and Gamestick in the Andriod console market.

SilentNegotiator4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

I happen to have a HD6670 and it makes a punchline out of the Wii U.

But there are already plenty of devices that can steam this stuff. It doesn't take anything really special to stream content. I would save money and get what will probably be a cheaper android device and do the same thing with a cheap attachment.

What good is a Tegra4 for the 99.9% of low-demanding android games or even .1% of slightly demanding ones?

I didn't disagree, btw. I can appreciate that based on my comment you might think I didn't realize that part, since I didn't bother mentioning it.

tubers4218d ago

You do know that a pure android device gets up to date software support from Google directly.. There's also negligible to none bloatware.

At the end of the day, it's a better media consumption device than the VITA due to the industry standards the VITA lacks (HDMI, USB, microSD).

The browser will be much better too with html 5 support (Yes, it's android).

It all depends on competitive pricing for this new device of Nvidia.

Kevin ButIer4218d ago

Nvidia should push this tech along with a cellphone maker... i don't see the point of having a handheld console for this kind of service.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4218d ago
likeaboss3024219d ago

Actually it ended up working just fine and they did a couple game demos including connecting to Steam. Props to NVIDIA for doing a demo of what is clearly still beta hardware and software. It looks very promising.

zeal0us4219d ago

Won't be long before we start see those silly "PSVita/3DS killer" article.

EddieNX 4218d ago

This thing is nothing more than a Gizmodo. It makes me angry when people actually get excited about this junk.

like those shmucks who want an Ouya. It's $99 . And it's not even worth $99 at that.

Just go ahead people and buy these useless bits of junk. You and the other 325K people who ever buy one.....

CommonSenseGamer4218d ago

Big difference is that the tegra 4 urinates all over what the Vita can do.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

"Not impressed"

Doesn;t matter It's getting good press and reactions everywhere else.

"Project Shield is a Tegra 4 based console with a Micro SD card slot, a full sized HDMI port, and a MicroUSB port at the back of the controller."
I basically have a console streaming from pc to hdtv..

This plus steam box coming? nice!
Full conference for people who want to see.

rainslacker4218d ago

Almost all new devices get good press and reaction when they are announced, particularly when they are from a company like NVidia, which is continuously researching and developing some of the most advanced chips out there.

If this had been a proprietary console, similar to PS3, 360, Vita, 3DS, etc, then I would have been keenly interested, as it meant another competitor in the market.

As it stands, it's just a handheld droid device, of which I already have several. Likely being a very open platform means it's going to be hacked to all hell, which means very little developer support outside the indie scene. Much the way it is now.

tubers4218d ago


hacked? And so? THD will still continue like it did. Android games will still contiue as it did.

(Android/iOS gaming is steadily growing)

It's sure won't be as bad as a VITA getting hacked.. specially with waning dev support compared to 3DS/iOS/Android.

While you can say "just another droid". It's all relative.

The price is more concerning with this device.

ABizzel14218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

Correction it's Ouya, but better (Tegra 4), that's probably more expensive, but also capable of running PC games via NVIDIA streaming.

Well see how much it cost, but I doubt it's be under $199 seeing how it uses Tegra 4.

More important to me is the design choice. It looks a lot like a MS portable concept. Hmmm. Is this a sign?

Haha1234218d ago

stream console games not ports, and get to play android games with an actual controller. damn time to get rid of my vita

tubers4218d ago

Depends on what you want. If you enjoy a more tradition handheld experience from Sony, you may still appreciate the VITA.

I'm actually interested to play Dead Trigger 2 on it:

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4218d ago
Godchild10204219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

It doesn't look portable at all, for a portable game system

Edit: That screenshot can be misleading, after reading that it's a 5 inch screen. It's still not something that can fit in my pocket and that is what I think a real portable device should be. Among the specifications of the unit and stuff.

ginsunuva4219d ago

Not exactly supposed to be a portable game system. I mean, it is portable. If people can magically carry around tablets (which do NOT fit in your pocket either), then people can put this in their bags too.

But that's something else, because the main point of this device is to stream your games from your PC to the handheld or the tv OR to stream android to the tv.

hellvaguy4219d ago

Arent laptops considered "portable"? And some of those gaming laptops have 17-18" screens.

Think you guys are confusing handheld with portable. I mean they have portable ice fishing houses that seat 4 people, lol.

JoGam4218d ago

I'll say with my Vita. I have a S3 for Droid games

tubers4218d ago

The CEO said that one of its target are those people lugging around controllers that they connect in their android devices for tactile gaming.

So there's that; instead of a (e.g) Nexus 7 and PS3 controller, you bring Shield.

Another nice thing about it is you don't need those accessories to prop up your phablet to sit on a desk or your washboard belly.

It's pretty nifty the fact that it is ALSO an independent Android device (good browser, decent games and app selection... and EMUs).

Depending on pricing, this can put a little dent on the competition both direct and indirect.

But I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

fantasygamer4219d ago

looks like a portable dvd player with the bottom part as a gamepad.

Pandamobile4219d ago

This is amazing. Streaming PC games from your PC, to your living room TV several rooms away.

I had a grin on my face the whole time they were doing the Assassin's Creed and Need for Speed demos.

Bravo, Nvidia.

Godchild10204219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

This video of the device being built had me smiling, like an epic movie. I would love to see those demos for AC and NFS.

EDIT: I found it,

Pandamobile4219d ago

For those who can't seem to read the article or watch the videos, it's not just a mobile gaming platform.

It's an Android device built in the form factor of a controller with a built-in 5" screen. It has a brand new Tegra 4 CPU (4+1 CPU cores, 72 GPU cores).

So naturally it can play Android games, but the big thing they saved for the end of the presentation is the fact that you can stream games from your PC over LAN to the device and play them either on the built-in screen, or connect it to your television for a console gaming experience.

zebramocha4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

@ pan Do you know if the tegra 4 gpu is stronger or on par with current gen?I'd assume its bottleneck would be bandwidth.

Pandamobile4219d ago

Current gen consoles? Probably not. It's more powerful than an iPad 4 though. The appeal for me here isn't playing Android games though. The PC streaming is what makes me want this.

DeadlyFire4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

Its GPU Performance is somewhere around 150-200 Gigaflops at most.

So its under console performance for this generation I believe with X360 and PS3 around 355-400 Gigaflops. Lets keep in mind last generation before with Gamecube, Xbox, and PS2 did fine with under 100 Gflops. Just depends on how the API is utilized. So some PS2/Xbox/Gamecube graphics quality or slightly better quality games could exist on this platform.

SilentNegotiator4219d ago

What changed that people need to take their gaming into the other room, on to a small screen, etc?

FragGen4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

You can stream games from PC already. Today. Right now, With an android device, just get splashtop streamer. It came pre-installed on my TF700. It works surprisingly well.

Even on a ten inch screen it's one of those things where the first time you try it you think "This is amazing" but then after using it for a while you realize how clunky it is playing something on a device whose native control scheme is completely different and is typically displayed on a screen more than twice the size of the device you are using... then you sort of forget about it after a week or so and never use it again. True story.

The TF is probably an even better platform for this since it basically is a laptop with the dock and it supports the PS dual shock 3 (or mouse even) and yet, it's still pretty "meh" once that initial OMG rush is over.

The best way to play PC games is to get a PC. I hear they even make portable ones, now.

Anyone here playing "onlive" these days? Yeah, me neither.

sticky doja4218d ago

Splashtop on an android device isn't the best example because 1) it has to dumb down the resolution and 2) the input devices aren't always designed from the ground up for your device.

I don't see this being that big though. To tap its full potential you need a nice gaming rig and the desire to play in other rooms. I personally already have this as I have my PC in my mancave connected to my A/V receiver which is also connected to my living room. My 360 remote has no problem connecting to my PC in the other room and also have wireless keyboard and mouse that work but truth be told I have no desire to play my PC games in the living room that often.

cee7734218d ago

@sticky doja

you can run splashtop @ your pc's native resolution.

sticky doja4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

@cee773 True you can run it at pc's native resolution but most android devices don't have screens capable of running most gaming PC's native resolutions.

Also most android devices don't have the ability to have HDMI out as well as keyboard/mouse or gamepad connectivity.

Basically if you have $500 to shell out for the TF700 then you don't need to worry about Nvidia's device. If the device debuts for $250 or less which I feel it has to you would be better served for your gaming needs with Nvidia's device.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4218d ago
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NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry

The NVIDIA RTX Remix tool is redefining the gaming industry and the modding community in the best way possible.

Einhander197234d ago

"NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry"

True, the especially for all the industry that gets put out of work by it.

generic-user-name34d ago

Have you ever used a self service checkout in a store? Should we ditch alarm clocks so that we can hire people to shoot peas at our bedroom windows to wake us up like they did in the 1800s?

Einhander197234d ago

Working at a grocery store as a checkout clerk used to be a respectable job that could support a family.

romulus2334d ago

I try to avoid them at all costs, why should we do a cashiers/clerks job without any training and without being paid for it? Comparing people losing their jobs to A.I. to people from the 1800's shooting peas is hilarious, good try though.

just_looken33d ago

Gues you never saw the fast food joints that had ai everything even cooking was done by robots.


GeForce Experience update provides support to 122 new games, Nvidia App takeover isn't here yet

A new GeForce Experience update is finally here, bringing 'optimal settings support' to 122 new games, even as Nvidia App sees development.


Interesting. Diablo IV, Helldivers 2, and Forza Motorsports have been included in the app for a long time.


Nvidia DLSS 3.7 drives a further nail in the coffin of native performance

Nvidia DLSS 3.7 is the latest update to the long-running AI upscaling technology, and it further shows native performance doesn't matter.

DustMan105d ago

I think hardware development is at a point where they need to figure out how to draw less power, These beefy high end cards eat wattage, and I'm curious if using DLSS & AI in general will lower the power draw. It would seem like the days of just adding more VRAM & horsepower is over. Law of diminishing returns. Pretty soon DLSS/FSR will be incorporated into everything, and eventually the tech will be good enough to hardly notice a difference if at all. AI is the future and it would be foolish to turn around and not incorporate it at all. Reliance on AI is only going to pick up more & more.

Tapani105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

DLSS certainly lowers power consumption. Also, the numbers such as the 4090 at 450W does not tell you everything, most of the time the GPU stays between 200-350W in gameplay, which is not too different from the highest end GPU of 10 years ago. Plus, today you can undervolt + OC GPUs by a good margin to keep stock performance while utilizing 80% of the power limit.

You can make the 4090 extremely power efficient and keep 90% of its performance at 320W.

However, in today's world the chip manufacturing is limited by physics and we will have power increases in the next 5-10 years at the very least to keep the technology moving forward at a pace that satisfies both businesses and consumers.

Maybe in 10 years we have new tech coming to the markets which we are yet to invent or perhaps we can solve existing technologies problems with manufacturing or cost of production.

On the other hand, if we were to solve the energy problem on earth by utilizing fusion and solar etc. it would not matter how much these chips require. That being said, in the next 30-40 years that is a pipedream.

MrBaskerville104d ago

I don't think fusion is the way forward. It will mosy likely be too late when it's finally ready, meaning it will probably never be ready. Something else might arrive before though and then it becomes viable.

Firebird360104d ago

We need to stop the smear campaign on nuclear energy.
We could power everything forever if we wanted too.

Tacoboto105d ago

PS4 Pro had dedicated hardware in it for supporting checkerboard rendering that was used significantly in PS4 first party titles, so you don't need to look to PC or even modern PC gaming. The first RTX cards released nearly 6 years ago, so how many nails does this coffin need?

InUrFoxHole105d ago

Well... its a coffin man. So atleast 4?

Tacoboto105d ago

PSSR in the fall can assume that role.

anast105d ago

and those nails need to be replaced annually

Einhander1972105d ago

I'm not sure what the point you're trying to make is, but PS4 Pro was before DLSS and FSR, and it still provides one of the highest performance uplifts while maintaining good image quality.

DLSS is it's own thing but checkerboarding om PS5 still is a rival to the likes of FSR2.

Tacoboto105d ago

Um. That is my point. That there have been so many nails in this "native performance" coffin and they've been getting hammered in for years, even on PS4 Pro before DLSS was even a thing.

RaidenBlack104d ago

Don't know what's OP's point is either but ... checkerboard rendering was good enough for its time but in terms of image quality its wayy behind what's DLSS 3 or FSR 3 is currently offering.
The main point of the article and what OP missed here is that DLSS 3.7 is soo good that its nearly undisguisable from native rendering and basically throws the "its still blurry and inferior to native rendering" debacle, (that's been going around in PC community since 2019), right out of the window.

Einhander1972104d ago


DLSS is as i said a different thing from FSR and checkerboard.

But you're talking about FSR 3 which probably is better than checkerboard, but FSR 3 has only started to get games this year, so checkerboard which was the first hardware upscaling solution was and is still one of the best upscaling solutions.

Give credit where credit is due, PlayStation was first and they got it right from the get go, and PSSR will almost certainly be better than it will be given credit for, heck digital foundry is already spreading misinformation about the Pro.

Rhythmattic104d ago

Yes... Its amazing how many talekd about KZ2 deferred rendering, pointing out the explosions were lower res than the frame itself..
And of course, Then the idea of checkerboard rendering, not being native....
For sure, maybe this tech makes it minimal while pixel counting, but alas, seems performance and close enough , and not native now matters.....
I want to see it run native without DLSS.. why not?

RonsonPL105d ago

Almost deaf person:
- lightweight portable 5$, speakers of 0,5cm diameter are the final nail in coffin of Hi-Fi audio!

Some people in 2010:
- smartphones are the final nain in the console gaming's coffin!

This is just the same.
AI upscalling is complete dogshit in terms of motion quality. The fact that someone is not aware of it (look at the deaf guy example) doesn't mean the flaws are not there. They are. And all it takes to see them, is to use a display that handles motion well, so either gets true 500fps at 500Hz LCD TN or OLED (or faster tech) or uses low persistence mode (check if you don't know what it means) also known as Black Frame Insertion or backlight strobing.

Also, image ruined by any type of TAA is just as "native image" as chineese 0,5$ screwdriver is "high quality, heavy duty, for professional use". It's nowhere near it. But if you're an ignorant "journalist", you will publish crap like this article, just to flow with the current.

There's no coffin to native res quality and there never will be. Eventually, we'll have enough performance in rasterization to drive 500fps, which will be a game changer for motion quality while also adding other benefit - lower latency.
And at 500fps, the amount of time required for upscalling makes it completely useless.
This crap is only usable for cinematic stuff, like cutscenes and such. Not for gaming. Beware of ignorants on the internet. The TAA is not "native" and the shitty look of the modern games when you disable any TAA, is not "native" either as it's ruined by the developer's design choice - you can cheat by rendering every 4th pixel when you plan to put a smeary TAA pass on it later on. When you disable it, you will see a ruined image, horrible pixellation and other visual "glitches" but it is NOT what native would've looked like if you'd like to honestly compare the two.

Stay informed.

RaidenBlack104d ago

Main point of the article is how far DLSS has come with v3.7 since 2018. If this is what we're getting already, then imagine what we'll get within next ~3 years. Yes parity will obviously be there compared to the then native rendering tech but it'll slowly narrow down to the point it'll be indistinguishable.
Something similar is like the genAI Sora ... AI generative videos were turd back when they were introduced (the infamous Will Smith eating video) ... but now look at Sora, generating videos that just looks like real life.

RonsonPL85d ago

You can improve quality but you will never be able to reach native quality in motion. The biggest part of why these upscallers are so praised is because they use previous frame data. You cannot do that without degrading latency and/or hurting the motion quality. If you put another flaw on top of it, coming from sample and hold method of displaying image, or coming from low framerate, sure, the difference between "screwed up image" vs. "image screwed up even more" may seem small or non-existent. But if you talk about gaming, not interactive movies, the upscallers are overhyped and harfmul tech for the gamers and the whole gaming industry. For example, a game designed around screwed up motion, like the TAA enabled games, will never be played with improved quality even 100 years later when hardware allows for native 16K res. The motion quality will be broken and even if you disable the AA pass, you will still get the broken image, cause the devs were designing their effects with smeary filter in mind - this is why you can disable TAA in some games today, manually, with some tinkering, but you get 1 to 16 understampled crap.
It's annoying that nobody seems to understand the serious drawbacks of AI assisted upscallers. Everyone just praises it and calling it a great revolution. Don't get me wrong. AI has its place in rendering. But NOT in gaming.

104d ago
Yui_Suzumiya104d ago

How much VRAM is standard today? My laptop has a 1080p QLED display but only an Intel Iris Xe with 128MB of VRAM. I currently do all my gaming on it but certain titles do suffer because of it. I plan on getting a Steam Deck OLED soon to play the newer and more demanding titles.

purple101104d ago

Maybe better to get a budget gaming laptop and link a dualsense to it

= Portable console with far better graphics than a steam deck! + bigger screen and able to use it for work / etc