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This Is How Assassin’s Creed 4 Will Look If It Is Set In China

GB - "Have you wondered how Assassin’s Creed 3 will look when set in China? Well a skilled user from Deviant Art has done just that by creating some of the most gorgeous artworks ever known to man, in fact, it’s so awesome that he or she should actually get hired by Ubisoft for the pure awesomeness on display."

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halocursed4278d ago
Irishguy954278d ago

Wut? There's not enough Muricans in Ancient China. So they don't have any flags to wave around the front of the case. To appeal to Americans/

Syntax-Error4278d ago

That looks like shit. Assassins Creed in China would be a bad idea.

ZombieNinjaPanda4278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

Are you kidding me? Oriental Assassins Creed would be such a breath of fresh air for the series. Looks bad ass too without being cheesy.


The American Revolution was something decent in innovation for the series.

Cam9774278d ago

Shut up, at least it's more innovative, unique and inspirational than boring, old, overused America.

T3MPL3TON 4278d ago

So you brits are still mad about Assassin's Creed huh? Europe is boring. It's been done in every fashion possible. America has been done in every fashion possible. It's time to go to Asia.

Electroshocked4278d ago

Woah, the concept art looks amazing. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel that China should definitely be the setting for Assassin's Creed IV it just feels right.

BattleAxe4278d ago

China was probably a very interesting place before the Communists took over.

blackbeld4278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

Assasin Creed in China will be awesome.

You get to deal with Ninja's, Shoalin's, Tai Chi and a lot Kung Fu clans.

He should learn some Martial Arts before he get to China otherwise he get killed to easy.

Blastoise4278d ago


"Europe is boring" dude, really?
The ENTIRE of Europe is boring? Whatever you say...

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Summons754278d ago

Ummmm there wasn't any "muricans" in assassins creed 1,2 or its two follow ups. Also, assassins creed isn't even developed in "Murcia" so get off your high horse and stop being butthurt they chose one era in history verse another.

killershadow1174278d ago

What the heck man. Just because one game was set in America means that it is a game "Muricans" play to be all about America? Did you forget that the first game was set in the middle east and the second was in Italy.

Root4278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

I'm not sticking up for him...but with the first two games it didn't really give off the "AMERICA F*** YEAH" vibe in the games like AC3

The thing is in the war between Americans and the redcoats both sides did some horrible things, both sides were as bad as each other but AC3 dumbs down what the Americans did and exaggerateswhat the redcoats did to make it one sided and that the redcoats were like completely evil.

It's the reason I havent been able to finish the game...well more because the main character sucks and it's boring story but you get the idea.

killershadow1174278d ago

I think you should finish the game, then you probably wouldn't call it dumbed down. I'm not going to spoil anything for you but it does have some stuff that does put America in a bad light. I do agree with you that this main character and story are definitely not the best of the series.

Root4278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

I'm close to the end and I havent seen crap yet that goes against the Americans

It's one redcoat thing after another....oh look a templar....oh he's British AGAIN how did I not see that coming.

Course they dumbed it down...

George Washington was supposed to be bad from the start, he held the apple to win the war which is what past AC games tell us...LOOK IT UP BEFORE YOU DISAGREE...but they changed it in this game incase they risked ticking off Americans. Instead they created Haytham, an amazing character, and his group to fill Georges place and the rest of the founding fathers, they were supposed to be the templar group from the start from what they codex pages told us in the first two games. Haytham should of been a good guy to help you near the end.

ChocolateGiddyUp4278d ago

Almost every American character in this game is portrayed as an asshole or an idiot. I don't think the French-Canadians at Ubisoft care about trying to appeal to us.

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Thatlalala4278d ago


Connor eventually does tell G.W to eff off, and realizes all his work in the end to save his village was futile. It just ends up being sold by a U.S. Senator. So the whole Murica Eff yeah feeling is more or less, is wow they're just as bad as the britsh.

ZombieNinjaPanda4278d ago

He's most likely talking about the advertising and the way the game was presented to everyone.

FuzzyPooka4278d ago

Of course. Connor was FIGHTING the British. Whatever side he is on is going to be portrayed in a better light. Plus, in essence, Patriots= Assassins, British= Templars. My opinion? F*** YEAH 'MURICA!!!

Knight_Crawler4278d ago ShowReplies(2)
HorrorGod4278d ago

I personally have found out most people with your opinion of ACIII, have either not played the game or didn't finish it at all.
I just started playing ACIII and love it. I'm enjoying the character development. I like that the game has had a slow build up and that I wasn't some big-bad ass-powerful assassin right out of the box.

Also, when people say ACIII has this "America F'Yeah" vibe, I wonder if they thought AC had a "Middle East F'Yeah" vibe, or ACII had an "Italy F'Yeah" vibe...

Root4278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

"I wonder if they thought AC had a "Middle East F'Yeah" vibe, or ACII had an "Italy F'Yeah" vibe"

No it didn't...those games didn't shove it in your face, they just got on with the game and the story. Thats what makes AC3 differnt

Threydor4278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

"I personally have found out most people with your opinion of ACIII, have either not played the game or didn't finish it at all."
"I just started playing ACIII and love it."
You just did the same thing... hypocrite.

HorrorGod4278d ago

Well, I personally have not felt an "American F'yeah" vibe shoved in my face. I don't feel that this game has shoved any side down my throat, any more than the previous AC games have. But I guess that's just me.

@Threydor: You are correct. I apologize. As where others have felt that vibe from the very beginning, I have yet to feel it -- and I'm 6 hours in.

Jessika_S4278d ago

you better wake up, this is a girls dream.

JaredH4278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

Who cares? Seriously, who? The game isn't the best in the series and was a minor let down to me by being more of the same, even with the drastic change in scenery and setting.

I also didn't get any of the "America's so great" vibe. Do you know how it ends? SPOILER with slavery and other depressing themes like Native Americans losing their land END SPOILER. Yup, "America F*** yeah", indeed.

Furthermore, the game takes place during the American Revolution. Having the first American flag in marketing kind of spells that out for people.

OmegaSlayer4278d ago

I would hire this guy if I were Ubisoft

Max-Zorin4273d ago

Were you brutally assaulted by an American or something?

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Yi-Long4278d ago

Yes. I've been begging for an Assassin's Creed game set in Asia for many years now. It would be perfect, with the different martial arts, clans, families, government vs rebels, monks, etc etc.

Gorgeous artwork btw. I have no doubt this artist would be able to land a job as a concept artist.

Enate4278d ago

I agree 100% the way the combat system has evolved my oh my. Martial arts in this continuously improved combat system within Assassins creed just seems to sit together like a perfect idea.

Sidewinder-4278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

Ninja Creed

It could never be that complex.

Would be too much for the casual/baby fanbase majority.

wenaldy4278d ago

There's no Ninja in China

blackbeld4278d ago

Ninja's are all over in Asia. Not only Japan. They are assassins of asia. China has a lot!

HorrorGod4278d ago

I don't think you will get any disagrees. A lot of fans have wanted an AC that takes place in China or Japan.
I hope we get one. Even if it's not "Assassin's Creed 4" and just some sequel with a subtitle (like Brotherhood/Revelations.)

Simon_Brezhnev4278d ago

Yeah i really want one based in China. I like China ancient history more than Japan.

UnholyLight4278d ago

I feel like they will make a very bad choice by skipping out an AC set in China/Japan whatever. Honestly would have that over the American Revolution ANY DAY. I HATE AC3, because it is piss poor in comparison to Altair in AC1 and Ezio in AC2.

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brodychet4278d ago

That art. They're all so amazing.

aviator1894278d ago

I agree.
I would have thought these were official.

BanBrother4278d ago

I was looking at his other pics as well, phenomenal. Although I don't care for WoW, he had done some pretty amazing stuff in that as well.

I think people have been asking for ages for a Ninja/Japan or a Samurai/China (Either is fine, I'd prefer a more dark samurai game as there is no shortage of ninja games).

All in all, I am tired of Assassin's Creed games, as good as they are, but something like this would really freshen it up.

BlmThug4278d ago

This would be epic :D as a launch title for the next gen consoles too

MaleManSam4278d ago

I hope they eventually get around to doing the Russian revolution with lenin, trotsky and stalin and then getting onto world war 2. That'd be pretty epic. So much material there.

Blackdeath_6634278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

personally i don't want any more AC games. i already lost interest in the series but for people who didn't i fear that ubisoft does to AC fans what it did to prince of persia fans milk the series for all its worth make a movie and just leave it.

ZombieNinjaPanda4278d ago

Agreed with Blackdeath

If they start getting into those eras, call it something new perhaps. Even with China I'd rather have it called something else, because then they'd just be riding off the Assassins Creed title to make money.

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Leaked Early Prototype Footage Reveals Development Stages Of Several Assassin's Creed Games

Prototype footage from several of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed titles has leaked, revealing early stages of their development.

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The Best Pirate-Themed Video Games (Not Skull and Bones)

BY JASON MONROE: The very best pirate-themed video games that you should play instead of the disappointment that is Skull and Bones.

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thorstein205d ago

PoE: Deadfire, Unless you have a or PS5 or an SSD don't bother, loading times are insane. A minute and a half to go into a room to investigate a desk in an inn and then an additional 1 1/2 minutes to leave the room and then load to leave the inn???

And they never fixed it.


Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag vs Skull and Bones Video Comparison Is an Eye-Opener

Ubisoft has just released Skull and Bones on PC and consoles. And, from the looks of it, the game wasn’t received well by some gamers. Not only that but it appears that Skull and Bones can be worse than Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, a game that came out a decade ago.

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OtterX219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

I wanted a Black Flag sequel so bad. It's still my favorite AC entry. The fact that they ignored everything that we loved about that game in this "spiritual successor" is making me enjoy watching this game crash and burn quite a bit. Either do it right or don't do it at all. (I understand the legal binding they got themselves into with the Singapore government to release this game at all costs)

/grabs popcorn

isarai219d ago

My thing is, if the Singapore govt was forcing you to do it at all cost, why not make what people wanted? How did ubi delay it for 5yrs, then again for 1yr and not just make a similar experience to black flag? How do you spend so much time and make so little?

Chocoburger218d ago

Ubisoft did make a sequel, Assassin's Creed: Rogue. It has a short campaign, and its packed with filler side quests for upgrades, but it's still a decent time.

It released on the same day as Assassin's Creed: Unity, so it was mostly forgotten.

porkChop219d ago

11 years of development. Multiple restarts. All the while people have been saying they don't want some pirate game where you can't even get off your ship. 11 years of people telling Ubisoft all they want is a pirate game that's basically Black Flag without any of the assassin or animus stuff. Yet they still served up this trash that no one wanted, charged $70 for it, and had the balls to call it AAAA.

The Guillemot family honestly needs to be forced out of Ubisoft. They've doubled down on everything players don't like about their games, they want AI to create "rough drafts" of their stories rather than letting their writers do their jobs, and they literally do not give a shit what their playerbase actually wants. 5-6 years ago their stock was worth more than 4x what it's currently worth. The company is dying.

Jin_Sakai219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

What has happened to developers? How can you possible make a worse looking game 11 years later? It’s honestly mind boggling.

darksky218d ago

It's because the older developers were better at it. The new generation pass most of their exams by copying code from around the web so are not nearly as good at understanding what they are developing.

LucasRuinedChildhood218d ago (Edited 218d ago )

No, here's the truth:
This was made in Singapore and it's the first game of this scale to be made there. Ubisoft would probably cancel it normally since it clearly wasn't shaping up well but they were getting government grants to try build up the industry there.

Do you really think game developers are radically different than just 10 years ago? And this game has been development since Black Flag released.

Using one crap game to trash a whole industry of developers is stupid. It's like saying "Alien Colonial Marines proves that game developers suck now."

yeahokwhatever218d ago

i know this to be at least part of the puzzle from experience.

senorfartcushion218d ago

It's the multiplayer aspect of the world. MP games look worse than single player games, period. Every comparison we keep seeing are for games like Gotham Knights, Suicide Squad and Skull and Bones. They all have multiplayer focusses.

SyntheticForm219d ago

God, I'd love a remake of Black Flag.

Yi-Long218d ago

Enough has been said about this game already. The gaming world shrugged when it was announced so many years ago, and instead of listening to all the criticisms from the community back then, Ubi just sailed on and kept making a game nobody really wanted. What a waste of money and effort.

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